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Appoinment of Pharmacists (62 posts) in different Health institutions - Govt Job

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates in the prescribed format for engagement  the n post of MPHW(F), MPHW(F) Radiographer. Lab. Technician and Staff Nuese on contractual basis in different Health Institutions of Mayurhanj district. The last date of receipt of the forms hy Regd/Speed post/courier only on or before 20.5.2016. (By 1.00 PM)

Post: MPHW(M)

"Application for tile pest of Contractual. (name of the post)" should be written in tile too of the envelope addressed to the Chief Dist. Medical Officer, Mayurbhaj, At/PO:Baripada 757001. The applications received after due date/by ordinary post and incomplete manner enclosing of required docu ments with the appiication as per advertisement will not be entertained and liable for rejection without any intimation thereof. The authority has reserve the right to reject and modify the advertisement without assigning any reason thereof.

No. of Post: 62
UR-31, SEBC-7, ST-14, SC-10.
Out of above PH- 2 (VI-1 & HI-1) Ex-Serviceman -1 Sportsman -1

Consolidated remuneration: Rs.5200/- Per mbnth + Grade Pay Rs. 2000/-

Must have passed +2 Science examination under council of Higher Secondary education, odisha/equivaleht and Diploma in Pharmacy from any of the three Gdvt.Medica1 College end Hospitals of the State/ any other private Institutions duly recognized by the. Pharmacy council of India/- AICTE and examination conducted by the Odisha Pharmacy Board.

Age limit: Not less than 21 years and not more than 32 years as on 25.4.2016. Provided that the upper age limit will be relaxed in respect of the reserved categories of candidates referred in accordance with the provisions of the Act rules, orders or instructions for the time being in force, for their respective categories.

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Carrier assessment: Total Mark : 100
HSC (excluding 4th optional)/equivalen - 20%
+2 Science (excluding 4th optional)/equivalent - 30%
Diploma in Pharmacy - 50%

The MPHW (F)s, MPHW (M)s, Radiographers, Lab. Technicians and Staff Nurses engaged on contractual basis under the Central Plan Schemes, State plan Schemes and externally aided schemes who are below the age of 45 years as on 25.4.2016 and completed at least one year of continuous service are allowed to take part in this recruitment process. The candidate as mentioned above shall be allowed one percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position.

Provided that the ASHA Karmies working in the health system of the state who are below the age of 45 years as on 25.4.16 and have completed at least one year of continuous service shall be allowed to take part in the recruitment for filling up the post of Staff Nurse/MPHW (F), if they are having the minimum qualification as specified for the post of Staff Nurse/MPHW (F).

Provided that the ASHA Karmies as mentioned above shall be allowed one percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position
The O.R.V.act and Rules will be followed for the engagement.

Last Date: 20th May 2016

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