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Multiple Vacancies in Central Drug Research Institute

Clinical research courses

CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, a premier Institute under Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), is involved in multidisciplinary R&D programs of both basic and applied nature. CSIR-CDRI is a pioneer biomedical research organization in India and has the infrastructure and expertise to develop a drug from conceptualization to commercialization. In the year 2012, CSIR-CDRI shifted to its state of the art new campus, which has been set up with a vision to serve as a Nodal Center of CSIR in new drug discovery and development.

Post Code : 001
Project Assistant - One (01)
Essential qualifications : M.Sc. in Life Science / Biochemistry/ Zoology/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology with 55% marks
Desirable qualifications : Experience in animal cell culture, handling of small Laboratory animal
Stipend : Rs. 18,000 p.m. (fixed)
Age : 30 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project :  DST (GAP0286) “Redox regulation of immune cells, neutrophils in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.” Tenure upto – 26.07.2021

Post Code : 002
Project Assistant - One (01)
Essential qualifications : M.Sc. in Biochemistry/ Biotechnology or M.Sc. in any other stream of Life Sciences with 55% marks
Desirable qualifications : 06 months-1 year experience in Research lab
Stipend : Rs. 25,000+HRA p.m.
Age : 30 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project :  DST (GAP0269) “Development of small molecule inhibitor specifically targeting Mtorc2 for cancer therapeutics; development of targeted anti-cancer strategy.” Tenure upto – 16.03.2021

Post Code : 003
Project Assistant-II One (01)
Essential qualifications : M.Sc. in Life Science / Toxicology with 55% marks
Stipend : Rs. 25,000+HRA p.m.
Age : 30 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project  : CSIR (HCP0010) “Phytopharmaceutical Mission” Tenure upto – 31.03.2020

Post Code : 004
Project Assistant-II One (01)
Essential qualifications : M.Sc. with 55% marks in Life Science/ Biotechnology/ Zoology/ Botany/Toxicology with two years research experience
Desirable qualifications : Experience in animal handling and handling molecular biology tools
Stipend : Rs. 28,000+5600HRA p.m.
Age : 35 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project  : CSIR (HCP0019WP5) Nutraceuticals and Nutritionals “WP5.0 Triphala bsed validated formulation for compromised immunity” Tenure upto – 31.03.2020

Post Code : 005
Project JRF One (01)
Essential qualifications : M.Sc. in Life Sciences with NET/NET (LS) qualified
Desirable qualifications : M.Sc. Biotechnology/ Biochemistry
Stipend : Rs. 31,000+16%HRA p.m.
Age : 30 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project  : DBT (GAP0337) “To investigate the role of HOXB1 in spermatogenesis and male infertility” Tenure upto – 01.09.2022

Post Code : 006
Project Research Fellow One (01)
Essential qualifications : M.Sc./B.Tech. in Life Science/Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/Zoology with 55% marks
Desirable qualifications : M.Sc./M.Tech in Life Science/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Zoology with prior experience in laboratory animal handling or related work with other common lab techniques
Stipend : Rs. 16,000+20%HRA p.m.
Age : 30 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project  : SERB, DST (GAP0290) “To decipher the role of RHOG in the endometrial receptivity for blastocyst adhesion and invasion process” Tenure upto – 05.10.2021

Post Code : 007
Project JRF One (01)
Essential qualifications : M.Sc. in Life Sciences / Biotechnology/ Biochemistry with NET qualified
Desirable qualifications : Experience in Molecular Biology Techniques and Animal handling
Stipend : Rs. 31,000+16%HRA p.m.
Age : 30 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project  : SERB (GAP0341) “Unraveling the role of RNA-binding protein Quaking in cardiac remodeling with emphasis on Titin alternative splicing” Tenure upto – 19.11.2021

Post Code : 008
Project JRF One (01)
Essential qualifications : M.Sc. in Chemistry with 55% marks NET-LS or GATE qualified
Desirable qualifications : M.Sc. Organic Chemistry special and NET-LS qualified
Stipend : Rs. 31,000+16%HRA p.m.
Age : 30 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project  : SERB, DST (GAP0318) “Catalytic Asymmetric Dearomatization of (Het) Arenes via Decarboxylative Cycloaddition: Synthesis of Natural Product-Inspired Novel Scaffolds for Drug Discovery” Tenure upto – 03.03.2022

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General Conditions
1. Age relaxation will be admissible to SC/ST/OBC/PWD & Women candidates as per CSIR/Funding Agency Guidelines.
2. Suitable Candidates may be empaneled for future requirement if any, under different projects.
3. The date for determining age/qualification and experience shall be the date of interview.
4. The above positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the aforementioned projects. The engagement in these projects will not confer any right implicit or explicit on the candidate for consideration for regularization against any CSIR/CDRI post(s).
5. The number of positions against the various projects can vary at the time of selection depending on the requirement of the institute.
6. Extension beyond two years / movement from one level to next shall be subject to performance review by a committee appointed by Director.

Timing:- Eligible candidates are required to report for the Interview at 9:00 A.M on 30.01.2020 Candidates reporting after 10:00 A.M will not be entertained. The eligible candidates may appear before the Selection Committee for interview on the date and time mentioned above at CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, B.S. 10/1, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-226031. Eligible candidates must bring with them a duly filled application with original & attested copies of mark sheets/certificates etc. along with a recent passport size photograph.

No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.

Note:- Candidates who fulfils the requisite qualification and age will be allowed to appear before the Selection Committee for interview. Written test in the subject area will be held, if required, to shortlist candidates for the interview on the same day depending upon the number of candidates. The interview may be continued for the subsequent days also, therefore outsider candidates are requested to make their own arrangements accordingly.

CSIR- Central Drug Research Institute
Sector 10, Janakipuram Extension, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-226 031 (India)

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