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Recruitment in Directorate of Forensic Science services for Pharmacists (95 posts) as Scientific Assistant - Government Job

Clinical research courses

The Directorate of Forensic Science services (DFSS) was created in the year 2002 by Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt, of India, after bifurcation from BPR&D, based on the recommendations of National Human Rights Commission and Padmanabhaiah Committee on Police Reforms. The Gazette notification to this effect was issued by MHA vide its Order no. 25011/41/2001-GPA.II/PM-II on December 31, 2002. It is headed by Director-cum-Chief Forensic Scientist.

Post: Scientific Assistant, Laboratory Technician/Assistant

Education Qualification & Age limit

Scientific Assistant
Chemistry Group: 27 posts
1) 18 to 37 Years age limit
2) (i) A post graduate degree in Forensic Sciences with  specialization in Chemical Sciences or Chemistry or Bio- Chemistry or Forensic Pharmacy or Forensic  Nanotechnology obtained from any of the Universities  established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State  Act in India or any other educational institution recognized  as such or declared to be a deemed University under section  3 of the University Grants Commission Act 1956
(ii) A bachelors’ degree in Chemical Engineering or  Forensic Science or Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry or  Pharmacy obtained from any of the Universities established  or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act. in  India or any other educational institution recognized as such  or declared to be a deemed University under Section 3 of the  University Grants Commission Act 1956

(a) have about two years experience on the post of  Laboratory Technician, class III , in the respective group of  section/division in the subordinate service of the Directorate  Of Forensic Science, Gujarat State or 
(b) have about two years experience of research or analytical  in the respective subject in the Government or Government  undertaking Board or Corporation or Local Bodies or  limited company established under the companies Act, 2013  or Hospital or Medical Colleges or Private or Public sector  Laboratory on the post which can be considered equivalent  to the post not below the rank of Laboratory Assistant, class  III, in Government.

Biology Group: 21 posts
1) 18 to 37 Years age limit
(i) a post graduate degree in Forensic Sciences with  specialization in Biological Sciences or Forensic Pharmacy  or Forensic Nanotechnology or Botany or Zoology or Bio- Chemistry or Micro-Biology or Life Science or Bio-Science  or Bio-Technology or Genetics obtained from of any of the  Universities established or incorporated by or under the  Central or a State Act in India or any other educational  institution recognized as such or declared to be a deemed  University under section 3 of the University Grants  Commission Act 1956 
(ii) a bachelors’ degree in Bio engineering or Forensic  Science or Botany or Zoology or Bio-Chemistry or Micro- Biology or Life Science or Bio-Science or Bio-Technology  or Genetics or Pharmacy obtained from of any of the  Universities established or incorporated by or under the  Central or a State Act in India or any other educational  institution recognized as such or declared to be a deemed  University under section 3 of the University Grants  Commission Act 1956 and 
(a) have about two years experience on the post of  Laboratory Technician, class III , in the respective group of  section/division in the subordinate service of the Directorate  Of Forensic Science, Gujarat State or 
(b) have about two years experience of research or analytical  in the respective subject in the Government or Government  undertaking Board or Corporation or Local Bodies or  limited company established under the companies Act, 2013  or Hospital or Medical Colleges or Private or Public sector  Laboratory on the post which can be considered equivalent  to the post not below the rank of Laboratory Assistant, class  III, in Government.

Laboratory Technician
Chemistry Group: 15 posts
1) 18 to 35 Years age limit
(i) A bachelors’ degree in Chemical Engineering or Forensic  Science or Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry or Pharmacy (as  principal subject) obtained from any of the Universities  established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State  Act. in India or any other educational institution recognized  as such or declared to be a deemed University under Section  3 of the University Grants Commission Act 1956

Biology Group: 05
1) 18 to 35 Years age limit
(i) a bachelors’ degree in Bio engineering, Forensic Science  or Botany or Zoology or Bio-Chemistry or Micro-Biology or  Life Science or Bio-Science or Bio-Technology or Genetics  or Pharmacy (as principal subject) obtained from of any of  the Universities established or incorporated by or under the  Central or a State Act in India or any other educational  institution recognized as such or declared to be a deemed  University under section 3 of the University Grants  Commission Act 1956


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Laboratory Assistant
Chemistry Group: 15 posts
1) 18 to 35 Years age limit
(i) a bachelors’ degree in Chemical Engineering or Forensic  Science or Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry or Pharmacy  obtained from any of the Universities established or  incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act. in India  or any other educational institution recognized as such or  declared as deemed University under Section 3 of the  University Grants Commission Act 1956 or possess an  equivalent qualification recognized by the Government.

Biology Group: 12 posts
(i) a bachelors’ degree in Bio engineering, Forensic Science  or Botany or Zoology or Bio-Chemistry or Micro-Biology or  Life Science or Bio-Science or Bio-Technology or Genetics  or Pharmacy (as principal subject) obtained from of any of  the Universities established or incorporated by or under the  Central or a State Act in India or any other educational  institution recognized as such or declared to be a deemed  University under section 3 of the University Grants  Commission Act 1956 or possess an equivalent  qualification recognized by the Government.

Application Fee: Candidates have to pay of Rs. 100/ + Postal Charges through challan at Computer based post office- Only for General category

Selection Process: Candidates will be Selected based on competitive written exam 7 Computer Proficiency test.

Important Dates:
Start date for online application: 20/06/2016/ (started 02:00 pm)
Last date for online application: 11/07/2016
Last date for fee: 14/07/2016

How to apply : Eligible candidates may apply through offcial website

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