The National Agriculture Commission (NAC) recommended establishment of Forest Development Corporations in each State to accelerate progress and development of forestry sector. Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Limited ( GSFDC ) was established in August 1976 and registered under the Companies Act 1956.
In 1979 the Minor Forest Produce (MFP) trade came to be nationalized in Gujarat. The Corporation was entrusted with the task of its execution. This meant translating on the ground the State Policy of protecting economic interest of STs, SCs and other weaker sections, while justifying its corporate status. This corporation gets no grants and budgetary support from the Government.
Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Ltd. urgently requires for its Ayurvedic Formulations Manufacturing Unit "DHANVANTRI" at GIDC, Ramangamdi, Por, Dist. Vadodara. Following two person purely on CONTRACT:-
Post: Production Incharge, Quality control Incharge