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Opportunity for M.Pharm or Ph.D as Research Associate at AIIMS - Salary Rs. 67,000 pm

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Opportunity for M.Pharm or Ph.D as Research Associate at AIIMS

AIIMS, Gorakhpur will follow the mandate of all other AIIMS to become a leader in Health services and be a Centre of excellence in Medical Education Technology (MET) in the country. AIIMS, Gorakhpur will implement Competency Based Medical Education with emphasis on Interpersonal and Communication skills, Professionalism, System based practice and Practice based learning in addition to the Patient Care and Medical knowledge, something that is not practiced everywhere in this country.

Post : Research Associate III

Applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates on a purely temporary basis in the ongoing extramural research projects funded by DHR under Principal Investigator Dr. Tejas Patel, Additional Professor, Department of Pharmacology, AIIMS Gorakhpur.

Project title : Technical Resource Centre under Centre for Evidence for Guidelines by AIIMS Gorakhpur


Essential : 
1. Postgraduate degree in Pharmacy (M.Pharm)/ Public Health (MPH)/ Epidemiology/ Statistics or equivalent degree with 3 years of post PG experience in research/projects and at least oneresearch paper in SCIE journal OR 
2. MD/MS/MDS or PhD in Pharmacy/Pharmacology/Public Health/Statistics/ Epidemiology/Health Sciences or equivalent degree 

Desirable : Preference will be given tothe candidate with : 
1) Publications (Systematic Reviews and Meta- analysis) as first or correspondingauthor in SCIE Q1 journals. 
2) High-level expertise for conducting data analysis using R Programming, STATA and/or Python or similar statistical software

No of post : 01

Duration : 11 months

Emoluments : INR 67,000/- + HRA (as applicable)

Job responsibilities
• Develop and register technical protocols for conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses 
• Undertake systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the topics decided by the Technical Resource Centre (TRC) 
• Manuscript writing of the evidence synthesis 
• Planning and organization of the training programs and workshops on systematic reviews and meta-analyses and other evidence synthesis topics under the TRC 
• Convene and / or attend meetings, trainings and webinars of TRC as decided by Principal Investigator 
• Report writing for the TRC activities at intervals decided by Principal Investigator 
• Managing the day-to-day functioning, activities and record-keeping of the TRC 
• Any other duties/responsibilities assigned by the Principal Investigator

Terms and Conditions : 
1. As per the guidelines of the project sanctioning agency. 
2. The number of posts may vary. 
3. Successful candidates will normally be engaged on Project Technical Resource Centre initially for a period of 11 months or less, depending upon the tenure of the project and functional requirements. Continuation / extension will be depending up on evaluation of the performance, tenure of the project, availability of funds, functional requirements and approval from the competent authority. 
4. The rates of the emoluments / stipend may vary according to the sanction of the funding agency of the project. 
5. Cut-off age limit will be as on the last date of application. 
6. Age relaxation will be as per DHR/ICMR guidelines.
 7. Separate application should be submitted for each position. Allotment of project to the successful candidate will be decided by the competent authority at its discretion. 

8. No TA/ DA will be paid to attend the interview / personal discussion and candidates have to arrange transport/ accommodation themselves. 
9. The persons engaged on project positions will normally be posted at the study site; however, they can be posted to any other sites in the interest of research work. 
10. The persons engaged on Project shall not have any claim on a regular post in DHR or ICMR or AIIMS, Gorakhpur or in any of its institutes or in any other government organizations and their project term with breaks or without breaks in any or multiple projects will not confer any right for further assignment or transfer to any other project or appointment / absorption/ regularization of service in funding agency or in DHR or ICMR or AIIMS, Gorakhpur. 
11. AIIMS, Gorakhpur reserves the right to terminate the project human resource positions even during the agreed contract period without assigning any reason. 
12. Candidate must bring his/ her duly filled in application form in the prescribed format with a recent passport size colour photograph along with a detailed bio-data / CV and all relevant documents; duly self- attested; in proof of his/ her educational qualifications [all certificates and marksheets from 10th standard onwards], working experience, age caste and photo id [ Aadhar card/ Indian passport/ PAN card/ Driving Licence] etc. 
13. DHR / AIIMS Gorakhpur reserves the right to cancel / modify the process at any time, at its discretion. 
14. The decision of the competent authority will be final and binding. 

