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Job for Pharmacy professionals in Central Drug Research Institute as Consultant | Emoluments upto Rs 80,000 per month

Clinical research courses

CDRI is a pioneer research organization in the field of biomedical research in India. It has the infrastructure and expertise to develop a drug right from the concept stage to the market. The institute’s latest techniques and services are employed for developing drugs, diagnostics and vaccines to combat diseases prevalent among mankind in general and Indian population in particular.

CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute invites applications from bright, dynamic, qualified individuals for engagement as Consultant in CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow for specific tasks related to Phytopharmaceutical Mission, as per following criteria.


Essential Qualification & Experience :
Ph.D. in Botany with at least 15 years’ research experience in a R&D organization in the area of ethnobotany and pharmacognosy.

Desirable : Documented expertise in field survey, plant collection, taxonomical identification, and processing of plant materials under SOP guideline with documented proof of publications in relevant areas in peer reviewed journals.

Job Description :  The successful candidate will be involved in collection of Indian medicinal plants, taxonomical identification and pharmacognosy.


Essential Qualification & Experience :
Ph. D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences/Chemistry with minimum 15 years of research experience in a R&D organization in the area of Pharmaceutics.

Desirable : Expertise in phyto-pharmaceutical formulation, standardization of herbal/botanical extracts, pharmacokinetic evaluation of natural products and well- conversant with regulatory aspects of drug development

Job Description :  The successful candidate will be involved in formulation of plant extracts/fractions and relevant IND-enabling studies.

Natural Product Chemistry

Essential Qualification & Experience :
Ph.D in Chemistry with at least 15 years of experience in natural product chemistry

Desirable : Experience in extraction, isolation and characterization of compounds from medicinal plants.

Job Description : 
The successful candidate will be involved in the preparation of standardized extracts/fractions from medicinal plants, and isolation of bioactive compounds for preclinical assessments in various disease models.

Maximum age limit: The maximum age limit of Consultants will be 65 years during the period of their engagement.

Rs 50,000-80,000 per month, negotiable as per qualification and experience observed at the time of personnel discussion.

Initially for a period of one year and likely to be extended by another year or up to the tenure of the project, or the Consultant reaching 65 years of age, whichever is earlier.

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Selection procedure
Eligible candidates will have to appear for personal discussion, before a duly constituted selection committee.

The Consultant would not be entitled to any kind of regular leav However, they would be entitled to Casual Leave of 8 days in a calendar year, to be calculated on pro-rata basis.

No TA/DA is admissible for joining the assignment or on its completion. Should they be required to travel outside Lucknow in connection with the project work during the period of their engagement they will be entitled to draw TA/DA, as per normal rules as applicable to any serving Officer of an equivalent rank in CSIR.

Office time and working hours
Engagement of Consultants would be on full time basis. Working hours shall be from 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM during working days including half an hour lunch break in between. They will not be allowed to take any other assignment during the period of contractual engagement. The Consultant may be called on Saturday/ Sunday/ other Gazetted holidays, if required.

Tax deduction at Source
The Income Tax or any other tax liable to be deducted, as per the prevailing rules will be deducted at source before effecting the payment for which the office will issue TDS certificate.

Confidentiality of data anddocuments
The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of the data collected as well as the deliverables produced for the office shall remain with this office. No one shall utilize or published or disclose or part with, to a third party, any part of the data or statistics or proceedings or information collected for the purpose of this assignment or during the course of the assignment for the office, without the express written consent of the office. The Consultant shall be bound to hand over the entire set of records of assignment to the office before the expiry of the contract, and before the final payment is released by the office.

Conflict of interest
The Consultant engaged by this office, shall in no case represent or give opinion or advice to others in any matter which is adverse to the interest of thisoffice.

Termination of service
The engagement may be terminated at any time by the office without assigning any reasons by giving a notice of 15 days. In case, a Consultant desires to leave the assignment, he/she is to give 15 days’ notice which can be curtailed /extended depending upon the workload.

Guidelines for the submission of theapplication
The application should be submitted with the following documents: -
a) Copy of retirement notification (for Ex-Governmentservants)
b) Copy of PPO (for Ex-Governmentservants)
c) Certificates in support of educational qualification and products developed.

Mode of application
The application form duly filled in, with all necessary documents (certificates, experience, related documents, details of products developed etc.) should be addressed to :-
The Director
CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute
Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road,
Lucknow - 226 031

Eligible candidates are requested to report for the Interview at 9:00 a.m. on 16.02.2019 on the above address.

Application Form & More Info>>

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