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Applications invited for Post of Technical Assistant at RMRC - Last Date Extended

Clinical research courses

Applications invited for Post of Technical Assistant at RMRC

The Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR), Bhubaneswar is a permanent research centre of Indian Council of Medical Research. The foundation stone of the centre was laid by the then prime minister of India Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi on 29th March 1981.Initially the Center started in a small rental accommodation in 1982 and shifted to the Centre’s own building in year 1990 after completion. The campus of RMRC is located in 20 acres of picturesque landscape in Chandrasekharpur and has its own laboratory –cum- administrative building, animal house, auditorium, guest house & research scholars’ hostel and staff quarters. The concept of Regional Medical Research Centre was evolved during 6th five year plan period in 1980. Under this scheme six RMRCs were set up in different parts of the country.

ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, Bhubaneswar is one of the prestigious research organization working under the aegis of Indian Council of Medical Research, Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India.  ICMR-RMRC intends to fill up various positions under the Technical Cadre.

Technical Assistant (Pharmacy)
Post Code : TA
Pay Level : Pay Level-6 (Rs.35,400-1,12,400)
Posts : OBC-01
Essential Qualifications : 1st Class Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy from a Govt. recognized University.
Upper Age Limit : 30 years

Technical Assistant (Microbiology)
Post Code : TA (Microbiology)
Pay Level : Pay Level-6 (Rs.35,400-1,12,400)
Posts : UR-01, OBC-01
Essential Qualifications : 1st Class three year Bachelor’s Degree in Microbiology / Biotechnology from a  Govt. recognized University
Upper Age Limit : 30 years

Technical Assistant (Life Sciences)
Post Code : TA (Life Science)
Pay Level : Pay Level-6 (Rs.35,400-1,12,400)
Posts : UR-01, EWS-01
Essential Qualifications : 1st Class three Bachelor’s Degree in Life Sciences (Zoology, Entomology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Environmental Science, Virology, Molecular Biology, Immunology, Parasitology) from a Govt. recognized University
Upper Age Limit : 30 years

1. How to Apply
a) Application forms and other information can be obtained from ICMR’s website  icmr.nic.inor ICMR-RMRC Bhubaneswar’s website
b) (a) The printed copy of the filled offline application (Part-I & II) duly signed by the applicant should be submitted to Director, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751023in sealed envelope with superscript Application for the post of Sl. No……….. (Name of the Post) through speed post.
c) The candidates need to attach the self-attested copies of the following documents along with their duly completed Application From (i) Proof of Date of Birth (ii) Proof of Educational qualification from Class-Xth onwards (iii)Proof of Work Experience certificates (iv) Proof of Experience for age relaxation for the candidates working in Government Sector; in the prescribed format (Annexure-I) (v)Income and asset Certificate for EWS candidates, in the prescribed format (Annexure-II) (vi) One-self attested recent passport size photograph (vi)  Proof of Category i.e SC/ST/OBC/PwD/EWS etc. (vii) One set of self-attested photocopies of all documents(viii) No Objection Certificate (wherever applicable) (ix)Declaration of Experience, in the prescribed format (Annexure-III) for Candidates working in ICMR projects continuously (x) Disability Certificate for claiming age relaxation (xi)  Others.
d) The candidates have to fill all the columns in the application form and should write NA in respect of the clauses which are not applicable of relevant to the candidate.
e) In the Part-II of the application form, the candidates have to fill his/her name, post code, name of the post applied for, gender, category and correspondence address. Examination centre, roll no and application number shall be filled by the office. Candidates have to sign this admit card while appearing in the written test. Therefore, they do not have to sign the admit card (Part-II) while submitting the application form.
f) Only applications received by speed post will be accepted. No other mode of application receipt will not be considered.
g) Separate application should be submitted for each post.
h) Those working in Central/State Government Department, Public Sector undertakings and Government funded organization should be submitting their applications with the prior permission of the employer and submit No Objection Certificate along with application form and essential documents.
i) Application fees of Rs.500/- in the form of IPO in favour of Director, ICMR-RMRC, Bhubaneswar payable at Bhubaneswar to be submitted along with the application form. SC/ST/PWDs and Women candidates are exempted from payment of application fee. ICMR employees are not exempted from the payment.

2. Age Relaxation:
a) The age relaxation to SC/ST/OBC/non creamy layer/PwD/Ex service men etc. shall be considered as per the DoPT OM No. DoPT-1667569393892 dated 6th September, 2022 as amended time to time.
b) Relaxation of the age limit would be permissionable to such persons who have a minimum of 40% disability. The candidates need to attach the relevant disability certificate, issued by the competent medical authority of the Govt. of India for claiming age relaxation failing which no age relaxation shall be considered.
c) Central government servents and departmental candidates who have rendered atleast 3 years continuous service under the central government are allowed the age relaxation upto the age of 40 years (45years for SC/ST) for appointment to group C posts by direct recruitment subject to the usual condition that the group C posts to which direct recruitment is being made are in the same line or allied cadres and that a relationship could be established that service rendered in the post will be useful for efficient discharge of the duties in other categories of posts.
d) Age concession of 5 years are allowed to departmental candidates and central government employees for appointment to group B posts by direct recruitment subject to the usual condition that the group B posts to which direct recruitment is being made are in the same line or allied cadres and that a relationship could be established that service rendered in the post will be useful for efficient discharge of the duties in other categories of posts.
e) The Central Government Servants / Departmental candidates and candidates working in the ICMR funded projects should submit No Objection Certificate in the prescribed format given in the Annexure-V and VI respectively.
f) Person working in temporary position at ICMR institute continuously shall also be eligible for age relaxation upto 5 years provided he/she has entered into project services within prescribed age limit for the post.
g) Person who earlier worked in COVID-19 related project/work will be given preference at appropriate stage of recruitment subject to production of a certificate of such work.

