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Applications invited for posts of Scientist / Sr. Scientist in various disciplines at CSIR – CDRI | Total 20 posts

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CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow is a premier R&D Institute under the aegis of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi which is an autonomous body under Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India. The institute is engaged in the development of new drugs and diagnostics in various therapeutic areas like malaria, tuberculosis, filarial, leishmania, cancer, thrombosis, hypertension, dementia, diabetes, lipid disorders, gastric ulcer, osteoporosis, prostatic hyperplasia, etc. supported by very competent team of chemists and biologists. The institute is carrying out pioneering works on cellular and molecular studies to understand these disease processes, systematic evaluation of the medicinal properties of natural products and synthetic molecules, development of technology for drugs, intermediates and biological. The institute also has a robust programme in developing human resource for future requirement of the pharmaceutical industry and R&D institutions.

Applications on the prescribed forms are invited from the eligible Indian Nationals for the following scientific posts:-

Pay: Pay Band PB-3 Rs.15,600-39,100 with Grade Pay of Rs.7,600/- (Gross Emoluments approximately Rs. 56,968/- p.m.)
Age limit : 37 Years.

Post Code: 10 : Discipline: Pharmacology (01 Post)
Essential Qualification : Ph.D. in Life Sciences and two years experience in relevant area.
Desirable Qualification: Experience in GPCRs, receptor binding, functional assays/CNS Pharmacology/animal models of neurological and psychological disorders. Experience should be supported by publications in high impact journals.
Job Requirement : Studies in CNS and related pathologies

Post Code 11 : Discipline: Pharmacology (01 post)
Essential Qualification : Ph.D. in Life Sciences and two years experience in relevant area.
Desirable Qualification: Experience in cardiovascular Pharmacology, Immunology, Cell biology, vascular biology, coagulation cascade. Experience should be supported by publications in high impact journals.
Job Requirement: Clinical Studies in cardiovascular pathologies.

Post Code 12: Discipline: Pharmacology (01 post)
Essential Qualification: MBBS plus Ph.D (Pharmacology) OR Ph.D(Pharmacology) and two years experience in relevant area.
Desirable Qualification : Experience in Inflammation Immunology, Cell culture, RT-PCR, FACS analysis, Immuno-histochemistry and ELISA. Experience should be well supported by publications in high impact journals.
Job Requirement: Biochemical, molecular & immuno-pharmacological studies.

Post Code: 13: Discipline Pharmacology (01 post)
Essential Qualification : - Ph.D. in Biochemistry/Biotechnology and two years experience in relevant area.
Desirable Qualification: Experience in cloning, sub cloning, gene expression using electroportion and retro and adenovirus, protein expression, purification, MALDI-TOF systems and protein-protein interactions. The candidate should be well experienced in protein biochemistry studies in CVS/CNS diseases. Experience should be well supported by publications in high impact journals.
Job requirement: Molecular studies in cardiovascular and central nervous system pathologies.

Post Code: 14: Discipline: Parasitology (01 post)
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. in Life Sciences / Microbiology/ Immunology / Biotechnology /Biochemistry and two years experience in relevant area.
Desirable Qualification: Post doctoral research experience in the area of experimental chemotherapy, immunology, molecular biology of malaria as evidenced by research publications.
Job requirement: The selected candidate will be expected to develop and execute R&D projects on development of newer therapeutic and prophylactic modalities for malaria. Theincumbent should be willing to actively participate in the ongoing malaria drug discovery programme at the institute.

Post Code: 15 : Discipline: Parasitology (01 post)
Essential Qualification: Ph.D in Life Sciences/ Microbiology/ Immunology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry and two years experience in relevant area.
Desirable Qualification : Post doctoral research experience in the immunological aspects of infectious diseases to identify host and pathogen targets for drug and vaccine development against infections, as evidenced by research publications.
Job Requirement : The selected candidate will be expected to develop a research programme which will focus on development of newer therapeutic and prophylactic interventions for filariasis.

Post Code: 16: Discipline: Fungal/Microbial (01 Post)
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. in Microbiology/Life Science/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology and two years experience in bacteriology/mycology.
Desirable Qualification : Experience in medical microbiology/molecular microbiology/antifungal and/or antibacterial drug development along with animal handling.
Job Requirement: Understanding the mechanism of microbial pathogenesis, and host-pathogen interaction. The candidate will be responsible for bio-evaluation of antifungal/antibacterial agents and exploration of their mechanism of action.

