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Pharma Faculty Recruitment at Abasaheb Kakade College of B.Pharmacy

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Pharma Faculty Recruitment at Abasaheb Kakade College of B.Pharmacy

A premier institution of education like the Nav Maharashtra Shikshan Mandal’s, known and honoured far and wide, not only at the state level, but at the national level too, needs no introduction. A premier institution of education like the Nav Maharashtar Shikshan Mandal, known and honoured far and wide, not only at the State level, but at the National level too, needs no introduction. The institution itself is regarded as a noble mission, a noble cause, so earnestly and so endearingly pursued by its founder- father Comred Abasaheb Kakade /Jagannath Kanhoji Kakade, the educator of the educators and his legendary wife Sou. Nirmalatai Kakade with her exemplary sacrifices made to turn the mission into a reality. The Nav Maharashtra Shikshan Mandal is one of the leading educational institutions in Maharashtra. The value of its contribution to education in general is enormously great as it has, from the very beginning, tried all its best to lay emphasis on the education of the down-trodden, the poor and the ignorant that really form the major bulk of society.

Invites Applications from the eligible, self-motivated and goal Oriented candidates for filling-up following post for Degree Course in Pharmacy.


Associate Professor : (Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy)  - 4

Assistant Professor : (Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy) - 8

Note :
1) The Qualification, Experience for the above post is applicable as prescribed by AICTE New Delhi, PCI New Delhi, SPPU Pune, Government of Maharashtra. 
2) Interested candidates may apply with their updated Resume Passport size Photograph and attested copies of all testimonials with all experience certificates so as to reach undersigned within 07 days from publication of this advertisement at Navmaharashtra Shikshan Man dal, Vidyanagari Campus, Gadgebaba Chowk, Pathardi Road, Shevgaon, Dist: Ahmednagar. Email : 
3) The Candidates who are keen to join in next semester/ academic year may also apply. 
4) No T. A/D.A. will be provided for attending interview.

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