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Career for Pharmacists at National Research Institute of Ayurvedic Drug Development - 3 posts

Clinical research courses

There will be a written test for engagement for the following positions purely on contract basis which will be held on dates mentioned below in the office of NRIADD, Bharatpur, Near Kalinga Studio, Bhubaneswar-751003, Odisha

Post: Pharmacist

Essential Qualification: a) Diploma in Pharmacy/D.Pharm.(Ay.) from recognized University/Institution with two years experience in recognized Ayurvedic Hospital or B.Pharm.(Ay.)

No of Post: 03 (UR)

Age: 27 years & below

Emolument: 13,000/- p.m. consolidated

The nos. of positions may be increased or decreased as per the need basis.

Appointment is on purely temporary basis & initially for a period of six months

Date of writtent Exam: 15-04-2016

Time: 10.30 AM

General conditions:-
1. The eligibility of the candidates in respect of age will be determined as on first January,2016 (1st January of the Recruitment year).
2. The engagement will be purely on contractual basis and no claim for continuation or regular/permanent appointment in the Council will be entertained.
3. Applicants should bring their Bio-data in the prescribed format available on Council’s website along with original certificates, experience certificate etc. with a set of photocopies duly self attested and two recent passport size photographs.
4. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the written test and interview.
5. Age relaxation will be made for reserve categories as per Govt, of India rules.
6. The candidate are required to report at 10:30 a.m. and beyond that no candidate would be allowed for written test
7. Place of working: NRIADD, Bhubaneswar.
8. The Director (Instt.) reserves the right to reject the applications and to cancel the interview without assigning any reason thereon.

Download Application form

National Research Institute of Ayurvedic Drug Development,
Bharatpur, Near Kalinga Studio, Bhubaneshwar-751003, Odisha

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