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Artemisia annua





Clinical research courses

Risk of QT interval prolongation

New Zealand. Medsafe has announced that patients taking natural health products containing Artemisia annua may be at risk of QT interval prolongation.

Artemisia annua, (also known as Qing hao, Sweet Annie or Sweet Wormwood) dried herb or extract are constituents in several natural health products available in New Zealand. Artemisinin is a constituent of Artemisia annua and its derivatives form artemisininbased combination therapies for treating malaria. New Zealand does not have a register of herbal medicines or an approval system for natural health products.

Health-care professionals should advise patients at risk of QT prolongation to carefully check the ingredients of natural health products and dietary supplements before use. Patients taking medicines that can cause QT-prolongation or patients who are at risk of QT interval prolongation should avoid taking products containing Artemisia annua.

Reference : Prescriber Update, Medsafe, September 2019