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Applications invited from Pharma and Lifesciences candidates for Doctoral Programme @ CSIR-CDRI under AcSIR

GPAT courses

CDRI is a pioneer research organization in the field of biomedical research in India. It has the infrastructure and expertise to develop a drug right from the concept stage to the market. The institute’s latest techniques and services are employed for developing drugs, diagnostics and vaccines to combat diseases prevalent among mankind in general and Indian population in particular. Since its establishment, on 17th Feb. 1951, the institute has provided leadership on all fronts of drug R&D, namely, development of new molecules, novel products, cost-effective indigenous process know how for institute’s candidate drugs and generic drugs/drug intermediates, quality research manpower and trainings in use of sophisticated tools and techniques in drug research. Several of the institute products and process know how have been successfully commercialized leading to treatment of diseases, products availability for indigenous and international markets and generation of foreign exchange. Besides, the Institute has played a critical role in putting the country on the international scene in drug R&D.

The CSIR-CDRI invites applications for full-time Doctoral Programme under Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR).
1. Conditions for eligibility:
M.Sc or equivalent in Life sciences /Biotechnology /Organic Chemistry / Pharmaceutical sciences and qualified in CSIR-UGC-NET, ICMR, DBT examination for Junior Research Fellowship. The fellowship should be valid as on the date of joining.

2. How to apply: For application forms and other details please visit

3. Selection process: All applications received through AcSIR will be screened at CSIRCDRI by a committee and only those candidates who are found suitable will be called for interview/counselling at CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow. The committee will set their own criteria as per AcSIR guidelines for short listing the candidates. Candidates are
advised to visit the AcSIR website for dates of interview in the 1st week of May, 2012.
No TA will be paid by CDRI and candidates will have to make their own arrangements for 2-3 days stay at Lucknow. The number of students to be selected will be decided by the Committee.

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