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Applications Invited for the Post of Research Assistant at IISER

Clinical research courses

The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune is a premier institute dedicated to research and teaching in the basic sciences. Established in 2006, the institute falls under the purview of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (vide communication F.No. 22-8/2006-TS.1). As a unique initiative in science education in India, IISER aims to be a Science University of the highest caliber devoted to both teaching and research in a totally integrated manner, with state-of-the-art research and high quality education, thus nurturing both curiosity and creativity.

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune is a premier autonomous Institution established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, for promotion of high quality science education and research in the country.

Institute invites applications from highly motivated, bright candidates for working in the ongoing research projects in the Physical Chemistry division of the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune. We are looking for the candidates who are interested in doing research in the areas of Experimental Spectroscopy and Computational/Theoretical Chemistry.

Eligibility criteria: Candidates must have passed M. Sc. In Chemistry or Physics with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade and have passed at least one of the national level examinations such as GATE, JEST, CSIR/UGC-NET/LS.

Applicants are requested to send their application with full details such as Personal, Educational Qualification, Experience, Research areas, publications etc. to The candidates should mention “Physical Chemistry Research Application” in the subject line of their emails.

The list of shortlisted candidates for interviews will be put on the website under this advertisement. The selected candidate will be taken as “Research Assistant” who may also be engaged in teaching undergraduate Chemistry practical and tutorials.

There are opportunities for selected candidates to join regular Ph.D. program of IISER Pune in December 2011 if selected through Institute’s Ph.D admission procedure.

Last date of Application : September 28, 2011

Interview date for eligible candidates : October 13, 2011

Venue: IISER Pune, Sai Trinity Building,
1st floor, Central Tower, Near
Garware Circle, Pashan, Pune – 21

Advt. No.: 23/2011. IISER-P/Rect/29.08.2011

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