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Job Openings for Pharmacists 06 posts under Government of India Enterprise NALCO

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Job Openings for Pharmacists under Government of India Enterprise NALCO

National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO), a Navratna Central PSE and one of the largest integrated Alumina - Aluminium Complex of Asia, having State of the Art technology, with its present turnover of Rs. 14000 Crores is going for further growth and expansion within India & across the globe. The Company being a prominent foreign exchange earner forthe Country also enjoys PremierTrading House status in the field of export and has won many prestigious awards for its excellent performance with significant value addition to its shareholders. The plants and offices are multi-locational with its Corporate Office at Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

Post : Pharmacist Gr III (P0 Grade) 

No of posts : 6
Scale of Pay : Rs.29500-3%- 70000/-
Sector wise Vacancy, Vacancy break up & Category* : M&R, Damanjodi : Vacancy 6 (UR-3, SC-1, ST-1, OBC -1)
Post identified as suitable to be held by PwBDs in following categories : a) D, HH b) OL, BL, CP, LC, Dw, AAV c) ASD (M), SLD, Ml d) MD involving (a) to (c) above

Minimum requisite Qualification : The candidate should have passed 10th/Higher Secondary/10+2 in science with recognized Diploma in Pharmacy, must be registered under Pharmacy Council Act and should have 02 years post qualification experience. He/ She is required to assist in Operation Theatre (OT) & ICU, look after sterilization work of O.T. independently, handle the Casualty, First aid Centre, dispensary, documentation of hospital records, accompany the serious patients to the referral hospitals, assist in medicine store, scrutiny of medical bills of different empaneled hospitals/ employees/ allied services providers as well as the bills of retired employees for necessary reimbursement and to attend shift duties at First aid Centre and Hospital.
Upper age limit (in years) as on 21.01.2025 : 35
To be inducted in P0 grade : To be inducted in P0 grade
For S&P Complex, in addition to the above-mentioned reservation of posts for ST, SC, OBC(NCL) and EWS, 14 posts will be horizontally reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs), as per Government guidelines, belonging to the category/categories for which the post is identified (as indicated at Para-A). Further, 43 posts will be horizontally reserved for Ex-Serviceman (ESM), as per Government guidelines.
For M&R Complex, in addition to the above-mentioned reservation posts for ST, SC, OBC(NCL) and EWS, 14 posts (which includes 4 posts in paramedical disciplines) will be reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD), as per the Govt, guidelines, belonging to the categories for which the post is identified as indicated for each post above. Further, 29 posts (which includes 2 posts in paramedical disciplines) will be horizontally reserved for Ex-Serviceman (ESM) as per Government guidelines.

Important Note :
1. Abbreviations used stands for UR-Un-reserved; SC-Schedule Caste; ST-Schedule Tribe, OBC(NCL)-Other Backward Class(Non-creamy layer),PwBD-Person with Benchmark Disability, ESM-Ex-Serviceman, EWS-Economically Weaker Sections, LV= Low Vision, D=Deaf, HH= Hard of Hearing, OA=OneArm, OL=One Leg, SD=Spinal Deformity, SI=Spinal Injury BL=Both Leg, CP=Cerebral Palsy, LC=Leprosy Cured, Dw =Dwarfism, AAV=Acid Attack Victims, ASD= Autism Spectrum Disorder (M= Mild, MoD= Moderate), ID = Intellectual disability, SLD= Specific Learning Disability, Ml= Mental Illness, MD=Multiple Disabilities, NCVT = National Council for vocational training, NCVET= National Council for Vocational Education and Training
2. Qualification must be from Universities or Institutes recognized / accredited by council / bodies like UGC/ AICTE /NCVT / NCVET set up by Central/State Government (wherever applicable). Only full time Regular courses will be considered. This shall include Matriculation /equivalent as specified under the minimum essential qualification(s) column.
3. Candidates who have not acquired the prescribed qualification, experience, age etc., as mentioned above, on or before closing date of submitting application need not apply.
4. The candidates should possess valid employment exchange registration card.

