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Vacancy for Research Assistant at Tata Translational Cancer Research Centre - Masters in Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Microbiology and Pharmacology

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for Research Assistant at Tata Translational Cancer Research Centre

The Tata Medical Center (TMC) is a multispecialty institution for tertiary cancer care based in New Town, Kolkata. At TMC, clinical and research activities are integrated to provide state-of-the-art care for patients with cancer. This integration is enabled by the Tata Translational Cancer Research Centre (TTCRC), the research arm of TMC. TTCRC is within a dedicated academic space and spread over 3 floors. At TTCRC, a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, scientists, academics and industry professionals collaborate to develop a systems medicine approach in cancer research.

Post : Research Assistant in Flow Cytometry

Job role
In this position, you will work as part of the cancer cell biology group at TTCRC. The group uses high-throughput discovery screens coupled with systematic hypothesis-driven studies to investigate potential leads from clinical observations and proteogenomic studies. Integral to this approach is the development of suitable pre-clinical tumour models that closely recapitulate disease and that are robust and reproducible. The group’s work is focussed on haematological and solid malignancies. The group is supported by a dedicated tissue biorepository, a clinical research unit, genomics and informatic analyses. Your focus would be the technical management of the flow cytometry services. Your primary responsibility will be to continue, optimise and extend ongoing work on developing, establishing and maintaining SOPs relevant to the use of the flow sorter (BD Aria Fusion) and the flow analyser (BD Accuri C6 Plus) for immortalised cell lines and primary samples from patients. This will involve working closely with the hospital’s multidisciplinary clinical service, the tissue biorepository unit and colleagues in the cancer cell biology group. You will also participate in troubleshooting experimental procedures that will allow establishment of model cell systems relevant to the investigation of disease biology and identification of therapeutic opportunities. The post holder will have a designated desk and compute

Minimum required qualifications/experience
(a) MSc in Biological Sciences, including Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Cell & Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Pharmacology
(b) Advanced level understanding of flow sorters and analysers
(c) Technical expertise in handling, maintaining and performing protocols, procedures and techniques relevant to cell sorting, immunophenotyping, intracellular protein expression, phenotypic assays on the flow cytometry platforms available in-house

Necessary qualities
(a) Integrity, motivation, enthusiasm
(b) Focus and commitment in carrying out tasks and duties
(c) Critical analytical and problem-solving skills, capable of independent work
(d) Ability to work effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team
(e) Clarity in career and professional development goals

Appointment and reporting
Appointment to the position will initially be for 3 (three) years. The first year is probationary. Confirmation in the position and progression to years 2 and 3 is subject to satisfactory review of performance through periodic appraisals of performance. Appraisals will also determine salary increments and promotions. The consolidated monthly salary will be based on review of qualifications and experience. The position is funded by a centre grant from the Tata Consultancy Services. The successful candidate will work in co-ordination with the project leads and report to the Director TTCRC.

Submission of applications by post or by e-mail to :
Mr Suvasish Mukherjee; Head, Human Resources;
Tata Medical Center; 14 Major Arterial Road (East-West); Newtown, Rajarhat;
Kolkata 700 160
e-mail :

Last Date of Application : 15/07/2023

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