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Pharmacological Screening of Anti-Asthmatic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Calotropis Gigentea Leaves

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PharmaTutor (November - 2017)


ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 5, Issue 11)


Received On: 19/06/2017; Accepted On: 03/07/2017; Published On: 01/11/2017


Khadar Shaik*, Shailaja Ande, Ravindrachary Dharmoji, Sowmya Ragini Yelwarthi, Anjum, Nisa Firdouse
Gyana Jyothi College of Pharmacy,
Uppal, Hyderabad, Telangana, India



Calotropis gigantea Linn., (Asclepiadaceae) a widely growing plant has been reported to possess number of medicinal properties. It has been reported as a traditional folk medicine for a variety of ailments. The calotropis leaves also possess anti-diabetic activity. The present study deals with the effect of ethanolic extract of leaves of calotropis gigantea by using in vivo models. The study shows that the extract is effective against histamine induced bronchial muscle contractions in guinea pigs. Animal study involves the use of ethanolic extract of leaves that shows action against histamine induced broncho- constriction by using histamine chamber. These studies showed significant protection at lower doses while further increase in dose showed increased activity. The results of these studies indicated usefulness of ethanolic extract of Calotropis gigantea in asthma.



How to cite this article: Shaik K, Ande S, Dharmoji R, Yelwarthi SR, Anjum, Firdouse N; Bromelain: Pharmacological Screening of Anti-Asthmatic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Calotropis Gigentea Leaves; PharmaTutor; 2017; 5(11); 49-52