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Research Eligibility Test (RET), 2019 for admission to Ph.D. Programme in Anthropology at University of Calcutta

Clinical research courses

The University of Calcutta was established by an Act of the Legislative Council (Act No II of 1857) of the then British India. A supplementary Act empowering the University to confer some additional degrees was passed in 1860. Another Act was passed in 1884 by which the University was authorised to confer honorary Degree of Law.The University Act of 1904 empowered the University to make necessary arrangements for the instruction of students, and though most of the teaching continued to be imparted in the affiliated colleges, teaching in some of the higher branches began to be organised under the University management.

Application are invited for the RET examination 2019 for the admission to Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Anthropology, University of Calcutta following the Regulation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2016, University of Calcutta (available in the website of the University of Calcutta;

Total number of seats declared for admission is 15 (Fifteen). Reservation policy in admission will be followed as per the West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Rules, 2013.

The eligibility criteria for the admission and the selection criteria to Ph.D. Programme are available in the website of the University of Calcutta (vide ‘Procedure for Admission’ and ‘Eligibility Criteria for Admission to Ph.D. Programme’ of the Regulation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2016).

Important points
1. Date and time of the Ph.D. entrance test: April 29th, 2019 from 12 noon onwards
2. Venue of the of the entrance test: Department of Anthropology, University of Calcutta
3. Duration of the Ph.D. entrance test: 1 Hour
4. Question type in Ph.D. entrance test: MCQ
5. Syllabus for the Ph.D. entrance test: Mentioned below
6. Total marks allotted for the Ph.D. entrance test: 50
7. Qualifying marks of the Ph.D. entrance test: 50%
8. Date and time of interview: May 07th, 2019 from 11 am onwards
9. Venue of the interview: Department of Anthropology, University of Calcutta
10. Total marks allotted for the interview: 50
11. Candidates qualified for the entrance test and who have cleared UGC/CSIR (JRF) Examinations/ NET/ SET/ SLET/ GATE or have obtained DST INSPIRE Fellow/ Teacher fellowship or have passed equivalent examinations or passed the M.Phil./ M.Tech./ M.D./ M.E./ M.Pharm. or equivalent examination (vide Ph.D. Regulation of the University, 2016) will be called for the interview.
12. The last date of submission of application form: April 16th, 2019, at the Office of the Department of Anthropology, University of Calcutta.
13. The names if the shortlisted candidates for the entrance test will be displayed on the Notice Board of the Department on April 22nd, 2019.
14. The names of the qualified candidates for the interview will be displayed on the Notice Board of the Department on May 03rd, 2019.
15. Documents to be submitted along with the application form: Self attested copies of testimonials (from Graduation course onwards, proof of age and certificate supporting reserve category).
16. Candidates should apply in the proforma mentioned below paying `100/- through a Challan obtainable in the College Street cash counter and Law College Cash Counter of the University of Calcutta.

Application Form & More Info>>

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