Post Code 17: Discipline: Microbiology (01 post)
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. in Microbiology/Biotechnology/Life Sciences and two years experience in bacterial pathogens/micro-organisms.
Desirable Qualification: Post doctoral experience in the areas of molecular and cellular microbiology, mycobacteria, bacterial pathogenesis, gene expression, bacterial genetics, generating mutants, host-pathogen interaction and microbial immunity. Experience must be demonstrated with good publications in leading high impact journals.
Job Requirement: Research expertise in the above areas would be directed towards the drug discovery and development program of the Institute with special reference to tuberculosis.

Post Code: 18: Discipline: Medicinal & Process Chemistry (01 Post)
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. in Chemistry/Organic Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry and two
years experience in relevant area.
Desirable Qualification : Postdoctoral research experience, having high impact publications in the areas of medicinal chemistry, multi-step synthesis or organic natural products, development of new methodologies, design and synthesis of new molecular entities, drug discovery.
Job requirement: To develop small molecule based drug discovery program against various diseases.

Post Code: 19: Discipline: Medicinal & Process Chemistry (01 Post)
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. in Chemistry/Organic Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry and two years experience in relevant area.
Desirable Qualification: Postdoctoral research experience, having high impact publications in the areas of glycochemistry and glycobiology, glycomics and application of glycomic based tools in chemical biology/drug discovery.
Job Requirement: To develop research programs on glycobiology and glycomics, application in therapeutic and diagnostic purposes, glycan arrays in biological and medical applications.

Post Code: 20: Discipline: Endocrinology (01 Post)
Essential Qualifications : Ph.D. in any area of Life science and two years experience in relevant area.
Desirable Qualification : Working experience in genetically modified mice/rats or immunoompromised NOD/SCID mice are required. The candidate must be proficient in breeding, genotyping, colony maintenance, cryopreservation and implantation of embryos in rodents. Individuals with industry experience and proven track record of working in a multidisciplinary research environment are encouraged to apply.
Job Requirement : Management of transgenic/KO mice colonies (breeding and genotyping), embryo cryopreservation and implantation, experiments in transgenic, NOD/SCID and nude mice, and carrying out independent research program with extramural funding.

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Pay : Pay Band PB-3 Rs.15,600-39,100 with Grade Pay of Rs.6,600/- (Gross Emoluments approximately Rs. 49,321/- p.m.)
Age limit : 32 Years.

Post Code: 01 : Discipline: Parasitology (01 post) (Unreserved)
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. (submitted) in Microbiology/ Zoology/ Biotechnology /Biochemistry.
Desirable Qualification:- Research experience in the area of chemotherapy, immunology, molecular biology of experimental leishmania infection as evidenced by research publications.
Job requirement: The selected candidate will be expected to execute independent projects in drug research and actively participate in the antileishmania drug discovery programme of the institute.

Post Code : 02: Discipline: Molecular & Structural Biology (01 post) (Unreserved)
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. (submitted) in Chemistry/Biochemistry
Desirable Qualification: Experience in small molecule X-ray crystallography
Job requirement: Lead an independent research programme and work with medicinal chemists for single crystal structure analysis of small molecules.

Post Code: 03: Discipline: Molecular & Structural Biology (01 post) (Unreserved)
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. (submitted) in Biochemistry/Life Sciences/Biotechnology
Desirable Qualifications: Experience of research in malaria biology, drug discovery and Good communication skills in English.
Job requirement: To Coordinate and liaison between projects on malarial biology and drug discovery and development under the Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) programme and also to conduct independent research.

Post Code: 04 : Discipline: S&T Management (01 post) (Reserved for PWD - Locomotor Disability or Cerebral Palsy)
Essential Qualifications: M.Sc. in Life Sciences or Chemical Sciences with Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law (Ist Class or 60% on an aggregate or equivalent GPA).
Desirable Qualification : LLB in Intellectual Property Law with at least 2 years experience in coordinating Science and Technology programs, planning and development.
Job requirements: To assist in S&T Management activities including liaison with funding agencies, R&D Management, preparation of scientific/technical reports, Publication of Institutional Reports, etc and also to organize meetings/ seminars/ symposia, liaison/ networking with press/ media and other stakeholders.

Post Code: 05: Discipline: Lab. Animals (01 post) (Reserved for ST)
Essential Qualification: M.Vet.Sc. (Veterinary Microbiology /Bacteriology)
Desirable Qualification: Working experience in microbial and viral screening of veterinary diseases including Laboratory Animal.
Job requirements: Monitoring of laboratory animals for bacterial, viral, fungal and other infections using conventional serological and molecular methods like ELISA, RIA, DNA based detection systems. Besides routine care, management and Breeding of laboratory animals.