Selection Process
1. The applied candidates for the posts shall be required to undertake a Computer Based Test (CBT).
2. The options for selection of exam centers needs to be filled up as per preference. Based on preference, date of application and availability, test centers will be allotted through computer-based program. Any request regarding change in venue/date/time of the examination will not be entertained. The list of examination centres is detailed at (I) (9).
3. The CBT will be conducted for total 100 questions and each correct answer will carry 01 mark and time allotted 120 minutes. The questions will be of MCQ types with one mark each. The question shall be on respective technical (Domain) subjects (60%) and general awareness (40%).
4. The question shall be in English and Hindi language only.
5. The answer key to the question will be displayed in the NALCO website three days after the CBT along with Objection management related to the concerns of the candidates, if any, related to questions and answer keys of the examination. Candidates can register their objection within three days of the answer key being posted on the website.
6. For posts from SI. No. 1 to 10, selection shall be based on Computer Based Test (CBT) only.
7. For posts from SI. No. 11 to 14, the selection will be made through CBT and Trade Test. The weightage for CBT and Trade test shall be 60% and 40% respectively.
8. Based on the performance in the Computer Based Test (CBT)/ CBT & trade test, the organizational requirement, the vacancies in the discipline and reservation points as per the Presidential Directives, the candidates will be called for original documents verification and pre-employment medical examination. The candidates shall submit the self¬attested copy of online application, admit card, e-Receipt of application fee, ID proof and documents uploaded at time in the online portal along with their original documents during verification of documents by a Committee, if called for. Any inadequacy/deficiency/discrepancy/mismatched or non-submission of required documents of the candidates his/her provisional selection and candidature shall be rejected forthwith. Any undertaking/ request of the concerned candidate on this account will not be entertained at all.
9. Mere meeting the advertised specification and appearing in the Computer Based Test does not entitle a candidate to be called for verification of documents. The management reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards/criteria by taking into account the standard of qualification and/or experience to restrict the number of candidates for assessment.

Medical Fitness
The final placement of the candidate in the Company will be subject to the selected candidates being found medically fit by the Company's Medical Officer/Board for the post (s) for which they have been selected. The decision of Medical Board constituted by the Company will be final and binding.
The candidate has to opt for the post applied for either at S&P Complex, Angul or M&R Complex, Damanjodi against the respective vacancy (at Table-A) only while filling up the application. During the probation period and/or after absorption, selected candidates may be posted in the NALCO's establishments anywhere in India or abroad or any of the subsidiaries/joint ventures/business associates of NALCO & is transferable as per the organizational requirement. The selected candidates may be assigned jobs/ functions/ assignments related to their area as per the requirements of the Company including shift operation.

