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April 2015

Clinical research courses

PharmaTutor Magazine | Volume 3, Issue 5 for May 15

PharmaTutor Magazine - May 2015 is released | Read online and Subscribe

Career for M.Pharm (Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy) at CCRS- 3 Posts

For the development of Siddha system of Medicine, Govt. of India, by  bifurcating the erstwhile CCRAS, formed CCRS (Central Council for Research in Siddha) with its headquarters in Chennai and five Research Institutes/Units in three states namely, Tamil Nadu (Chennai, Mettur & Palayamkottai), Puducherry (Puducherry) and Kerala (Thiruvananthapuram). Siddha is a science of holistic health emphasising both drug and diet for human health care.

Opening for Procurement Manager in Sterling Stride

Recruitment partners to multinationals and leading Indian businesses to emerge as the leading recruitment brand nationally. This combined with our role as trusted consultants for Indian professionals translates into our core capability - Building Careers, Building Organisations.

Post: Procurement Manager

Application are invited for Professor / Assoc. Professor / Asst. Professor in RBVRR Women's College of Pharmacy

RBVRR Women's College of Pharmacy was established in the year 2006 under Hyderabad Mahila Vidya Sangham to provide education to women students. The college is self-financed, approved by PCI and is affiliated to Osmania University.
Our college is located in the heart of the city with a plinth area of 32000 sft comprising a four storied building in a one acre campus. The college building is constructed as per the norms and standards of AICTE. Apart from the spacious class rooms, well equipped laboratories with latest equipment, seminar hall, conference room, computer lab and library adequate open space, greenery, excellent connectivity within the city, parking space inside and outside the campus are added features of the college.

Post: Professor / Assoc. Professor / Asst. Professor in Pharmacy

Work as Junior Pharmacist in Dayanand Medical College and Hospital

Dayanand Medical College and Hospital Ludhiana a 1400 bedded hospital with strength of more than 4000 employees invites applications for the following posts

Post: Junior Pharmacist

Applications are invited for the post of Consortium Manager, Laboratory Technician, Technical Officer, JRF, Research Assistant in NARI

Applications are invited for the following posts under Consortium Project, NFHS 4 Study, INR & CVL Study (DBT). These posts are purely temporary and are to be filled on year to year basis

Post: Consortium Manager, Laboratory Technician, Technical Officer, JRF, Research Assistant

Career as Director, Project Coordinator, Business Development Manager in Saurashtra University

Saurashtra University, Rajkot invites applications for the following temporary positions on contractual basis at the fixed emoluments under Center of Excellence in Drug Discovery at NFDD Complex, Saurashtra University Campus, Rajkot, funded by Industries Commissionerate, Gandhinagar projects sanctioned for the period of 3 years.

Post: Director, Project Coordinator, Business Development Manager

Walk in interview for Chemist, Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow, Young Professional in ICAR-NRCG

Walk-in-lnterview for the post of Chemist (one post), Research Associate (one post). Senior Research Fellow (three posts) and Technical Assistant (One Post) as detailed below will be held on 07.05.2015( for posts at Sr. No. A to E ) and walk in interview for 2 posts of Young Professional II and 2 posts of Young Professional I as detailed below will be held on 08.05.2015( for posts at Sr. No. P to G ) under the timebound projects. All the posts are co-terminus and non regular.

Post: Chemist, Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow, Young Professional