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Clinical research courses

  • Interview for Life Sciences, Pharma, Chemical Sciences candidates at CDRI - 9 vacancies

    Discovery and development of therapeutic interventions against multi-drug resistant bacterial pathogens. Master degree in Life Sciences and National Eligibility test – CSIR- UGC NET including lectureship Assistant Professorship or GATE or A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions. Experience in the mammalian tissue culture work.
  • Vacancy for Life Sciences, Pharma, Chemical Sciences candidates at CDRI, 9 posts
    Masters in Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Allied Biological Science discipline. Master in Chemical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Bioinformatics analysis, Molecular docking, Protein Chemistry, protein purification, gene cloning, biological assays, enzyme assays, cell culture, IHC and protein localization, reproductive biology, or drug screening. 
  • Research Jobs in Pharma, Chemical & Life sciences at Central Drug Research Institute - Salary upto Rs. 1,27,766 | 18 posts
    A unique opportunity for research career in Science & Technology in the area of Drugs, Pharmaceuticals and Biomedical Research. Ph.D. submitted in the area of Toxicology, Biochemistry, Zoology OR MD in Pathology, Pharmacology, Toxicology OR MVSc. In Pharmacology and Toxicology. Experience in synthetic methodologies designing of chemical compounds for biological activity against disease- prioritized targets and their synthesis. Experience in the use of in silico modeling tools for hypothesis- driven design of novel compounds and exploration of structure-activity relationships.
  • Interview for Area of Life Sciences, Pharma, Chemical Sciences at premier Institute CDRI, 23 vacancies
    Post Graduate degree in Biotechnology , Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Chemistry, Life Sciences or equivalent plus National level tests, NET, GATE qualified and two years of research experience. 
    Conclave - Drug Industry, Medicine, Discovery Research and Regulation Good Manufacturing Practices : Opportunities and Challenges of Revised Schedule M 
  • Vacancy for M.Pharm, MSc to work in Cancer Research Program at CDRI
    Masters Degree in Chemical Sciences With 2 years research experience in organic synthesis OR Masters Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences With 2 years research experience in organic synthesis
  • Job for M.Pharm, MSc candidates as Project Associate at CDRI biomedical research organization
    Antiviral Mission: CSIR Discovery and Pre-clinical Development of Antivirals for COVID-19 and other diseases. reclinical Pharmaceutics and pharmacokinetic studies of CDRI candidate drugs, formulations and phytopharmaceuticals. M.Pharm. with GPAT qualified. Master in Chemistry, Chemical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
  • Career for Ph.D or M.Pharm, MSc at Central Drug Research Institute, Salary Rs. 49500 pm
    M.Sc. in Life Sciences with four years experience in Research and Development OR M.Pharm. in Pharmacology with two years experience in R&D OR Ph.D. in Life Sciences, Pharmacology
  • Central Drug Research Institute looking for M.Pharm, MSc candidates
    Masters degree in Life Sciences, Biological Sciences, Allied, Pharmacy. and Two years experience in research and development in academic, industrial institutions.
  • Apply Online for post of Project Associate, Research Associate at CDRI
    Masters Degree in any stream of Life Sciences along with NET, GATE and two years of research experience. Masters Degree in Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Biochemistry, Allied biological Sciences discipline; Transition metal-catalyzed fluorine insertion in small organic molecules; Design and Synthesis of Biased Kappa Opioid receptor Agonists for treating Chronic Pain
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