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Job for M.Pharm or MSc as Junior Research Fellow at PGIMER

Clinical research courses

Job for M.Pharm or MSc as Junior Research Fellow at PGIMER

The PGIMER owes its inception to the vision of late Sardar Partap Singh Kairon, the then Chief Minister of Punjab and the distinguished medical educationists of the then combined state of Punjab, supported by the first Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru who considered the institutions of scientific knowledge as temples of learning and the places of pilgrimage.

Post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Applications are invited for one post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) on contract basis in the Extramural project, “Integrative multi-omics approach to elucidate novel disease-specific pathways and putative biomarkers for cardiorenal syndrome” funded by the ICMR, New Delhi under Dr Anupam Mittal, Assistant Professor, Department of Translational and Regenerative Medicine, PGIMER, Chandigarh.

Essential Qualification : M Sc. in Life Sciences, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Stem Cell Biology, Microbiology and allied subjects, M.Pharma Have some hands-on experience of molecular biology techniques mainly RNA and protein work
Desirable Qualifications : Knowledge of high throughout sequencing data like transcriptomics and iTRAQ will be good

Age Limit : 28 years on the date of application Relaxation for OBC and SC/ST as per ICMR rules.

Emoluments : Rs 36,580/- p m. (Rs 31000 + 18% HRA)

The post is purely temporary for three years. Position is for one year initially and three years in total. It will be terminated with the project. The PI can terminate the tenure with one month notice and vice versa.
Interested candidates may submit their applications on plain paper along with Curriculum Vitae and latest passport size color photograph Self-attested copies of degree / marks sheet and other relevant documents should also be submitted Those who are already working under various research schemes and desire to be considered for the post should send their applications through proper channel to the undersigned with a certificate from the employer that he/she will be relieved immediately, if selected Applications can be mailed to as a single collateral file or hard copy can be sent to office of Dr. Anupam Mittal, Assistant Professor, 5th Floor, PN Chuttani/Research Block B. Department of Translation and Regenerative Medicine, PGIMER, Chandigarh by 24th March 2023, 5.00 PM. Applications received after the due date will not be considered.

Applicants have to appear for interview in person at the Department. List of eligible candidates will be uploaded on the PGI wrebsite on 25th March 2023 and dates and time of interview will be informed through email

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