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Applications are invited for the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) positions to work on DBT funded research project at ILS - Freshers

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Institute of Life Sciences (ILS) is a not-for-profit research institute that aims to conduct innovative research in unifying areas of chemistry, biology and chemical biology. We currently have a career opportunity for a Project Leader in Molecular Modeling of Computer-Aided Drug Design, starting Q2-2011.

Post: JRF

Applications are invited for the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) positions to work on DBT funded research project, “A yeast based screen for discovery of novel Sirtuin inhibitors as anti-cancer agents”

1.Junior Research Fellowship (Biology)
2.Junior Research Fellowship (Chemistry)

Junior Research Fellowship: Rs. 15,600 per month inclusive of all benefits.

1) Design, plan and execute experiments under the supervision of the scientist.
2) Provide scientific support to the scientist in research activities.
3) Book keeping and maintenance of stocks and consumables.

Essential Qualifications (Biology): M.Sc. in Microbiology / Medical Microbiology / Biotechnology or any other branch of Life Sciences / M. tech in Biotechnology from a recognized university / institute with a consistent first class academic record above 60%.
Experience: 0-2 years preferably in the areas of microbiology and Cell Biology.

Preferable: Relevant research experience as evident from thesis/dissertation/project work.

Essential Qualifications (Chemistry): M.Sc. / M.Pharm. in Organic/Medicinal Chemistry or any other branch of Pharmaceutical Chemistry from a recognized university / institute with a consistent first class academic record above 60%.
Experience: 0-2 years preferably in the areas of organic synthesis.

Preferable: Relevant research experience as evident from thesis/dissertation/project work.

Duration: The duration of the fellowship is for two years. However, the performance of the candidate will be reviewed after the completion of every year and the fellowship will be renewed only upon satisfactory performance. No claim should be made for the extrapolation of this work into PhD program now or later.

Qualified candidates can send their curriculum vitae via e-mail to on or before 30 April, 2011. Please mention project title in the subject line as “thIdentification of Sirtuin inhibitors as anti-cancer agents using model system yeast” Selected candidates will be called for a personal interview to Institute of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad Campus, Gachibowli, Hyderabad. The qualifying candidates are expected to start working within 2 weeks from the selecting date.

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