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Admission for Research Scholars Program at NIAB

GPAT courses

NIAB is an autonomous and premier institute of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India. The Institute wishes to develop and harness novel and emerging biotechnological tools and applications, and take up research in cutting-edge areas for improving animal health and productivity as well as contribute to human health and welfare.

Admission for Research Scholars Program

National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB) invites applications for its Research Scholars Program 2019-2020 (RSP-NIAB I-2019).

NIAB’s current research interests include
• host-pathogen interactions and pathogenomics
• next generation vaccines, diagnostics, adjuvants and drug delivery platforms
• nutrition, metabolomics and metabolic disorders
• genetics and genomics
• gene and protein engineering
• reproductive biotechnology
• transgenic technology
• bioinformatics

zoonosis and One Health

Eligibility and Selection Criteria:
Individuals desirous of seeking admission to RSP-NIAB I-2019 must have a Master’s degree in any branch of Life Science (M.Sc., M.Tech., M.V.Sc., or M. Pharm). Candidates must also have secured CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE NET JRF/UGC-RGNF or any other national research fellowship for 5 years. Having a fellowship is mandatory for consideration. The terms and conditions, fellowship amount etc. will be governed by the awarding funding agency, and furher subject to the rules and conventions of the Institute.

Application and Selection Procedure: Candidates who meet the above eligibility criteria may apply online (link at between 20/03/2019 to 04/04/2019. Applicants having difficulty in accessing the RSP-NIAB I- 2019 portal may contact “The Senior Manager, National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB) at 040-2312 0103 or Applications found to be in order will be screened, and only short-listed candidates will be called for interview to be conducted on 01/05/2019.

Candidates must make their own arrangements for any travel / boarding and lodging. No TA/DA will be paid by NIAB for attending the interview. The results will be announced within a week of the interview.

Selected candidates are expected to join the RSP by 15/05/2019. Reservations are as per statutory norms. Single room hostel facilities will be provided.

NIAB reserves the right to accept / reject applications or candidature or admission in case of any discrepancy observed at any stage.

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