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Walk in interview for Chemist, Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow, Young Professional in ICAR-NRCG

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Walk-in-lnterview for the post of Chemist (one post), Research Associate (one post). Senior Research Fellow (three posts) and Technical Assistant (One Post) as detailed below will be held on 07.05.2015( for posts at Sr. No. A to E ) and walk in interview for 2 posts of Young Professional II and 2 posts of Young Professional I as detailed below will be held on 08.05.2015( for posts at Sr. No. P to G ) under the timebound projects. All the posts are co-terminus and non regular.

Post: Chemist, Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow, Young Professional

(A) Chemist
No.of post: 01
Qualification: Essential
- PhD in Agricultural Chemistry/ Chemistry/ Agricultural Chemicals with minimum one year of active research experience on pesticide residue chemistry, to be supported by PhD thesis/s or publications. The candidate should have extensive experience on the applications of GC-MS and / or LC- MS in residue analysis (to be supported by documented proof, e.g. thesis, research papers, etc.). Practical experience on residue analysis method validation and laboratory accreditation is desirable. Candidates having M.Sc. in either of the above subjects with at least four years of research experience involving applications of GC-MS and LC-MS in residue analysis (to be supported by documented proof, e.g. thesis, research papers, etc.) will also be eligible.
Name of the Project: APEDA NRL
Emoluments: Rs. 35000/- p.m (consolidated) + HRA

(B) Research Associate
No.of post: 01
Qualification: Essential
M.Sc. in Agricultural Chemistry/ Chemistry/ Agricultural Chemicals/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology with minimum two years of active research experience on pesticide residue chemistry/analytical chemistry, to be supported by M.Sc. thesis or publications, 'file candidate should have extensive experience on the applications of GC-MS and/ or LC-MS in residue analysis (to be supported by documented proof, e.g. thesis, project report, research papers, etc.). Practical experience on residue analysis method validation and laboratory accreditation is desirable.
Name of the Project: APEDA NRL
Emoluments: Rs. 23000/- p.m (consolidated) + HRA

(C) Senior Research Fellow
No.of post: 01
Qualification: Essential
M.Sc (Ag.) in Soil Science/ Agricultural Chemistry/ Horticulture/ M.Sc. in Biochemistry/ Chemistry/ Agrochemicals and Pest Management.
- Should have experience in working in the vineyards.
- Knowledge of nutrient analytical techniques. Able to work with instruments like AAs, Flame photometer, UV-V is Spectrophotometer, PH meter etc. commonly used for nutrient analysis.
Project I/C: Dr. A.K. Upadhyay, Pr. Scientist
Emoluments: Rs. 16000/- p.m (consolidated) + HRA
Nature of the project: The work involves maintenance of the vineyard, treatment application, sampling and laboratory analysis. The person should be able to work both in field and the laboratory. The person can be sent on tour to collect samples from vineyards in different grape growing regions.

(D) Senior Research Fellow
No.of post: 02
Qualification: Essential: M.Sc. in Agriculture, Botany or Horti. Biotech, AGPM etc.
Experience: At least work experience of 2 years is must in research and work on physiology of grapes will be preferred.
Project I/C: Dr. S.D. Ramteke, Pr. Scientist
Emoluments: Rs. 16000/- p.m (consolidated) + HRA

(E) Technical Assistant
No.of post: 01
Qualification: Essential.
-SSC with Agricultural Diploma.
-B.Sc. Agriculture or Botany.
Experience: Experience on grapes will be preferred.
Project I/C: Dr. S.D. Ramteke, Pr. Scientist
Emoluments: Rs. 8000/- p.m

(F) Young Professional II
No.of post: 02
Qualification: Essential.
-M.Sc (Agriculture/Horticulture)
-Experience in Grape vine management, biochemical analysis etc.
-Diploma / advanced certificate in Geo-informatics / GIS/GEO Spatial Technologies or 2 years work experience in ARC GIS software
Emoluments: Rs. 25000/- p.m

(G) Young Professional I
No.of post: 02
Qualification: Essential.
-B.Sc (Agriculture/Horticulture)
-M.Sc (Agriculture) with specialization in Microbiology / Biotechnology
Emoluments: Rs. 15000/- p.m

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General Terms and conditions
- Chemist, 40 years for men & 45 years for women as on the dale of interview.
- Research Associate, 40 years for men & 45 years for women as on the date of interview.
- Senior Research Fellow, 35 years for men & 40 years for women as on the date of interview.
- Technical Assistant, 30 years for men & women as on the date of interview.
- Young Professional I & II, 45 years for men & women as on the dale of interview.
Age limit is relax able by 5 years in case of SC / ST and 3 years in case of OBC.
1. The above positions are purely lime-bound, non-regular and on co-terminus witli the concerned project. The services of the incumbent will stand terminated automatically after the expiry of scheme /duration whichever is earlier and the candidate will not have any right for absorption in NRC Grapes / ICAR / any other schemes.
2. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview.
3. The eligible candidates may appear for ‘Walk in Interview’ on 07/05/201 5 & 08/05/2015 at 09,00 am sharp at the office of ICAR- NRC for Grapes, Pune (situated 16 Kms away from Pune Railway station in Solapur Road) along with application form, original testimonials and photocopies of certificates in the given proforma (a). Name of the Candidate, (b). Name of the Institute where the candidate is working now, (c). Postal Address, (d). Post held at present indicating whether on temporary/permanen! basis (e). Date of Birth (f). Educational Qualifications giving details of examinations passed from Matriculation onwards, (g) Details of Technical/Othcr qualifications, (h) Whether SC/ST/OBC etc. (i) Contact Number (j) email id
4. Candidates should bring SSC, IISC , BSc, MSc ,PhD .experience and age proof documents in original and photocopy as per applicable for posts. Also , they need submit separate set of documents for each post applied.
5. The candidates need to submit separate application for each post in case applying for more than one post.
6. The candidates who hold the prescribed formal certificate of qualification before the date of walk-in-interview only need to apply.
7. Candidate should apply separately for each position(s) / projects.
8. The decision of Director of the Institute will be final and binding in all aspect.
9. Candidate may have to appear for written test and only the short listed candidates will be allowed for Interview. This process could take at least one full day. The candidates should accordingly come prepared for walk in interview.
10. Canvassing in any form will lead to disqualification.



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