Reservations and Relaxations
1. Reservations/relaxations for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) /Economically Weaker Section (EWS)/Person with Benchmark Disability (PwBD)(degree of disability 40% or above) /Ex-servicemen candidates as per Government guidelines are applicable. In case of increase or decrease in the number of total posts, the number of reserved category posts will vary in accordance to the Govt, guidelines. Further, the Presidential Directives on relaxed standards for PwBD will be followed, wherever it may be required to do so.
2. Reservation for PwBD / Ex-serviceman (ESM) shall be on horizontal basis as per the prevailing rules. If suitable ESM candidates are not available for filling up posts for ESM, the same will be filled up by candidates other than ESM. The ESM candidates are required to submit their all relevant documents/declaration along with their application form as per Govt. guidelines/Notifications from time to time for their eligibility to availing concessions/relaxations, failing which their candidature is liable to rejection in the event of inadequacy/deficiency found at any stage before or after the verification of original certificate/documents.
3. EWS category may also apply forthe posts, provided they meet the eligibility criteria prescribed for UR category.
4. For claiming the benefit of reservation/ concessions applicable for PwBDs, the candidates shall have to submit a disability certificate as per the provisions of Chapter-VI I (Rule- 17 to Rule-20) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules,2017 of the Notification No. G.S.R. 591(E) dated 15.06.2017 issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. The candidates would be required to furnish valid disability certificate duly stamped and signed by a medical panel empowered for the purpose and should comprise of 3 medical practitioners of Govt, hospital or medical board attached to Special Employment Exchange for the handicapped.
5. Appointment to some of the vacancies will be offered to the PwBD candidates after considering the nature of duties and responsibilities of the assignment, location, etc. and also considering that the disability is not likely to interfere with the performance and without possible deterioration of his/her health. However, the final appointment and placement would be based on candidates' medical fitness with respect to the job requirement of the identified posts.
6. Category of SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD /Ex-servicemen/EWS once filled in the online application form will not be changed. The reserved category candidates are required to upload the requisite certificate in the prescribed format of Government of India, issued by the Competent Authority in the online application form as well as submit the same at the time of verification of original certificates/required documents, if called for.
7. If the SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD /Ex-servicemen/EWS certificate has been issued in language other than English/Hindi, the candidates will be required to submit a self-certified copy of the same either in English or Hindi.
8. The OBC candidates who belong to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled for concession admissible to OBC category and such candidates have to indicate their category as Unreserved (UR). The OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates are required to submit requisite certificate in prescribed format of Government of India, from a Competent Authority issued in the current financial year. The name of the caste and community indicate in the OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) certificate must appear in the Central list of Other Backward Classes. Further, OBC candidates will have to give a self-undertaking indicating that they belong to OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) category also at the time of Computer Based Test (CBT) as per the application form which will be available in the NALCO website.
9. The EWS candidates are required to submit requisite Income and Assets Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in prescribed format for the current financial year. Further, EWS candidates will have to give a self-undertaking indicating that they belong to EWS category also at the time of Computer Based Test (CBT) as per the application form which will be available in the NALCO website.

10. The upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC (Non-creamy layer), 10 years for PwBD -Un-reserved (UR), 13 years for PwBD -OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) and 15 years for PwBD -SC/ST candidates. The maximum upper age limit in respect of PwBD candidates is 56 years. However, relaxation in age for SC/ST/OBC (NCL) is subject to availability of vacancy forthe particular category.
11. Relaxation of five years in age will be extended to the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989. Ex-Servicemen and children/family members of those who died in the riots of 1984 will get relaxation as per directives of Govt, of India.
12. The internal candidates may apply along with other candidates provided they are serving in the next lower grade at least for one year and should be confirmed employees & there will be no upper age limit. The internal candidates also have to meet the job specification as per notification/advertisement. However, their cases will be governed as per the rules of the Company.
13. S&P Complex, Angul: In case of candidates whose lands have been acquired for NALCO projects at Angul and possess the relevant certificate issued by the land acquisition authorities of State Government in the name of self or in the name of parents or grandparents and none of their family member are employed in NALCO against the land acquired, may be considered provided he /she meets the qualification, experience and age criteria. The maximum age limit is 40 years for land ousted persons as on 21.01.2025. The relaxation will be applicable forthe posts advertised for S&P Complex, Angul only.
14. M&R Complex, Damanjodi: In case of candidates whose lands have been acquired for Nalco project at Damanjodi and possess the relevant certificate issued by the land acquisition authorities of State Government in the name of self or in the name of parents or grandparents may be considered provided he /she meets the qualification, experience and age criteria. The maximum age limit is 40 years for land ousted person as on 21.01.2025. The relaxation will be applicable for the posts advertised for M&R Complex, Damanjodi only.
15. Further, the land ousted candidates are required to submit all supporting documents including land documents; legal heir certificate issued by the Govt, authorities, declaration showing nominee particulars and relationship between the candidate and land oustee by the candidate in non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.25/- as per the prescribed format provided below (Candidate needs to take care to choose the correct declaration i.e. either for S&P Complex or M&R Complex as applicable) by way of Affidavit before the Executive Magistrate, failing which candidature will not be considered. On the other hand if the document submitted or the declaration made or information furnished by the candidate are found to be false or incorrect at any point of time or there has been suppression of any facts, their candidature will be terminated forthwith without any notice or assigning any reason.

