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Job for Pharmacist in Government General Hospital

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Job for Pharmacist in Government General Hospital

Applications are invited from the qualified and eligible candidates with effect from 18-02-2022 to 24-02-2022 (by 05:00 PM) for the recruitment of Paramedical & other Category of Unfilled VH-Women Roster Point Posts sanctioned for the Govt. General Hospital, Nellore on Contract/ Outsourcing basis through the District Selection Committee (DSC), SPSR Nellore District.

Post : Pharmacist

No. of Posts : 02

Monthly remuneration : Rs. 28,000/-

Mode of recruitment : Contract

Educational Qualifications
2Yrs Diploma in Pharmacy / B.Sc., (Pharmacy) or its equivalent and must be registered in A.P. Pharmacy Council with up to date renewal (Candidates with Pharma-D (Doctor of Pharmacy) are not eligible to apply)

Selection Process & Service Weightage
Aggregate marks obtained in all the years in the qualifying examination : 75%
Weightage for experience of Govt. Service including contract/outsourcing service :  Up to 15%
i) @2.5 marks for six months in tribal area
ii) @2.0 marks for six months in rural area
iii) @1.0 marks for six months in Urban area
Based on Covid-19 duties
1. @5 Marks in 06 months
2. @10 Marks in 01 Year
3. @15 Marks in 01 year 06 Months
Weight age for number for years since passing qualifying examination : Up to 10 marks @ 1.0 marks per completed year after acquiring requisite qualification.

No person shall be eligible if he/ she is less than 18 years of age and if he/ she is more than 42 years of age as on 01-07-2021. Candidates should not be born earlier than 02-07-1979 and not later than 01-07-2021.
Age Relaxation is applicable to the categories as detailed below:
i) For S.C. S.T. & B.C.s 5 (Five years).
ii) For ex-service Men 3 (Three) years in addition to the length of service in armed forces.
iii) For Physically Challenged persons 10 (Ten) years.

Application Fee:-
Each applicant must pay application process fees of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) for OC Category and Rs.300/- (Rupees three hundred only) for BC/ SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Ser. in the Account No: 250301000915 of ICICI Bank, Vedayapalem Branch, Nellore, IFSC Code: ICIC0002503.
Mode of Payment : through on-line/UPI/Bank and UTR/ Receipt/ Counterfoil should be enclosed/ mention with the application.

Selection Process:- Purely on Merit and follow the Rule of Reservation.

• The applicants can down load the application along with instructions/ guidelines regarding method of recruitment and eligibility etc from the web site spsnellore category/recruitment.
• Candidates should submit their filled applications along with all relevant enclosures/ requisite Fees through registered post to the Office the Superintendent, Govt. General Hospital, G. T. Road, Nellore– 524004. (OR) Candidates can submit their filled applications directly through the “APPLICATION DROP BOX” provided at office of the Superintendent GGH, Nellore.
• Last date for submission of Applications is 24/02/2022 by 5 PM.
NOTE : If the candidate desires to apply for more than one post – Separate application must be submitted for each post.

The above Contract/ Outsourcing appointments are purely on temporary initially for period one year and can be terminated at any time without assigning any reasons.

The following supporting documents should enclose along with application form at the time of submission of application Name of the certificate (should enclose for all category posts)
1. Filled in Application Form (downloaded from the website
2. SSC or its equivalent examination pass-cum-marks memo.
3. Intermediate or 10 + 2 examination pass-cum-marks memo.
4. Mark lists of all years along with provisional/ convocation in respect their requisite Academic/ Technical qualification of the post applied.
5. Registration certificate in AP Para Medical Board/ AP Pharmacy Council/ First Aid Certificate with up to date Renewal.
6. Latest Caste certificate issued by the Tahsildar concerned.
7. Study certificates from 4th Class to 10th Class (for local status). In case of private study, the residence certificate obtained from the Tahsildar concerned for consecutive 7 years prior to passing of SSC or its equivalent.
8. The persons seeking the benefit of reservations under EWS category shall obtain the necessary EWS certificate issued by the Tahsildar concerned and enclose along with application form. (as per G.O.Ms. No. 73, GA (Ser-D) Dept., Dt.04.08.2021.)
9. Physically Handicapped certificate (SADAREM) in case of candidates claiming reservation under PH quota.
10. Relevant certificate in respect of candidates claiming Ex-Servicemen/ Sports quota.
11. The candidates who have rendered services on contract/ Outsourcing basis under earmarked Govt., Institutions/ State and Central Govt., Schemes in the State of Andhra Pradesh/ COVID-19 Duties should enclose Service certificate duly signed by competent authority.
12. Application process fee paid in the Account Number 250301000915 of ICICI Bank, Vedayapalem Branch, Nellore (IFSC ICIC0002503) through the online/ UPI/ BANK and UTR – Counterfoil should enclose/ mentioned with application

Note: Application submitted without the required certificates, application process fee and in complete filled application will be rejected summarily.

Last date for submission of Applications is 24/02/2022 by 5 PM

Application Form

Service Certificate Performa

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