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Applications are invited for Research Associate, JRF, Project Assistant at CSRTI

GPAT courses

Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute (CSRTI), Mysore, the pioneer research institution in the field of tropical sericulture, was established at Chennapattna in 1961 under the administrative control of Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India for the over all development of silk industry in the country. During the course of development the Institute was shifted to Mysore the princely city in the year 1963. Over the years the Institute has grown in to a full pledged centre of excellence and provided commendable support to enhance silk productivity and quality ensuring generation of higher income for the farmers.

Applications are invited by the undersigned from the eligible candidates for one RA, three JRF and four Project Assistant under the DBT-CSB sponsored project entitled “Genetic Enhancement of Mulberry by Genomics Approaches: A multi-component Network Project” (Project Code: PIC-01003 CN) and one JRF under the CSB project “Development of multivoltine breeds with improved silk quality utilizing indigenous and exotic breeds” (Project Code: AIB-01004 MI).

Name of the sub-project : NW2a: Validation of a high- density SNP genotyping array for QTL discovery by association mapping and bi-parerital analysis in mulberry
Essential & desirable qualification : Candidates having Ph.D. degree (awarded) in Life Sciences (Genetics and Plant breeding/Plant Biotechnology) with good academic record are eligible to apply. The candidate should have a good publication records and research experience in the area of SNP genotyping, QTL/association mapping and knowledge of Bioinformatics tools is desirable
Emoluments : As per CSB norms

Name of the sub-project : NW2b:Discovery of QTL to drought adaptive traits by association mapping in Mulberry
Essential & desirable qualification : M. Sc in life sciences (Plant Biotechnology /Genetics & Plant Breeding/Plant Pathology/Plant Physiology/Biochemistry/Sericulture/ Molecular Biology). Preference will be given to candidates experience in mulberry research/knowledge in molecular biology works/plant biochemistry related works
Emoluments : Without NET Rs. 12000/- + HRA NET qualified Rs. 16000/- + HRA

Name of the sub-project : NW2e:Sustaining mulberry yield: Identification of QTLs conferring resistance to root rot disease by Linkage Mapping and trait introgression
Essential & desirable qualification : M. Sc in life sciences (Plant Biotechnology /Genetics & Plant Breeding/Plant Pathology/Plant Physiology/Biochemistry/Sericulture/ Molecular Biology). Preference will be given to candidates experience in mulberry research/knowledge in molecular biology works/plant biochemistry related works
Emoluments : Without NET Rs. 12000/- + HRA NET qualified Rs. 16000/- + HRA

Name of the sub-project : NW4a Comparative quantitative and qualitative analysis of secondary metabolites for identification of biomarkers responsible for feed quality in mulberry
Essential & desirable qualification : M. Sc in life sciences (Plant Biotechnology /Genetics & Plant Breeding/Plant Pathology/Plant Physiology/Biochemistry/Sericulture/ Molecular Biology). Preference will be given to candidates experience in mulberry research/knowledge in molecular biology works/plant biochemistry related works
Emoluments : Without NET Rs. 12000/- + HRA NET qualified Rs. 16000/- + HRA

Name of the sub-project : Development of multivoltine breeds with improved silk quality utilizing indigenous and exotic breeds
Essential & desirable qualification : M. Sc. in life sciences (Zoology/Genetics/ Biotechnology/Molecular Biology). Preference will be given to candidates with experience in Biotechnology/Molecular Biology related work.
Emoluments : Without NET Rs. 12000/- + HRA NET qualified Rs. 16000/- + HRA

Project Assistant - 4
Name of the sub-project : Under 4 sub-projects NW2c, NW2d, NW2e & NW3b
Essential & desirable qualification : B. Sc. / B. Tech. Graduate in Agriculture /Life sciences /Biotechnology. Preference will be given to candidates with basic knowledge of computer
Emoluments : Rs. 9000/- fixed per month

Eligible candidates may appear for a walk-in-interview at the time and venue given below with bio-data, a passport size photograph, originals and one copy each of educational qualifications from SSLC, PUC/Higher secondary, B. Sc., etc proof of date of birth, experience certificate and caste certificate for SC/ST candidates, along with valid e-mail Id and telephone/mobile numbers and contact details.

Important points:
1. Date of walk-in-interview: 15-11-2018
2. Time: 9.30 AM (Candidates should reach the venue by 9 AM for verification of documents).
3. Entiy of candidates will be permitted only till 12 Noon.
Venue: Central Sericultural Research" and Training Institute Manandawadi Road, Srirampura, Mysuru-570 008
4. Upper age limit for JRF 28 years as on 10.09.2018 (relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged and women candidates).
5. No TA/DA will be provided to attend the interview.
6. The above mentioned position is purely temporary on contractual basis and co-terminus with the project. Further claim for any post will not be entertained thereafter.
7. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.
8. The decision of the Director shall be final and binding in all respects.
9. Incomplete applications will summarily be rejected.
10. Address for correspondence: The Director, Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Central Silk Board, Min. of Textiles, Govt, of India, Manandvadi Road, Srirampura, Mysuru. Email:;

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