Application Fee
1. The General/OBC(NCL)/EWS candidates are required to pay Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred) only towards Application Fee.
2. No application fee will be charged from SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-Servicemen/ land ousted/ internal candidates.
3. Candidates can optto pay through dedicated bank account, net banking orthrough debit/credit card. Fee shall not be collected by any other mode.
4. Application fee/Registration Fee is non-refundable under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying the application/registration fee and to fill in the payment details carefully.
5. To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised to apply well in advance.

How to Apply
1. Candidates must apply online through the official website of NALCO i.e. Applications received through any other mode/means will not be accepted and will be summarily rejected. To apply online, visit our website ao to “Career -> Career NALCO SUPT/Paramedical Recruitment 2024-25”.
2. Candidates need to register themselves in the website as per instructions.
3. After submitting the online application, uploading the required documents, the candidates are required to take print out of the finally submitted online application and retain the same with them.
4. Candidates are not required to submit to NALCO either by post or by hand the printouts of their online application form or any other document(s).
5. In case they are shortlisted for document verification, they will be required to submit the self-attested printouts of online application form, the uploaded documents, admit card 
along with originals, in support of their eligibility. No other documents other than the uploaded documents will be entertained during verification. The following self- attested documents needs to be uploaded during filling up the application:
i. Document in support of Date of Birth proof (Birth certificate issued by statutory authorities or Class X pass & marks certificate).
ii. Latest Caste/ Tribe certificate [for SCI STIOBC (NCL)/EWS candidates as applicable in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority as prescribed by Government of India.
iii. Disability certificate in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority
iv. Ex-servicemen eligibility proof with declarations as per latest Govt guidelines (in case of Ex-servicemen candidates).
v. Valid Employment Exchange Registration Card.
vi. All Certificates/Testimonials in respect of qualifications (Refer Table A).
vii. Experience certificate if applicable issued on the letter head of the Organisation in the given format, offer of appointment, last payslip.
6. The candidates can apply for only one post. If a candidate submits multiple applications for a single post, the latest application will be considered and rest of the applications shall be rejected. In case a candidate applies for multiple posts, his candidature shall be summarily rejected. Application form once submitted cannot be modified, hence utmost care should be taken to furnish the correct details before submitting the online application form.
7. Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online much before the closing date and time of the submission of application form and not to wait till the last date for submission to avoid the possibility of congestion in server to log on etc. forwhich NALCO will not be responsible.
8. Before applying online, candidates should:
i. Scan their Photograph (4.5cm * 3.5cm) and Signature. Please ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than the specifications.
ii. Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS will NOT be accepted.
iii. Candidature of candidates who have uploaded illegible/ blurred photographs / documents and / or signatures will be cancelled.
iv. Keep the necessary details/documents ready to make Online Payment of the requisite application fee/ intimation charges.
v. Have a valid personal email ID and mobile number, which should be kept active till the completion of this Recruitment Process. NALCO will send intimation to download E-Application Status Certificate, E-Admit Cards, Call Letter for documents verification and other communication only at registered email ID/Mobile Number of candidates. Hence under no circumstances, the candidates should provide email ID of anybody else. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her own e-mail ID and mobile number before applying on-line and must maintain that email account and mobile number during the course of recruitment process.
The candidate can give three choices of preferred examination centres out of the following: Bhubaneswar, Angul, Koraput, Cuttack, Puri, Balasore, Rourkela, Sambalpur, Dhenkanal, Berhampur Jeypore, Bhawanipatna, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Kolkata & Guwahati based on preference, date of application and availability, test centers will be allotted through computer based program. Any request regarding change in venue/date/time of the examination will not be entertained.

