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Vacancy for Pharmacist in The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research

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The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh invites OFFLINE applications from the citizens of India for recruitment of various posts on contract basis for running the temporary OPD of PGIMER Satellite Centre, Sangrur, Punjab, as per details given below:-

Post : Pharmacist ( 1 UR)

Qualification/ Experience
i) Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized University/Board.
ii) Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized Institution/Board.
iii) Should be a registered Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act 1948.
i) Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized Institution/University.
ii) Experience in dispensing and/or storage and dispensing of drugs in a reputed hospital or institution or in a drug store of a pharmaceutical concern.

a) 18-35 years.
b) Age relaxation (upper limit) will be given to following categories:
(i) SC/ST – Maximum five years.
(ii) OBC – Maximum three years.
(iii) Any other category – As per Govt. of India Rules/PGI Rules.

The application and challan form will be available on PGI website i.e. from 18.08.2016 to 28.08.2016 (11.59 PM) and the last date of deposit of application fee in the bank and receipt of offline applications in the O/o Asstt. Administrative Officer, Recruitment Cell, Kairon Block, PGIMER, Sector 12, Chandigarh is 30th AUGUST 2016 upto 4.00 p.m.

The above vacancies are provisional and subject to variation. The Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh reserves the right to vary the vacancies at any stage. PGIMER also reserves the right to withdraw any post at any stage.
II: Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above. Candidates are required to apply OFFLINE through the Institute’s website The candidates should regularly checkup the website as the Roll Number for written examination and other information will be conveyed online through the Institutional website.

(i) Date of written Examination etc. will be uploaded on website.
(ii) The written examination for all the posts will be conducted in English language only.
(iii) Date for Downloading of call letters will also be uploaded on website.

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The candidates will be required to apply offline on a given format alongwith all the certificates/documents/testimonials, challan receipt etc. Based on these documents supplied by the candidates, the eligibility of the candidates will be adjudged/ascertained by the Scrutiny Committee of the Institute, which would be based on the recruitment rules and other notified criteria.

The written examination in English language would be of 105 minutes (five minutes for biometric capturing) duration and will consist of 100 questions (each question shall be of one mark). During these hours, the candidates will be required to undergo biometrics test so as to ascertain any impersonation in the examination. There will be a negative marking to the extent of 0.25 marks per question for a wrong response. On the basis of written examination, candidates, three times of the vacancies advertised will be short-listed. It is made clear that merely appearing for the written test does not make a candidate eligible for the post for which he/she has applied.

The candidates who are found eligible on this basis, their merit list will be prepared alongwith a waiting list thereof from the shortlisted candidates based on marks obtained by the candidate in written examination. The minimum qualifying marks will be 40% for General and 35% for SC/ST and OBC category. As the Govt. of India has dispensed with the holding of interview for Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ posts (non-gazetted), there will be no interview for these posts and the candidates will be selected on the basis of merit in the written examination only.

Further, the candidates should also bring the testimonials and certificates in original which would be checked and the candidates who are declared eligible would be finally selected for these posts.

1. The candidates applying for the post should first confirm their eligibility before going to the website of .
2. The candidates will first fill (i) Advt. No. (ii) Post Code Number, (iii) category and (iv) date of birth on the website and then take a printout of the application form and challan. The application form is to be filled in by BLUE/BLACK BALL PEN in BLOCK LETTERS.
3. Candidates can go to any Branch of State Bank of India with the fee Payment Challan duly filled in and pay the prescribed Application Fee in the “Power Jyoti” PUL current account of PGIMER. The account No. of PGIMER for recruitment is 35700657347. The candidates after having deposited the fee in the bank must ensure that they have Triplicate Fee Payment Challan with Journal No./Challan No. given by the bank on it. They should mention this Journal/Challan number on the space provided in the application form and keep this challan form with them for future use
4. The amount of fee to be paid is as under:-
SC/ST : Rs 500/-
For all others : Rs 1000/-

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5. Candidates should ensure that the details to be filled in by the State Bank of India officials are filled in complete in all three copies of the challan form along with the seal, challan no. and signature of the Bank Official of the Branch.
6. Candidates must ensure that the application number should match with challan number, failing which the application will be rejected and the PGIMER will not be responsible for any remittance of fee.
7. Candidates must note that no other form of payment of application fees like Demand Draft, Banker’s Cheque, Money Order, Postal order, etc. will be accepted under any circumstances. The PGIMER will not be responsible for any remittance made in any form other than the method prescribed above and such applications without requisite application fee submitted through any other mode except prescribed in column 3 above, are likely to be rejected.
8. The candidates should ensure that they submit the OFFLINE application immediately after payment of fees, since the same is non-refundable. No representation/request/demand for refund of application fees will be entertained, if the candidate fails to apply within the stipulated time after payment of application fee.
9. The candidate is required to mention clearly his/her Email ID in the specified column of application form.
10. Candidates with valid application shall be issued call letters & admit card. These can be downloaded by the candidates directly from the PGI website by entering their Registration Number/application Number, Date of Birth. Call letters will not be sent by post. This facility would be available on PGI website SEVEN (7) days before the actual date of examination.
11. Further, instructions regarding Written Test etc. will be given to the candidates along with the admit card/call letter as information Hand out on PGI website.
12. The application complete in all respects alongwith copies of certificates duly attested by the Gazetted Officer in support of educational qualification(s), experience, age/date of birth certificate, caste certificate, latest OBC certificate, NOC from the present employer, if employed, one latest passport size photograph and one copy of challan form should be sent through registered post or Speed Post or personally only to the Assistant Administrative Officer, Recruitment Cell, PGIMER, Sector-12, Chandigarh – 160012. The applications received after the due date will not be accepted. The PGIMER will not be responsible for any postal delay.
13. Decision of the PGIMER, Chandigarh in all matters regarding selection would be final and binding on all candidates. No correspondence whatsoever would be entertained by the PGIMER, Chandigarh in this regard.


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