Post Code : 06 : Discipline : Pharmacology (Reserved for PWD - Hearing Impairment)
Essential Qualification : Ph.D. (submitted) in Life Sciences
Desirable Qualification : Experience in the area of platelets activation, coagulation cascade proteins and protein modifications. The candidate should be well experienced in protein biochemistry in CVS diseases. Experience should be well supported by publications.
Job Requirement : Molecular studies in cardiovascular (stroke/myocardial infarction) pathologies.

Post Code : 07 : Discipline : Business Development (Reserved for OBC)
Essential Qualification : B.Tech/M.Sc. with Post Graduate degree in intellectual Property Law; (1st Class or 60% on an aggregate or equivalent GPA)
Desirable Qualification : Post graduate diploma in sales/marketing, Post qualification experience (min. 3 years) in sales/marketing of pharmaceutical/health care products and designing of brochures, publicity material/exhibits, info-commercials.
Job Requirements : Candidate will be responsibile for brand building and marketing strategies of the CSIR-CDRI process know-how/technology and to carry out the commercial feasibility studies.

Post Code : 08 : Discipline : Academic Affairs (Reserved for OBC)
Essential Qualification : M.E/M.Tech or Ph.D (Science/Engineering) submitted.
Desirable Qualification : Full time MBA or PGDM in HR from recognized and reputed institute.
Job Requirements : To coordinate academic activities of research students pertaining to admission, scheduling of academic classes, conducting exams/evaluation etc.

Post Code : 09 : Library (Reserved for SC)
Essential Qualification : Ph.D.(submitted) in Library Sciences or Information Sciences.
Desirable Qualification : Experience of working in a special library providing online resources and computerised library and information services. Working knowledge of library management, institutional repository and database management software.
Job Requirement : To look after the Library services provided by the Knowledge Resource Centre and to manage online resource, acquisition of online journals and books and the repositories being maintained by the KRC.

NOTE: The Selection Committee depending upon the performance of the candidate may choose to place the candidate in any of the Grade Pay within Pay Band – 3 or Pay Band – 4 as the case may be subject to meeting the minimum eligibility criterion specified.

1. The post carry Pay and Allowances, such as HRA and Traveling allowance etc. at Central Government rates as applicable to the employees of Council at the place of posting. In addition, other benefits such as Leave Travel Concession and Reimbursement of medical expenses and Children’s Education Allowances etc. are also available. Accommodation will be provided as per CSIR rules.
2. New entrants will be governed by the “New Pension Scheme” on defined Contributions as admissible to new entrants recruited in Central Government Services on or after 01.01.2004, the same has been adopted by CSIR for its employees. However, persons selected from other Government Departments/Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertakings/Central Universities having Pension Scheme on GOI pattern will continue to be governed by the existing Pension Scheme i.e. CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.
3. Scientists are entitled for Career Advancement on the basis of Flexible Complementing Scheme of CSIR.
4. Scientists in Pay Band-3 are also eligible for 2 additional increments (without DA) and Professional update allowance of Rs. 10000/- per annum.
5. Scientists in Pay Band-4 and above are also eligible for 2 additional increments (without DA) and Professional update allowance of Rs. 20000/- per annuam.

1 The date for determining the upper age limit, qualifications and/or experience shall be the closing date prescribed for receipt of Application i.e. 24.04.2012.
2 The upper age limit is relaxable up to 5 years to Council/ Government/ Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector employees in accordance with the instructions and orders issued by the Government of India from time to time in this regard.
3 Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in the case of SC/ST and by 3 years in the case of OBC candidates for the posts which are reserved for the respective categories. Relaxation of upper age limit for Ex-servicemen will be applicable as per GOI rules. (SC/ST/OBC candidates applying against unreserved posts will not be eligible for age relaxation.
4 i) The upper age limit for Persons with Disabilities shall be relaxable by 5 years (10 years for SCs/STs and 8 years for OBCs). ii) Persons suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disabilities shall alone be eligible for the benefit of the reservation.
5 Relaxation in age limit, qualifications and/or experience may be allowed in the case of exceptionally meritorious candidates at the discretion of the Competent Authority. However, any relaxation in respect of age, experience etc. in relation to the posts advertised will be applicable as per CSIR/GOI Rules.
6 SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates are required to produce the certificate in the prescribed format signed by the specified authority at the time of interview. The OBC candidate should produce the certificate valid for appointment of posts under the Central Government.
7 Relaxation in the upper age limit of 5 years applicable for the persons who had been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the state of J&K during the period of 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 subject to production of a certificate from the District Magistrate in the Kashmir Division within whose jurisdiction he/she had ordinarily resided OR from any other authority designated in this behalf by the Government of J&K State to the effect that he/she had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of State of J&K during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989.
8 Special Age Relaxation : Upto the age of 40 years in the case of Widows, Divorced Women and Women Judicially separated from their husbands, who are not re-married.

