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Ph.D, M.Pharm, MSc vacancies at THSTI

Clinical research courses

Ph.D, M.Pharm, MSc vacancies at THSTI

Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI) is an autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. The institute is an integral part of the interdisciplinary NCR Biotech Science Cluster (NCR BSC) located at Faridabad, and is designed with the mission to conduct innovative translational research to translate concepts into products to improve human health.

Project : Preclinical, and Pharmacokinetics Evaluations of select AYUSH Herbal Extracts/Formulations for Mitigating SARS-CoV2 Associated Pathologies
PI : Dr. Madhu Dikshit

Project Associate-II - One Post
Age limit : 35 years
Minimum Qualification and experience : Master’s degree in any branch of Pharmaceutical Sciences or Life Sciences or Biomedical Sciences or equivalent from a recognized University with two years’ of post qualification experience in DMPK and LCMS/MS expertise.
Desirable Experience :
Experience in in-vitro DMPK studies with HPLC and/or LC- MS expertise
• Experience in in-vitro-in vivo screening of compounds / herbal extracts
• Experience in animal cell culture and molecular biology techniques.
Monthly Emoluments :
(i) Rs.35,000/- +HRA to Scholars who are selected through
(a) National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or
(b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government and their Agencies and Institutions.
(ii) Rs. 28,000/- +HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Last date for receipt of online application : 11th November 2020
The applications will be scrutinised/shortlisted and processed for further selection.

Project : Understanding the transcriptional landscape of IL-10 producing anti-inflammatory T-cells in IBD
PI  : Dr. Amit Awasthi

Project Associate-II - Three posts
Age limit : 35 years
Minimum Qualification and experience : Master degree/B.Tech in Life Sciences or equivalent with 2 years post-qualification research experience.
Desirable Experience :
Experience in Immunological assays: Cell culture, Isolation of PBMCs, ELISA Flowcytometry, Animal handling.
Monthly Emoluments : 
(i)  Rs.35,000/- +HRA to Scholars who are selected through
(a) National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or
(b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government and their Agencies and Institutions.
(ii)  Rs. 28,000/- +HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above
Last date for receipt of online application : 16th November 2020
The applications will be scrutinised/shortlisted and processed for further selection.

Project : Diagnostic solutions for SARS-CoV-2
PI : Dr. Gaurav Batra

Project Scientist-I - One post
Age limit : 35 years
Minimum Qualification and experience : PhD in Life Sciences from a recognized University.
Desirable Experience :
Candidates having experience in project management, Hybridoma generation, immunoassay development, lateral flow assay, ELISA, monoclonal antibody generation, phage display, recombinant protein production, Pichia pastoris expression system etc. will be preferred.
Monthly Emoluments :  56,000/-+HRA

Senior Project Associate - Two post
Age limit : 40 years
Minimum Qualification and experience : Master’s degree in any branch of Life Sciences from a recognized University with four years’ post qualification research experience. OR B. Tech/ B.E. orequivalent from a recognized University with four years’ post qualification research experience. OR PhD in Life Sciences from a recognized University.
Desirable Experience :
Candidates having experience in Hybridoma, immunoassay development, lateral flow assay, ELISA, monoclonal antibody generation, phage display, recombinant protein production, Pichia pastoris expression system, Liquid handling workstation, 3D printing etc. will be preferred.
Monthly Emoluments :  42,000/-+HRA

Project Associate-II - Two Post
Age limit : 35 years
Minimum Qualification and experience : Master’s degree in any branch of Life Science or Pharmacology from a recognized University with two years’ post qualification experience. OR B. Tech/ B.E. in any branch of life sciences or equivalent from a recognized University with two years’ post qualification research experience.
Desirable Experience :
Candidates having experience in Hybridoma, immunoassay development, lateral flow assay, ELISA, monoclonal antibody generation, phage display, recombinant protein production, Pichia pastoris expression system, Liquid handling workstation, 3D printing etc. will be preferred.
Monthly Emoluments : (i)    Rs.35,000/- +HRA to Scholars who are selected through (a)    National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b)    A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government and their Agencies and Institutions. (ii)  Rs. 28,000/- +HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.

• Last date for receipt of online application : 16th November 2020
• The applications will be scrutinised/shortlisted and processed for further selection.

