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Recruitment for Scientist in Department of Science & Technology - 05 Post | Govt Job

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Applications are invited for filling up two posts of Scientist E' (on deputation basis) and one post of Scientist 'D' on contract basis and three posts of Project Scientist *C' (on contract basis) in the Nano Mission, Department of Science and Technology, as per details given below:

NAME OF THE POST: Scientist 'E' ( 02 Posts)

SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 37,400-67.000 (PB-4) + Grade Pay Rs. 8700/-. 4.    

NATURE OF POST: Deputation (upto 31.03.2017).

(i)    Scientists or Technologists working in the Central or State Governments or Universities or rec-ognized Research Institutions or Semi Government, Statutory or Autonomous Organizations in India or abroad holding analogous post on regular basis or (ii)    with five years regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the pay band-3 in Rs. 15600-39100 (PB-3) with Grade Pay of Rs. 7600/- or equivalent; or
(iii)    with ten years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the pay band -3 in the scale of Rs 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 6600 or equivalent and pos¬sessing the following essential / desirable qualifications and experience.
Doctorate Degree in Natural/Agricultural Sciences or Master's Degree in Engineering / Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent with specialization in Nano Science and Technology/Materials Science/Condensed Matter Physics/Chemical Physics/Physical Chemistry/ Solid State Chemistry/Biotechnology/Pharmacy/Pharmacology for Sciences stream and Materials Engineering/Ceramic Engineering/Metallurgical Engineering/Chemical Engineering/Electronics Engineering for Engineering Stream from a recognized University or research Institute as evi¬denced by certification by such University or Institute and publication of research work in journals of repute. (ii) Ten years' experience in research and development in industrial and academic institutions or science and technology orgasnisations or Scientific activities and services (preferably in the field of Nano Science & Technology) out of which five years shall be in managerial capacity in science and technology programme, planning, development and cooperation.

Post Doctorate research in Natural or Agricultural Sciences or doctorate degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine or equivalent with specialization in Nano Science and Technology/ Materials Science/Condensed Matter Physics/Chemical Physics/Physical Chemistry/Solid State Chemistry/Biotechnology/Pharmacy/Pharmacology for Sciences stream and Materials Engineer-ing/Ceramic Engineering/Metallurgical Engineering/Chemical Engineering/Electronics Engineer¬ing for Engineering Stream from a recognized University or research Institute as evidenced by cer¬tification by such University or Institute and publication of research work in journals of repute.

Note: (A) Period spent on acquiring essential qualifications shall not count towards experience. However, period spent on post doctorate research in University or research Institute as evidenced by certification by such University or Institute and publication of research work in journals of repute, subject to maximum of two years, shall be counted as experience.
(1) The period of deputation, including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held imme-diately preceding this appointment in same or some other Organizations or Department of the Central Government shall not ordinarily exceed three years, which may be extended further on year to year basis, subject to a maximum of 5 years with the approval of the competent authority.
(2) Departmental Ccandidates in the feeder category, who are in the direct line of in-situ promo¬tion under Flexible Complementing Scheme (FCS), shall not be eligible for consideration of appointment on deputation except for the ex-cadre post for which they are not the feeder Grade Officers. Similarly, deputationist shall not be eligible for consideration for in-situ promotions under Flexible Complementing Scheme (FCS):
(3) The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall not exceed 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of application.

NAME OF THE POST: Scientist 'C' ( 03 Posts)

SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 15600-39100 (PB-3) + Grade Pay Rs. 6600/- 

NATURE OF POST: Deputation (upto 31.03.2017).