15. DHR and / AIIMS, Gorakhpur reserves rights to consider or reject any application / candidature. 
16. The Selected candidate will have to join within 15 days of the declaration of results. 
17. It is NOT a permanent employment with AIIMS Gorakhpur.
18. NO claim for any other regular post in AIIMS Gorakhpur shall be entertained. 
19. Candidate must send a completely filled application form & Upload it to the given link 
20. Incomplete applications or applications received after the due date will not be considered. 
21. Decision of the Interview Committee will be final. 
22. If the performance of the appointee is not found satisfactory by the Principal Investigator appointment can be terminated at any time without any prior notice/compensation. 
23. In case of a large number of eligible candidates after scrutiny of applications and it is not feasible to call all the candidates for an interview, the appointing authority may adopt suitable higher criteria for shortlisting the candidates and who will be called for interview.
 24. Shortlisted candidates are required to submit a copy of application form with complete set of all self-attested certified copies of educational certificates/experience and photo identity along with original for verification at the time of Interview 
25. Candidates are advised to provide the relevant and correct information in online application 

26. Late/delayed/incomplete/unsigned or application without latest photograph will not be considered and will be summarily rejected without any correspondence. Hence candidates are advised to apply will before time without waiting of the last date and time 
27. Institute will not be responsible, if candidate fails to submit online application within prescribed date and time for whatever reason. 
28. Submission of incorrect or false information during the process of walk-in- interview/or Personal discussion shall disqualify the candidature at any stage. 
29. No benefit of provident fund, Leave Travel Concession, Medical Claim etc. will be considered, since the posts are purely temporary basis. 
30. Age relaxation is admissible to SC/ST/OBC candidates in respect of posts reserved for respective category only and not for unreserved post as per GoI rules. Age relaxation to Ex- servicemen/Departmental candidates including projects shall also be applicable as per Govt. of India/ICMR Norms 
31. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification/experience does not guarantee for shortlisting/selection 
32. Candidates already working against regular/permanent posts under government Department/organizations are not eligible to apply. 
33. Candidates already employed should submit a “No Objection Certificate” from their employer at the time of walk-in- interview/written test / personal discussion failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear in written/personal discussion. 
34. Canvassing and bringing inside or outside influence in any form for short listing and Employment will be treated as a disqualification and the candidate will be debarred from selection process. 
35. No request for change of Date of Interview shall be entertained. 
36. Leave shall be applicable as per DHR/ ICMR Guidelines. 
37. Candidates are advised to keep a copy of application form submitted online for future reference. 
38. Experience shall be counted from the date of completion of minimum essential educational qualification 
39. We are not committed to fill up the advertised project human resource positions and the process is liable to be withdrawn / cancelled/ modified at any time.

Documents Required to be produced in Original at the time of interview
1. Filled application format (Annexure 1)
2. Photo Identity proof (Aadhar card/ Driving License/ Voter ID card/ PAN card/Passport) *
3. Address proof* (Aadhar card/ Driving License/ Voter ID card/ PAN Card/ Passport)
4. Proof of date of birth (10th Certificate/ Birth certificate) *
5. Recent passport size photographs (two)
6. Category certificate. (for OBC candidates the certificate of non-creamy layer must be issued with in last one year)
7. Relevant Marksheets and Certificates*
a. 10th Marksheet & certificate
b. 12th Marksheet & certificate
c. Qualifying degree/ certificate
8. Experience certificate clearly showing date of joining and date of reliving. *
9. List of publications, along with one original copy (If any) *
10. GATE/ NET clearance certificate. (If any) *
* Along with one set self-attested photocopy of the documents

Note :
1. No TA/ DA will be provided to the candidates 
2. Candidate found not suitable in the document verification will not be allowed to appear the personal interview 
3. No photocopy facility is available at the institute. Candidate has to bring the photocopy of the required documents.

Place of Posting : Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh

Mode of Selection : Interview at Department of Pharmacology, Academic Block, AIIMS, Gorakhpur

Walk in Interview
Date : 07.03.2025 
Reporting Time : 10.00 am
Venue : Department of Pharmacology, Medical College Building, AIIMS Gorakhpur.
A written test may be conducted depending on the number of applicants

Application Form & More Info

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