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Applications are invited for post of Research Scientist at AIIMS

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for post of Research Scientist at AIIMS

AIIMS Raipur is one of the SIX AIIMS healthcare institutes being established by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY).  With the aim of correcting regional imbalances in quality tertiary level healthcare in the country, and attaining self sufficiency in graduate and postgraduate medical education and training the PMSSY planned to set up 6 new AIIMS like institutions in under served areas of the country.

Post : Project Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical)

Applications are invited for filling up of following post UNDER THE ICMR Small Grant under Development Research Project Titled “Development of CRISPR-dCas9 based lateral flow point of care test (POCT) to identify 14 High Risk- Human Papillomavirus (HR-HPV) in cervical cancer” under Dr SANJAY SINGH NEGI, Additional Professor, Department of Microbiology, AIIMS, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, for a period of one year purely on contractual basis as per below mentioned details.

No. of Post : 01
Consolidated Fixed Salary (per month) : Rs 66,080=00 per month @ Rs.56,000/pm- + HRA10,080/*-
*HRA will be admissible as per the classification of the Raipur city.
Age (In years) : 25-45
Duration of Employment : One Year (12 Months) extendable to two more years depending on the candidate’s performance and budget grant from the funding agency.

Essential Qualifications : Ph.D. in Microbiology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Life Science. or First class master’s degree(M.Sc.) in Microbiology, Biochemistry or life science with the relevant subjects from a recognized university with a minimum of three (03) years research experience in the field of molecular biology/biotechnology/bioengineering relevant to the project objectives.
Desirable Qualifications :
i. Ph.D. candidates with research work on infectious diseases supported by at least two original research publication in PUBMED indexed journal will be given preference.
ii. Any Post -doctoral research / past experience in Genomics, Proteomics, bioinformatics and Viral infectious disease diagnostic marker development/ pathogenesis/gene expression studies will be given preference.
iii. Knowledge of Computer Applications (Word, Powerpoint, Excel, designing of primers, phylogenetic analysis & protein structure analysis software).

Job Location : State Level VRDL, Department of Microbiology, AIIMS, Raipur.

Job description
1. To isothermally amplify HPV DNA using self designed biotin labeled primers.
2. Designing of gRNA specific for each of the fourteen individual HR-HPV.
3. Writing of any significant laboratory work for publication in reputed journals.
4. Writing new research projects and working on it.
5. Completion of any other work assigned by PI, and Co-PI.

Terms and Conditions
1. The above- mentioned vacancy is for a fixed tenure of one year (12 months) and extendable to two more years depending on the satisfactory performance and budget allocation from ICMR.
2. The selection will not be an employment on AIIMS Raipur pay-roll. Employment will automatically terminated upon completion of the 1 year (12 months) from the day of joining of duties and there is no liability for permanent employment on AIIMS, Raipur or on Principal investigator. Also, the candidates have no right to claim permanent employment based on this job.
3. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Interested candidates may appear for walk-in interview. Candidates should bring duly filled application form (As per the prescribed Performa) and all original certificates of educational qualifications, copies ofresearch publications and experience certificate, identity proof, along with two photographs and a setof self-attested photocopies of all certificates and relevant documents at the time of interview.

Candidates have to download the application form from the AIIMS Raipur website. The scanned copy of the duly filled application form along with self-attested xerox copies of relevant documents should be emailed at-, on or before17th Feb 2024 by 05:00PM. The candidate needs to submit the application as per the attached format. The application in the said format is to be properly typed and signed. One recent self- signed passport sized color photographs is to be pasted on the assigned place on the first page of the application format.Applications that are not sent in the attached format will be rejected.

Annexures should include scanned copies of educational qualifications, Experience certificates, Identity proof in the form of Adhaar card, Class 10th certificate for proof of age, Scientific publications and other relevant documents. The application form and the documents should be emailed in a zip folder titled as the Candidate’s name and the name of the post.Example- Vinod Singh RS B Selection procedure The applications received will be scrutinized by the selection committee. Recruitment will be made through Interview and a written test will be conducted if the number of eligible candidates are more than 50 per post. Selection is based purely on merit basis. The list of candidates found eligible will be displayed on college website by 24th Feb 2024. The candidates are advised to check the college website for the date, time and venue of interview/written testor for any other update or information. No separate communication will be sent to the candidates.

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