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1. The prescribed educational qualifications should have been obtained from recognized Board/Institutions.
2. Applications must be accompanied with an application fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) and US $ 25 in case of candidates applying from abroad in the form of Banker Cheque/Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Director, Central Drug Research Institute, payable at Lucknow. SC/ST & Persons with Disability are exempted from application fee.
3. The date of determining the age limit/experience/qualifications shall be closing date prescribed for receipt of applications. The period of experience in a discipline/area of work, where-ever prescribed, shall be counted after the date of acquiring the minimum educational qualification prescribed for that Group/Grade.
4. Application completed in all respect along with attested copies of certificate in support of Age, Educational Qualifications, Marks obtained, Caste etc., should reach this Institute on or before the closing date. Applications received after the closing date will be rejected summarily.
5. The prescribed essential qualification is a minimum and mere possession of the same the candidates would not be entitled to be called for interview. Where the number of applications were received are large in response to the advertisement, it may not be convenient or possible for CSIR-CDRI to call all the candidates for interview. The applications of the candidates will be screened by a Screening Committee who will adopt its own criteria for short-listing the candidates to be called for interview. The candidate should, therefore, furnish all the details of qualifications and experience possessed by him/her in the relevant field, over and above the minimum qualifications prescribed.
6. Candidates working in Government Departments, Autonomous Bodies, Public Sector Undertakings and Government Funded Research Institutions should forward their Applications through proper channel with a certificate that the applicant will be relieved of his/her duties within one month from the date of receipt of offer of appointment, in the event of his/her selection.
7. The candidate should clearly mention Post Code No. in his/her application and the area in which he/she should be considered.
8. Candidates applying for more than one post should submit separate application form for each post mentioning Post Code No.
9. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post.
10. Enclosures received separately subsequent to the receipt of the application will not be considered.
11. Other things being equal consideration would be given to candidates with proven excellence in sports.
12. The decision of the Director CSIR-CDRI in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, conduct of test/interview and not to fill up all or any of the posts will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this regard from any individual or his/her agency.
13. Application should be filled in prescribed form only. Incomplete application in any form i.e. not in prescribed form, properly not filled up and without application fee, photograph, attested copies of educational qualification certificates/mark sheets, date of birth, experience, unsigned, caste/community certificate or incomplete in any manner, shall not be considered. Applications received after the last date of closing will not be entertained and shall summarily be rejected.
14. In case a candidate is staying abroad, his/her candidature can be considered in absentia by the Selection Committee on his/her written request.
15. Deserving candidates may be considered for higher start of pay.
16. The number of vacancies indicated against each category is provisional and may vary at the time of selection.
17. Candidate should ensure that he/she possesses educational qualification/experience in the relevant area as required in the category/post, for which he/she is applying, on the last date of receipt of application.
18. The period of experience in the requisite discipline/area of work whereever prescribed shall be counted w.e.f. the date of acquiring the prescribed minimum educational qualifications required for that post.
19. Only outstation candidates called and found eligible for interview will be paid to and fro single second class rail fare from the actual place of undertaking the journey or from the normal place of their residence whichever is nearer to Lucknow Railway Station on production of Rail Tickets/Rail Ticket Numbers or any other proof of journey. Any discrepancy found between the information given in application and as evident in original documents will make the candidate ineligible for appearing in interview. Such candidate will not be paid any fare.

HOW TO APPLY: Candidates should apply only on the prescribed format which can be downloaded from CSIR-CDRI website link The duly filled and signed application along with recent passport size photograph supported by the attested copies of certificates and testimonials should be sent in a sealed cover superscribed "Advertisement No. and Post Code" to the "Director, Central Drug Research Institute, Chattar Manzil Palace, Post Box No. 173, Lucknow - 226 001 (U.P.). The last date for receipt of application is 24.04.2012. In case of candidates applying from abroad the last date for receipt of application will be 10.05.2012.

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