Project :  Multi-Omics Signatures of Human Placenta: Real time assessment of underlying mechanisms for prediction of birth outcomes and development 
PI : Dr. Pallavi Kshetrapal

Research Associate- l/ll/lll (Depending upon experience) - One  Post
Age limit : 35 years
Minimum Qualification and experience : PhD in Life Sciences / MD / MS / MDS from a recognized University.
Desirable Experience :
Candidate with past research experience of working with Python or R, Data visualization tools, Predictive modelling desirable. Preference will be given to candidates who have prior experience and knowledge of LC-MSMS method development and analysis. The candidate will be expected to engage in an interdisciplinary and collaborative research.
Monthly Emoluments :
For Research Associate-I 47,000/-+ HRA/
For Research Associate-ll 49,000/-+ HRA/
For Research Associate-Ill 54,000/-+ HRA Depending upon experience

Project Associate-II- Two  Post
Age limit : 35 years
Minimum Qualification and experience : Master’s degree in any branch of Life Science or Pharmacology from a recognized University with two years’ post qualification experience. OR B. Tech/ B.E. in any branch of life sciences or equivalent from a recognized University with two years’ post qualification research experience.
Desirable Experience :
Candidates with expertise in biochemistry, microbiology, cell culture and metabolite extraction from human biospecimen will be preferred. Knowledge of exosomes and various methods of characterizing the exosomes is a must. The candidate/s will work closely together with other members of the lab to perform the experimental research work and record keeping.
Monthly Emoluments :
Rs. 28,000/-+HRA

• Last date for receipt of online application : 16th November 2020
• The applications will be scrutinised/shortlisted and processed for further selection.

1. These are short term positions and extension will be granted subject to satisfactory performance of the incumbents and tenure of the project for which they are selected. Those appointed to these positions will not have any claim for regularization of their employment.
2. All educational, professional and technical qualification should be from a recognized Board/University.
3. The experience requirement specified shall be experience acquired after obtaining the minimum educational qualifications required forthe post.
4. Persons working in Govt. / PSUs / autonomous bodies should apply through proper channel or produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of written test/skill test/lnterview.
5. The age limit, qualification, experience and other requirements may be relaxed at the discretion of the competent authority, in case of candidates who are otherwise suitable. In case candidates are not found suitable forthe posts notified, they can be offered lower post / lower emoluments on the recommendation of the Selection Committee.
6. Age and other relaxations for direct recruits and departmental candidates: 1. By five years for candidates belonging to SC/ST communities. 2. By three years for candidates belonging to OBC communities. 3. For Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) falling under the following categories: (i) UR - ten years, ii) OBC -13 years (iii) SC/ST -15 4. Age is relaxable for Central Government servants up to five years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, from time-to-time. 5. There is no upper age limit for the Institute employees who are treated as departmental candidates.
7. Number of positions may vary depending upon the requirement at the time of interview/skill test.
8. All results will be published on our website and all communications will be only through email.
9. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
Procedure for filling online application;
a) Before filling up the online application, keep the following documents handy:
i) A soft copy of your passport size photo and signature, (only jpeg/jpg/png format)
ii) A comprehensive CV (PDF format only) containing details of qualification, positions
held, professional experience/distinctions etc.
iii) The documents in support of educational qualification and experience (PDF format
only) as mentioned below:
> Matriculation Mark sheet
> Intermediate Mark sheet
> Graduation Degree/Mark Sheet (if any)
> Post-Graduation Degree/Mark Sheet (if any)
> PhD Degree (if applicable)
> Relevant experience certificates (if any)
> Caste/Disability certificate in the format prescribed by the Govt, of India, if applicable
iv) Application fee is to be deposited online as per details given below:
Unreserved candidates/EWS/OBC : 200
SC/ST/Women/PwBD : 100

After submitting the application, you will be automatically redirected to the dashboard wherein you will be required to click on “Pay Online” button in order to proceed for payment.
• Candidates are requested to use Microsoft Edge internet browser for best results in submission of online payment.
• The payment can be made by using Debit Card/Credit Card/lnternet Banking/UPI.
• Once payment is made, no correction/modification is possible.
• Candidates are requested to keep a copy of provisional receipt for future reference.
• Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.


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