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Job for Pharmacists (04 posts) under National AIDS Control Programme

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Job for Pharmacists under National AIDS Control Programme

Punjab State AIDS Control Society (PSACS) was registered in 1998 for implementing National AIDS Control Programme (NACP). NACP is a 100% centrally sponsored project. PSACS started functioning in 1999. Principal Secretary Health is the Chairman of the Society whereas Secretary Health has been designated as Project Director of the society. Additional Project Director is the technical head assisted by Joint Directors, Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors, other officers and supporting staff.

Post: Pharmacists - posts

Applications on prescribed performa are invited for filling up of following vacant posts on Contractual Basis under National AIDS Control Programme in various peripheral units of Punjab State AIDS Control Society (PSACS).

No of Posts : 04
Eligibility Qualification : 1st Preference Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized institute / University 2nd Preference Diploma in Pharmacy with 3 years of experience in health care Institution.
Note:- Candidates must be registered in State Pharmacy Council.
Consolidated Salary : Rs. 10,000/- per month

1) Interested candidates having the qualification mentioned against the posts may submit their application by 20-05-2021 in the office of Punjab State AIDS Control Society, Prayaas Building, 4th Floor, Sector-38-B, Chandigarh on the prescribed format along with the attested copies of the certificates/ testimonials and two recent passport size photographs.
2) Last date for receipt of applications is 20-05-2021. Applications received after closing date will not be entertained.
3) The number of posts is subject to increase or decrease as per the decision of the Punjab State AIDS Control Society. The maximum age limit for all posts is 60 yrs.
4) These posts are purely contractual and temporary for one year, extendable on the basis of work performance and conduct.
5) Reservation policy of Punjab Govt. will be followed in the recruitment of above posts.
6) Incomplete applications will be rejected.
7) Short listed eligible candidates will be called for document verification. Original certificates/testimonials will be checked at the time of document verification.
8) There will be computer typing (English) (30 wpm) and computer knowledge test (50% marks) as qualifying criteria for all posts for eligible candidates.

9) Candidates should have passed subject of Punjabi upto Matric standard. If not passed, candidate must submit an undertaking to pass Punjabi subject within 6 months of joining.
10) Any candidate is found not to be fulfilling the eligibility/selection criteria at any point of time in the entire recruitment process by the screening or selection committee, his/her candidature will be cancelled/ rejected for the said post.
11) Candidates will not be paid any TA/DA for document verification/computer typing and knowledge test.
12) Project Director, Punjab State AIDS Control Society reserves the right to cancel/amend/change/modify the entire recruitment process at any stage without issuing any notice.

Application Form>>

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