(i) Master's Degree in Natural / Agricultural Science or Bachelor's Degree in Engineering / Technology/Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent with specialization in Nano Science and Technology/Materials Science/Condensed Matter Physics/Chemical Physics/ Physical Chemistry/Solid State Chemistry/Biotechnology/Pharmacy/Pharmacology for Sciences stream and Materials Engineering/Ceramic Engineering/Metallurgical Engineering/Chemical Engineering/Electronics Engineering for Engineering Stream from a recognized University or research Institute as evidenced by certification by such University or Institute and publication of research work in journals of repute.
(ii) Four years' experience in research and development in industrial and academic Institution or science and technology organisations or scientific activities and services (preferably in the field of Nano Science & Technology).


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Doctorate Degree in Natural or Agricultural sciences or Masters Degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognised University or equivalent with specialization in Nano Science and Technology/Materials Science/Condensed Matter Physics/Chemical Physics/ Physical Chemistry/Solid State Chemistry/Biotechnology/Pharmacy/Pharmacology for Sciences stream and Materials Engineering/Ceramic Engineering/Metallurgical Engineering/Chemical Engineering/Electronics Engineering for Engineering Stream from a recognized University or research Institute as evidenced by certification by such University or Institute and publication of research work in journals of repute. Note: Period spent on acquiring essential qualifications shall not count towards experience. However, period spent on post doctorate research in University or Institute in cased where doctorate degree is not an essential qualification, subject to a maximum of two years, and period spent on post doctorate research in a University or research Institute as evidenced by certification by such University or Institute and publication of research work in journals of repute, subject to maximum of two years, shall be counted as experience.

NAME OF THE POST: Scientist 'D' ( 01 Post)

SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 15600-39100 (PB-3) + Grade Pay Rs. 7600/-

NATURE OF POST: Deputation (upto 31.03.2017).

(i) Master's Degree in Natural/Agricultural Science or Bachelor's Degree in Engineering/ Techno¬logy / Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent with specialization in Nano.
(ii) Science and Technology/Materials Science/Condensed Matter Physics/Chemical Physics/ Physical Chemistry/Solid State Chemistry/Biotechnology/Pharmacy/Pharmacology for Sciences stream and Materials Engineering/Ceramic Engineering/Metallurgical Engineering/ Chemical Engineering/Electronics Engineering for Engineering Stream from a recognized University or research Institute as evidenced by certification by such University or Institute and publication of research work in journals of repute. Eight years' experience in research and development in indus¬trial and academic Institution or science and technology organisations or scientific activities and services (preferably in the field of Nano Science & Technology) out of which four years shall be in science and technology programmes, planning, development and cooperation.

Doctorate Degree in Natural or Agricultural sciences or Masters Degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognised University or equivalent with specialization in Nano Science and Technology/Materials Science/Condensed Matter Physics/Chemical Physics/Physical Chemistry/Solid State Chemistry/Biotechnology/Pharmacy/Pharmacology for Sciences stream and Materials Engineering/Ceramic Engineering/Metallurgical Engineering/Chemical Engineering/Electronics Engineering for Engineering Stream from a recog¬nized University or research Institute as evidenced by certification by such University or Institute and publication of research work in journals of repute. Note: Period spent on acquiring essential qualifications shall not count towards experience. However, period spent on post doctorate research in University or Institute in cased where doctorate degree is not an essential qualification, subject to a maximum of two years, and period spent on post doctorate research in a University or research Institute as evidenced by certification by such University or Institute and publication of research work in journals of repute, subject to maximum of two years, shall be counted as experience.

AGE LIMIT: The upper age limit for Scientist- 'E' on deputation shall be 56 years, in case of Scientist 'D' (on contract) shall be and 40 years and in case of Project Scientist 'C' (on contract) basis shall be 35 years as on the closing date for receipt of application. The upper age limit (for Scientist- 'D' and ’C') is relaxable for Government Servants up to five years in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government.

Note 1: The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be closing date for receipt of applica¬tion and not the closing date prescribed for those in Assam. Meghalaya. Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram. Manipur. Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim. Ladakh Division of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh. Union Territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep.

The last date of receipt of applications is 7th Oct, 2016 upto 05:30 P.M. For the application format and other general conditions and requirements visit our website:

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