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Central Drug Research Institute looking for M.Pharm, MSc candidates - Project Associate Post

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Central Drug Research Institute looking for M.Pharm, MSc candidates

CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute,  Lucknow, a premier Institute under Council of  Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), is involved in multidisciplinary R&D programs of both basic and applied nature. CSIR-CDRI is a pioneer biomedical research organization in India and has the infrastructure and expertise to develop a drug from concept to commercialization. In the year 2012, CSIR-CDRI shifted to its state of the art new campus, which has been set up with a vision to serve as a Nodal Center of CSIR in new drug discovery and development.

Post : Project Associate- I (1)

Applications are invited from the eligible and interested candidates for the following purely temporary positions under the following project :

Project Code Number : GAP0440
Project Title : Discovery and development of a novel Hv1 channel inhibitor to alleviate chronic pain
Scheduled date of completion : 17-08-2025
Vacant Position details : 01
Monthly Emoluments : 31000/- plus 18%HRA (CSIR/UGC-NET (JRF/LS) or GATE or INSPIRE candidates) 25000/- plus 18% HRA (those who have not cleared any national level exam)
Essential qualifications : Masters in organic chemistry / pharmaceutical chemistry
Desirable qualifications : Candidate having One year lab experience on chemical synthesis would be preferred
Upper Age limit : 35 Years

1) All applicants must fulfill the essential qualification for the position and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement as on the last date of submission of application. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for position/positions as on the last date of submission of application.
2) The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. The duly constituted Screening Committee will adopt its own criteria for short-listing the candidates. The candidate should therefore, mention in the application all the qualifications and experiences in the relevant area over and above the minimum prescribed qualification, supported with. 
3) List of shortlisted candidates meeting the criteria (Essential qualification plus criteria set by the committee) shall be notified on the CDRI Website. 
4) Date and mode of interview shall be communicated to the shortlisted candidates through e-mail. 
5) The position/s are purely temporary. The engagements shall be initially for a period of ONE YEAR or till the project duration or to the extent funds available, whichever is earlier. The engagements shall be extendable on yearly basis subject to performance review and project duration / funds availability. 
6) The engagement of a project staff in different projects either in the CSIR – Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow or different Lab./Institute of CSIR taken together shall not exceed 5 years in any case. 
7) The engagement in these projects will not confer any right implicit or explicit on the candidate for consideration for regularization against any CSIR/CDRI post(s). 
8) The number of positions to be recruited may vary at the time of selection depending on the requirement under the project. 
9) No TA/DA or allowances will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview. 
10) Suitable Candidates may be empaneled for future requirement if any, under same project or different projects of similar nature and requiring candidates with similar essential and desirable qualifications. 

11) Age will be reckoned as on the last date of submission of application for this advertisement. Age relaxation will be provided as per Government of India norms. Candidates seeking age relaxation should enclose relevant certificates in prescribed format issued by the appropriate authority as per the latest instructions issued on the subject. 
12) Applications (filled in google sheet) submitted after the scheduled date and time shall not be considered for the interview and summarily rejected. 
13) The shortlisted candidates shall attend the interview (online / offline), as communicated to the candidate. 
14) In case a large number of candidates apply, the Screening Committee may include the additional screening criteria beyond essential and desirable qualifications and shortlist the candidates for interview in proportion to the available vacancies. 
15) Candidate has the option to interact in English/Hindi before the Selection Committee. 
16) In case the final certificates reflect CGPA/SGPA/OGPA Grades, the candidate should convert the same into an equivalent percentage as per the approved formula of the University in the Google Form, and a copy of such conversion must be attached along with the google form. 
17) To avoid any inconvenience, only those candidates who strictly fulfil the eligibility criteria and possess the degree’s / mark sheets in the subjects above should apply for the interview. 
18) Upon selection, the original documents, including eligibility qualification, DOB, caste, and age relaxation certificate, will be verified. If any discrepancy is found, the selection shall stand cancelled automatically. 
19) Advertisement / post may be cancelled at any stage due to force majeure, including closure of project, non-availability of fund, compromised integrity, unethical practices, etc. 
20) The decision of the CSIR-CDRI in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, and conduct of examination/interview will be final and binding on the candidates.

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Last date for submitting the application : 23/07/2024 up to 5 PM only

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