Review on Ion Exchange Resin: An Approach towards Sustained / Controlled Release Delivery System
About Author: Mr. Mahesh W. Thube*, Dr. Sadhana R.Shahi, Mr. Abhay Padalkar
Mr. Mahesh W. Thube*: Department of Pharmaceutics,
Government College of Pharmacy, Aurangabad - 431 005, Maharashtra, India
Dr. Sadhana R. Shahi: Assisstant Professor, Govt. College of Pharmacy, Aurangabad, Department of Pharmaceutics.
Ion exchange resin (IER) is high molecular weight polyelectrolyte having charged functional site. IER are chemically vinyl, divinyl benzene and polystyrene copolymers. IER in past years have received extensive attention by pharmaceutical industry due to their versatile application. Previously IER were mainly used for water purification only but recently they have been studied for Novel Drug Delivery System. IER are mainly used for taste masking but, they also possess modifying release properties. The IER are complexed with drug to form resinates by batch process or column process. If necessary the resinates are coated with polymeric material by microencapsulation technique. Coated resinates acts as a controllable rate limiting factor for exchange of ions and also for exchange of drug, thus, modifying the release of drugs. The review article highlights the application of sustained and controlled release resinate for the development of various drug delivery system.