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GPAT courses

  • Opportunity for Ph.D, M.Pharm, Pharm.D as Senior TDA at CDSCO

    The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation under Directorate General of Health Services,Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,Government of India is the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) of India. Its headquarter is located at FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi 110002 and also has six zonal offices,four sub zonal offices,thirteen Port offices and seven laboratories spread across the country.

  • Recruitment for M.Pharm, MSc as Scientist (8 posts) at ICMR - Pay upto Rs. 2,09,200 pm

    Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is an Autonomous Organization, under the Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt, of India. ICMR is dealing with biomedical/ health research in various areas, in collaboration with National/ International agencies, through its Headquarters at New Delhi and 27 Institutes/ Centres and a large number of field stations, situated across the country.

    Post : Scientist-D (Non- Medical)

  • Career for M.Pharm or MSc in a CCRH funded project at AIIMS

    All-India Institute of Medical Sciences was established as an institution of national importance by an Act of Parliament with the objects to develop patterns of teaching in Undergraduate and Post-graduate Medical Education in all its branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of Medical Education in India; to bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest order for the training of personnel in all important branches of health activity; and to attain self-sufficiency in Post-graduate Medical Education.

  • Vacancy for Junior Research Fellow to work in ICMR funded research project at AIIMS

    All-India Institute of Medical Sciences was established as an institution of national importance by an Act of Parliament with the objects to develop patterns of teaching in Undergraduate and Post-graduate Medical Education in all its branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of Medical Education in India; to bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest order for the training of personnel in all important branches of health activity; and to attain self-sufficiency in Post-graduate Medical Education.

  • Work as Domain Experts (IPR) at CCRAS

    The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) is an autonomous body of the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy), Government of India. It is an apex body in India for the formulation, coordination, development and promotion of research on scientific lines in Ayurveda and Sowa-Rigpa system of medicine.

  • Vacancy for M.Pharm, MSc, MTech in ICMR funded research project at AIIMS

    All-India Institute of Medical Sciences was established as an institution of national importance by an Act of Parliament with the objects to develop patterns of teaching in Undergraduate and Post-graduate Medical Education in all its branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of Medical Education in India; to bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest order for the training of personnel in all important branches of health activity; and to attain self-sufficiency in Post-graduate Medical Education.  The Institute has comprehensive fac

  • Advertisement for SRF at All-India Institute of Medical Sciences - M.Pharm, MSc, MTech Apply

    All-India Institute of Medical Sciences was established as an institution of national importance by an Act of Parliament with the objects to develop patterns of teaching in Undergraduate and Post-graduate Medical Education in all its branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of Medical Education in India; to bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest order for the training of personnel in all important branches of health activity; and to attain self-sufficiency in Post-graduate Medical Education.  The Institute has comprehensive f

  • Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow at AIIMS

    All-India Institute of Medical Sciences was established as an institution of national importance by an Act of Parliament with the objects to develop patterns of teaching in Undergraduate and Post-graduate Medical Education in all its branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of Medical Education in India; to bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest order for the training of personnel in all important branches of health activity; and to attain self-sufficiency in Post-graduate Medical Education.  The Institute has comprehensive fac

  • Hiring of Technical Consultant under Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices Bureau of India

    Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices Bureau of India (PMBI) is the implementing agency of Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP). PMBI was established in December, 2008 under the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Government of India. The Bureau has been registered as an independent society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 as a separate independent legal entity in April, 2010. PMBI follows the provisions of GFR. 2017 as amended from time to time, the CVC guidelines, and instructions from the Department of Pharmaceuticals.

  • Opportunity for Ph.D, M.Pharm, MSc under Department of Biotechnology, BIRAC

    Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council is a not-for-profit Section 8, Schedule B, Public Sector Enterprise, under Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India as an Interface Agency to strengthen and empower the emerging Biotech enterprise to undertake strategic research and innovation, addressing nationally relevant product development needs.

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