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Walk in interview for Pharmacist at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute

Clinical research courses

Walk-In-Interview is being conducted for the following post on contractual basis.

Post : Pharmacist


Essential: Diploma in Pharmacy or D.Pharm (Ayu) or B.Pharm or experience in Ayurvedic Pharmacy.

Age Limit: 27 Years

Remuneration per month : Rs. 28,000/- per month (Fixed)

**Subjected to approval of competent authority

General Information to the candidates:-
1. Interested candidates fulfilling this essential qualification and age limit are required to appear for written test followed by interview at this institute.
2. Age limit of the candidate will be determined as on date of interview Relaxation in age limit in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Government rules.
3. The engagement of above post are initially for a period for six month which may be curtailed or extended at the discretion of the competent authority on the basis of work performance and functional requirement and their engagement will be co-terminus with the project.
4. The engagement of above post will be purely on contractual basis and no right to claim for continuation or regular appointment.
5. Applicants should bring their Bio-data along with original certificates, experience certificates etc. with a set of photo copy and two recent passport size photographs.
6. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the written test/interviews.
7. The Selection Committee has right to cancel the selection procedure without assigning any reasons
8. The formats for submission of bio-data may be downloaded from the Council’s website
9. Duties and responsibilities of SRF and Pharmacist: to attend the OPD, maintain register regularly and to send monthly report, quarterly report and annual report at due time.
10. Leave: Shall be entitled to avail maximum 12 days paid leave in a calendar year

The Interview will be held on 24/04/2019, Thursday at 10:30 am in the Chamber of the
Assistant Director (AD) In-Charge,
Regional Ayurveda Research Institute,
Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim.

Application Form>>

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