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Applications are invited for post of Junior Research Fellow at Dr. Reddy's Institute of Life Sciences

Clinical research courses

The Dr. Reddy's Institute of Life Sciences was conceived in the context of globalization, to foster research competence in India and to bridge the divide between academic research and the pharmaceutical & biotechnology industries.  The institute was incorporated as a non-profit entity under Section 25 of the Indian companies act, facilitating operational autonomy. Construction of the DRILS building comprising 44 labs and an administrative block and spanning ~130,000 sq.ft. in area, began in 2004 and was completed in January 2007.

POSITION: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

PROJECT TITLE : Elucidating the molecular links between nutrition, reproduction, and aging in C. elegans


Eligibility: Candidates with a keen interest in basic science research and prior hands-on experience with molecular Biology, genetics, biochemistry or microbiology techniques are preferred.
- Post Graduate Degree in life Science with NET qualification
- Graduate Degree in Professional Course with NET qualification (B.Tech. Biotechnology or similar)
- Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course ( M.Tech. Biotechnology or similar)) NETs accepted: CSIR-NET including LS; GATE, JAM, GPAT, BET, JEST, JGEEBILS, ICMR-JRF and ICAR- AICE


EMOLUMENTS AND DURATION Rs. 25000+HRA per month Duration: Initially for one year. Appointment will be renewed yearly contingent on performance.

The availability of complete genome sequence along with powerful molecular and genetic tools has made the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as one of the widely studied model organism in the field of developmental biology, neuroscience, and adult lifespan. Several studies indicate that sensors and regulators of cell metabolism modulate organismal aging. Signaling mechanisms, such as insulin/IGF (ILS), mTOR, AMPK, sirtuins, and the dietary restriction (DR) pathways have been largely implicated in organismal lifespan. DR is one of the robust non-genetic intervention shown to positively regulate healthspan and lifespan in many species. However, lifespan increasing effect of DR is often accompanied by impaired reproduction.

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With the advantage of short lifespan and availability of powerful genetic tools in C. elegans, we would like to focus on addressing following two main questions:
Does DR protects germline stem cells (GSC) and hence contribute to fitness later when conditions are favorable?
Do nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs) integrate signals from known pathways that mediate C. elegans longevity?

Qualified and interested candidates may send their curriculum vitae by e-mail to on or before deadline. Please mention in the subject line of the mail the following code: - Aging – C. elegans. Selected candidates will be called for a personal interview to
Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life Sciences,
University of Hyderabad Campus,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad

Candidates will not be reimbursed for Travel for the Interview, if short listed.

DEADLINE: 10th Febuary, 2017

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