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Job for Pharmacy graduates as Technical Assistant at NITM - Pay Matrix Rs. 35,400-1,12,400

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Job for Pharmacy graduates as Technical Assistant at NITM

Situated at Belagavi in Karnataka, the ICMR-National Institute of Traditional Medicine (Formerly known as RMRC Belagavi) conducts research on traditional and herbal medicines and on diseases of local health importance.The Institute is envisaged as a major Resource Centre for development of herbal technologies and products for prevention and treatment of major diseases including metabolic and hepatic disorders, ulcer, enteric diseases etc.

Post : Technical Assistant

Online applications are invited upto 15-10-2024 till 5:30 PM for the following posts under Technical Cadre on Regular basis at ICMR-NITM, Belagavi. Candidature of Applicants shall be purely PROVISIONAL at all stages of the recruitment process.

No. of posts : 03
Pay Matrix Level : Level 6 of 7 th CPC (Rs. 35,400-1,12,400)
Classification of post : Group- B Technical (Non-Ministerial)
Age Limit : Not exceeding 30 years
Post code : TA-01 
Discipline : Pharmacology & Toxicology 01 (One)* – OBC 
Educational Qualification : First class bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy/ relevant subject (Pharmacology) from a recognized university in relevant field.
Post code : TA-02 
Discipline : Natural Product Chemistry 01 (One)* – UR 
Educational Qualification : First class three years bachelor’s degree in Science/ relevant subject (Chemistry) from a recognized university in relevant field. OR First class three year’s Engg. Diploma (Chemistry / Chemical Engg) from a recognized Institute with two years’ experience in relevant field (Natural Product Chemistry). OR First-class Engineering / Technology degree in Chemistry / Chemical Engg / relevant subject.
Post code : TA-03 
Discipline : Ethnomedicine / Medicinal Plants 01 (One)* – UR 
Educational Qualification : First class three years bachelor’s degree in Science/ relevant subject (Botany / Plant Science) from a recognized university in relevant field.

How to Apply
1. Candidates should apply only through online mode, once the link is activated in the website (Please refer Annexure X for guidelines). 
2. Valid email id and mobile number is mandatory for online application process. 
3. Application fee (non–refundable) of Rs. 300/- (Three hundred only). SC/ST, Persons with Disabilities (PwD), Ex- Servicemen and Women candidates are exempted from application fee. ICMR employees are not exempted from payment of application fee. Application fee is to be paid by candidates through online mode during the application process. The fee once deposited will neither be refunded under any circumstances whatsoever nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection. The fees paid is non-transferable. 
4. Candidates interested to apply for different posts should submit separate applications for each post and pay the applicable fees separately. 
5. The candidates need to upload the self-attested copies of the following documents along with duly completed online application form.
• Proof of Date of Birth.
• SSC / SSLC / X th Certificate.
• HSC / PUC / XII th Certificate.
• Mark sheets of Bachelor’s Degree (Semester /year wise).
• Bachelor’s Degree / Diploma / Engineering Degree Certificate (Convocation / Passing Certificate).
• Proof of Work Experience in relevant field from Government recognized organizations/Institutes. (if applicable)
• Proof of Experience for age relaxation for the candidates working in the Govt. Sector in the prescribed format – Annexure I. (if applicable)
• Proof of Category i.e. SC / ST / OBC/ PwD / Ex-Servicemen. (if applicable)
• No Objection Certificate Annexure II. (If applicable)
• Details of Experience for candidates working in ICMR Projects – Annexure III
[Note: All documents must be submitted at the time of application only. Later submission will not be considered]