Instruction to the Candidates
a) The candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other conditions as mentioned in this advertisement. Mere submission of application or meeting the advertised specification and appearing in the Computer Based Test does not entitle the candidates' eligibility for the post. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment/ selection/even after appointment that the candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature/appointment will automatically stand cancelled, as the candidature/appointment would be deemed as void ab initio.
b) The e-mail id mentioned in the application form must remain valid for one year. All future communication with the candidates will take place through e-mail only. NALCO will not be responsible for any loss/non-delivery of e-mail/any other communication sent, due to invalid/wrong id or due to any other reason.
c) Candidates are also advised to visit the career section of NALCO website regularly for latest updates as no separate communication will be sent.
d) Candidates working in PSUs / any Govt, organization should generally apply through proper channel or produce 'No Objection Certificate(NOC) at the time of Computer Based Test (CBT)/verification of original certificates/documents. However, in case he fails to produce the same, the candidate would be allowed to provisionally appear in the test and his candidature for appointment will be subject to submission of original release order.
e) Candidates will not be permitted to appear for the Computer Based Test (CBT), if original and valid photo identification is not presented along with the call letter. During registration of candidates, capturing finger and photo of the candidates will be made on examination day at the venue.
f) The candidates those who will be provisionally selected for the applied post will be required to produce the following with originals in order of merit when called, for verification. The candidature is liable to rejection in the event of inadequacy/deficiency found at any stage before or after the verification of original certificate/documents and is subject to fulfilment of terms & conditions laid down in the Advertisement.
i. Document in support of Date of Birth proof (Birth certificate issued by statutory authorities or Class X pass / marks certificate).
ii. Latest Caste/ Tribe certificate [for SCI ST/ OBC (NCL)/EWS candidates as applicable] in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority as prescribed by Government of India.
iii. Disability certificate in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority
iv. Ex-servicemen Proof (in case of Ex-servicemen candidates).
v. Valid Employment Exchange Registration Card.
vi. All Certificates/ Testimonials in respect of qualifications (all semester/ year wise Mark Sheet, ITI(NCVTVNCVET) of 2 year duration, completion of one year Apprenticeship, B.Sc.(Hons)in Chemistry/B.Sc. (Hons) in Geology certificates starting from matriculation onwards, Diploma in Mining Engineering with valid Mining Foreman Certificate of Competency, Mining Mate Certificate of Competency, Valid First Aid Certificate, Diploma in Laboratory Technician, General Nursing & Midwifery or Diploma /B.SC in Nursing Certificate, Diploma in Pharmacy certificate and relevant mark sheets etc.).
vii. Experience certificate issued on the letter head of the Organisation in the given format, offer of appointment and last payslip.
g) NALCO reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards. The Management reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up any of the above positions without assigning any reason whatsoever. NALCO also reserves the right to cancel/restrict/modify/alter the recruitment process and also reserves the right to increase/decrease the post advertised, if need arises without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason whatsoever.
h) The Company reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever.
I) The decision of NALCO Management will be final & binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the application selection of candidates etc. No enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this regard, 
j) Canvassing by a candidate in any form shall disqualify his/her candidature, 
k) Any dispute with regard to the said recruitment will be settled within the jurisdiction of Cuttack (Odisha) only.
I) This advertisement supersedes all past advertisements made for the above positions including other positions made for lateral induction, if any. 
m) Eligible SC & ST candidates called for Computer Based Test (CBT) will be reimbursed 2nd class rail/bus fare by the shortest route through e-payment subject to the condition that the place of stay is 30 Kms or more from the place of CBT, on production of original railway ticket/number or bus ticket/proof of journey from their communication address mentioned in the on-line application. For the purpose the candidate needs to submit a self-attested copy of his/her bank passbook having IFSC code and self-attested caste certificate. No change in communication address will be entertained at a later stage forthe purpose of reimbursement of TA. The TA will be reimbursed only for those candidates who would finally be allowed for Computer Based Test (CBT). In other words, if the documents during scrutiny are not in order/ candidature is disqualified due to any reason on the date of Computer Based Test (CBT), no TAwill be reimbursed to them. The prescribed TA form shall be downloaded by the candidate from the NALCO website and duly filled up before coming to appear the CBT. The TA claim along with required documents shall be handed over to the concerned Official at the CBT centre only. TA claim shall not be collected by any other mode. Any inadequacy/ deficiency/ discrepancy in documents for TA claim is liable to be rejected. No enquiry / correspondence will be entertained in this regard. No other allowance is admissible towards journey/stay for the above purpose.

The last date for submission of online application is hereby extended upto 30/01/2025 till 6:00 PM.

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