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Walk-in: Post for Project Assistant Level - I, II & III at Indian Institute of Chemical Technology - 12 Vacancies

Clinical research courses

Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad is a premier R&D Institute in India. The Institute had its origin as the Central Laboratories for Scientific & Industrial Research (CLSIR), established in 1944 by the then Government of Hyderabad State. After integration of Hyderabad State with the Indian Union, the laboratory expanded with its growing activities. The main building was formally opened by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India on January 2, 1954. In 1956, the Central Laboratories came under the aegis of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi and was renamed Regional Research Laboratory, Hyderabad (RRL-H).

IICT is conducting Walk-in-lnterview for the positions of Project Assistant Level-I, II & III on a purely temporary basis for the sponsored projects. The requirement for the projects is as under:



Project Title & Position

Essential Qualifications & Experience

Job Requirement

Date & Reporting Time for Interview


King Saud University

Project Assistant Level-ll (One Position)

1st Class in M.Sc.(Organic Chemistry) with 2 years research experience in synthetic organic chemistry

To involve in synthesis of natural product and designed molecules of biological importance.

21-09-2011 Between 09.00 A.M TO 10.00 A.M.


Solvent Extraction Separation of Rare Earth Elements from Chloride Solutions

Project Assistant Level-ll (Two Positions)

1st Class in M. Sc. (Analytical Chemistry) with experience in the area of solvent extraction of rare-earths

To   carryout   systematic   solvent extraction studies for the separation of rare-earth  elements from  chloride solutions


Modeling of Flow in Screw Expeller & In-house Projects

Project Assistant Level-Ill (Two Positions)

1st Class in M.Tech.(Mechanical Engineering) with experience in computational fluid dynamics

To study flow phenomenon in screw expellers & experimental validation. Develop experimental prototype table top expeller for rural use.


Safety Management

Project Assistant Level-I (One Position)

1st Class in B.Sc.(Chemistry as one of the subject) with experience in safety management are preferable

i)   Fire Extinguishers Inspection

ii)  Management of surplus chemicals

iii)   Refilling and Inspection of First Aid

iv)  Management of Bio-medical waste

v)   Fire Fighting etc.


Development of Technology for a rapid and continuous process for bio-diesel from crude non-edible oils for large commercial plants

Project Assistant Level-ll (One Position)

1st Class in B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) with one year R&D or industry experience

To assist the team in carrying out experiments.

22-09-2011 Between 09.00 A.M TO 10.00 A.M.


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Project Title & Position

Essential Qualifications & Experience

Job Requirement

Date & Reporting Time for Interview


Protein    Coated    Polymers    for Diagnostics

Project Assistant Level-ll (One Position)

1st Class in M.Sc.(Biochemistry)/ B.Tech. (Biotechnology) with 2 years experience in enzyme immobilization or enzyme kinetics in a reputed lab are preferable.

Immobilization of enzymes on polymer supports, characterization and kinetics of immobilized enzymes.

22-09-2011 Between 09.00 A.M TO 10.00 A.M.


Supra Institutional Project

Project Assistant Level-ll (One Position)

1st Class in M.Sc.(Organic Chemistry) with experience in HPLC handling

To assist the Scienctist in synthesizing the organic molecules (particularly nanotubes) and have the knowledge of HPLC & GC


Supra Institutional Project

Project Assistant Level-ll (One Position)

1st Class in M.Sc.(Biotechnology) with one year R&D experience in mammalian cell culture and stem cells

To handle day-to-day cell culturing protocols and maintenance of mammalian cells/primary neuronal cultures


Supra Institutional Project

Project Assistant Level-ll (One Position)

1st Class in M.Sc.(Life Sciences/ Microbiology) with one year experience in mammalian cell culture & bacterial cloning.

Handling of Drug screening in mammalian cell culture & bacterial cloning


Supra Institutional Project

Project Assistant Level-ll (One Position)

1st Class in M.Sc.(Bioinformatics) with one year R&D experience in Bioinformatics

To handle bioinformatics, molecular modeling and structure based drug discovery and should be aware of software's like Auto Dock, Liq builder etc.

                                       Remuneration    Age        Upper age limit relaxable upto
Project Assistant Level-III  Rs. 14,000/-     32 years        5 year for SC/ST/PWD/
                                                                                   WOMEN and 3 years for
                                                                                   OBC candidates

Project Assistant Level-II   Rs. 12,000/-     28 years                   -do-
Project Assistant Level-I    Rs. 8,000/-       25 years                   -do-

The Selection will be on the basis of Interview. The engagement will be initially for a period of six months/one year, which may be extended or curtailed depending on the duration of the tenure of sponsored project/satisfactory performance or conduct of the appointee, as the case may be. The engagement will be purely on temporary basis for the sponsored project and does not entitle him/her for the CSIR/IICT post/fellowship.

Eligible candidates may download the application form from our website and appear for Interview along with the duly filled in application form supported by Bio-data and one set of attested photo copies of Certificates of educational qualification, age, experience, caste (in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates), latest passport size photograph and the candidates are required to bring all the original certificates for verification. The interviews will be held on the date and time mentioned above at IICT, Tarnaka, Uppal Road, Hyderabad-500 607.

No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Note: Results awaited, Pursuing and Candidates with other than the above mentioned qualifications will not be allowed to attend the Interview.

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