6. Candidates are advised to visit ICMR-NITM websites ( )regularly for the updated status of the recruitment. 7. All correspondence with candidates will be done only to their registered email id. All information regarding examination schedule/admit card etc. will be provided through email. 
8. Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of admit card/any other information shall be of the candidate. 
9. ICMR-NITM will not be responsible for any loss of email sent, due to invalid/wrong email ID provided by the candidate or for delay/non-receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his/her mail/website in time. 
10. Selection for the Technical Assistant posts will be through CBT (Computer Based Test). CBT (Computer Based Test) will be conducted for 100 marks. 
11. The candidates will be allowed to appear in the online computer-based test only if they possess valid photo admit card. 
12. The candidates working in the Central / State / Govt. Departments / Public Sector undertakings etc., must submit “No Objection Certificate and Vigilance Clearance Certificate” from the current employer, failing which the application will be summarily rejected. 
13. The candidates applying in response to the advertisement, in their own interest, are advised to satisfy themselves regarding eligibility for the post applied for. They must ensure that they fulfil the eligibility criteria i.e. age, essential qualification, experience, reservation, etc. as on the last date of application. 
14. In case, at any stage of recruitment or even after appointment, if it has come to the notice that any of the candidates does not fulfil the required qualifications in respect of the above mentioned eligibility criteria or has furnished any wrong or false or misleading information in the application form or has suppresses any information, his / her candidature will automatically stand cancelled without assigning any reason or notice thereof and no enquiry / request / correspondence will be entertained in this regard. 15. No age relaxation will be given to SC / ST / OBC (non-creamy layer) candidates applying for the Unreserved post as per Govt. of India order No.36011/1/98/Estt(Res.) dated 1-7-1998 and as amended from time to time.. 
16. Age relaxation will be given to SC / ST / OBC (non-creamy layer) candidates applying for the reserved post as per Govt. of India order No.43013/2-95-Estt(SCT), dated 25-1-1995 and as amended from time to time 
17. Relaxation of age limit would be permissible to such persons with disability who have minimum of 40% disability. The candidate needs to attach the relevant disability certificate, issued by the Competent Medical Authority of State/Govt. of India; for claiming age relaxation, failing which no age relaxation shall be considered. 
18. The crucial date to determine the age is the last date of application. Person working in ICMR projects continuously shall also be eligible for age relaxation up to five years, provided he /she has entered into project service within prescribed age limit for the post. 
19. Date, time and venue of CBT (Computer Based Test) will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates through registered email id and no enquiry / request in this regard will be entertained. 
20. Ninety five percent (95%) weightage will be given to the marks scored by the candidate in the CBT (Computer Based Test), and 5% weightage will be given for research / lab / field experience in any Government recognized / approved / registered institution or Organisation obtained as prescribed in the recruitment rule / advertisement.

21. The 5 % weightage for post Essential Qualification research / lab / field experience in any Government recognised / approved / registered Institution or Organisation will be added to the marks scored by the candidate in the CBT as mentioned below : 
Relevant Experience & Weightage (marks)
> 1 and up to 2 years : 1
> 2 and < 4 years : 2
> 4 and < 6 years : 3
> 6 and < 8 years : 4
> = 8 years : 5
22. No TA/DA will be paid to the shortlisted candidates to attend the CBT (Computer Based Test, and the candidates will have to make their own arrangements. 
23. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or to bring political or other outside influence with regard to the selection / recruitment shall be treated as disqualification. 
24. The period of probation will be for Two years from the date of joining. Other terms and conditions regarding probation will be as per the rules of ICMR / GoI issued from time to time. 
25. Pay and other allowances are admissible as per ICMR rules/ GoI issued from time to time. Benefits of new restricted defined Contributory Pension is admissible for new entrants as per provision contained in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (ECB /& PR Division) Notification No / 5/7/2003 – ECB & PR dated 22-12-2003 effective from 11-2004. 
26. In the event of any false information furnished or suppression of any material in the application coming to notice, at any point of time during the recruitment process or thereafter, of a person, his/her candidature/services would be liable to be terminated. 
27. The Director, ICMR-NITM reserves the rights for following: 
a. To fix criteria for screening the applications so as to limit the number of candidates to be called for CBT (Computer Based Test). 
b. Increase / Decrease number of vacancies at any stage of selection process. 
c. Fill up or not to fill up the advertised post without assigning any reason thereof. 
d. Rectify any inadvertent error or omission in the advertisement, at any stage of the recruitment process, by notifying it on the ICMR and ICMR-NITM websites.

Due to technical issues, the applications are invited offline instead of online for the posts of Technical Assistant at ICMR-NITM, Belagavi. Also, the last date of receipt of applications is extended upto 18-10-2024 upto 5:30 PM. Application format (pdf file) alongwith Annexure I, II and III are hereby attached. 
Duly filled and signed application form along with necessary essential documents and application fees of Rs.300/- (non-refundable) in the form of Demand Draft in favour of “Director, ICMR-NITM, Belagavi” payable at Belagavi should be sent in a sealed envelope with superscript as Post Code “_______” and “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANT _________________” to the following address through Speed post / Registered post. The application must reach us latest by 18-10-2024 till 5:30 pm. Applications received by hand will not be considered.
Address: The Director,
ICMR- National Institute of Traditional Medicine,
Nehru Nagar, Belagavi - 590 010.

Last Date : upto 15-10-2024 till 5:30 PM
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