3. Age Limit : The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the last date of the application i.e., 27th July, 2023 for all the posts. No age relaxation will be given to SC/ST/OBC (No creamy layer)against the Unreserved vacancies as per Govt. of India order No.36011/1/98/Estt.(Res) dated 1/7/1998.
4. Pay and other allowances are admissible as per ICMR rules. Benefit of new restricted defined contributory pension is admissible for new entrants as per provision contained in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (ECB& PR Division) Notification No.5/7/2003-ECB & PR dated 22/12/2003 effective from 01/01/2004.
5. Probation : The period of probation will be TWO years for all the posts from date of joining.

6. Other: -
(i) Date, time and venue of the written test will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates through call letters/admit card and no enquiry/request in this regard will be entertained. Candidates are advised to visit ICMR -RMRCBB websites from time to time for the updates status of the recruitments process.
(ii) Any change in the address for communication should be intimated to ICMR-RMRC, Bhubaneswar by the candidate immediately.
(iii) All the posts carry all India transfer liability. The selected candidates may be posted at any of the Institute/Centre under the control of ICMR and at any Field Unites of the RMRC; located in different parts of the Country. The selected candidates may be asked to report at any of the Institute/Centre of the ICMR any of the Field Unit of ICMR-RMRC. No TA/DA shall be considered in this case.
(iv) The candidates working in the Central/State Govt. Departments / Public Sector Undertakings etc. should submit “No Objection Certificate” and Vigilance Clearance Certificate” failing which the application will be summarily rejected. Advance copies of application will NOT BE CONSIDERED.
(v) The Experience Certificate (Work Experience) should be issued by the Competent Authority of the Government recognised/approved/registered Laboratory/Institute etc. and must be clear with Name, Designation, Salary/Pay Scale drawn, period of work experience (from-to), nature of duties performed etc. by the candidate.
(vi) No person (i) who has entered into, or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living has entered into, or contracted a marriage with any persons shall be eligible for appointment to the services provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
(vii) The OBC certificates shall not be more than three years old from the last date of receipt of applications.
(viii) The candidates belonging the ST should submit the caste certificate in the prescribed format (Annexure-IX).
(ix) OBC certificate for the purpose of age relaxation will mean “PERSONS OF OBC CATEGORY NOT BELONGING TO CREAMY LAYER” as defined in DoPT’s OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt (SCT) dated 08.09.1993, modified vide OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt (Res.) dated 09.03.2004 and 14.10.2008 and subsequently revised vide OM No. 36035/1/2013-Esst. (Res.) dated 27.05.2013. The closing date for receipt of application will be treated as the date of reckoning for OBC status of the candidate and also for assuming that the candidate does not fall in the Creamy Layer on the reckoning date. OBC candidates must, therefore, furnish valid and updated OBC certificates I the Prescribed format given in Annexure-VIII which should specifically include the clause regarding “Exclusion from the Creamy Layer”. Non submission of such certificate shall be treated as disqualification. In order to get age relaxation, they have to furnish a declaration in the prescribed format given in Annexure-VII.
(x) The application applying in response to this advertisement, in their own interest, are advised that they should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the post applied for. They must ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria viz. age limit, essential qualification, experience, reservation etc. as on the last date of receipt of application i.e 27.07.2023 in case, at any stage of recruitment or even after appointment, it has come to the notice that any of candidates does not fulfil the required qualifications in respect of the above mentioned eligibility criteria or has furnished any wrong or false or misleading information in the application form or has suppresses any material fact(s) or is not eligible otherwise, his/her candidature will automatically stand cancelled without assigning any reason or notice thereof irrespective of his/her marks obtained in the written test and no enquiry/request/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

General Instructions 
a) Vacancies shown are tentative and may vary.
b) The envelope containing applications should be super scribed – Name of the post applied.  
c) Unsigned/incomplete applications or applications without supportive evidence, applications received late, shall be summarily rejected.
d) Educational Qualification and experience should be from a recognized Board/Organization/Institute of repute. Experience will count after the date of acquiring prescribed essential qualifications.
e) ICMR-RMRC, Bhubaneswar will not be responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery.
f) Appointment will be made on the basis of result of competitive test. Candidates securing highest marks in the written examination will be selected in order of their merit in the written examination as per the DoPT guidelines and subject to fulfilling all the eligibility criteria.
g) Syllabus for written examination will cover General Knowledge, Aptitude, Subject related and English Language.
h) Since it not possible to call all the eligible candidates for the written test, the applications fulfilling essential qualification and experience will be shortlisted. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for written test and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
i) Date of written test will be communicated to the eligible candidates through call letters and email only and no enquiry in this regard will be entertained.
j) No TA/DA will be admissible to attend the written test.
k) Canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or to bring political or other outside influence with regard to selection / recruitment shall be treated as disqualification.
l) Suppression of any wrong or misleading information in the application may forfeit the candidature either during the process or thereafter.
m) Any Addendum/Corrigendum in respect of above vacancy notice shall be issued on our website Applicants are requested to regularly visit our website to keep themselves updated.
n) The Director, ICMR-RMRC Bhubaneswar reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up any/all of the advertised positions without assigning any reasons thereof.
o) Detailed advertisement and application form is available at website.

The last date of submission of application forms for only these positions is 11th August, 2023 up to 05:30 PM.


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