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  • Patient Medical History & Medical Record Keeping: Accurate Problem Identification for Effective Solution

    Abdul Kader Mohiuddin
    Department of Pharmacy, World University of Bangladesh

    Obtaining an accurate medication history, keeping and proper maintenance of patient medical records, tracking medication lists are essential parts of medicine reconciliation and these are the processes where pharmacists play a vital role in. Without all these, prescribers may inadvertently make incorrect decisions about a patient’s treatment, causing harm if previously discontinued medicines are restarted, or if current medicines are omitted or prescribed at the wrong dose for the patient. Medical records are a fundamental part of a physician’s duties in providing patient care. Medical records can contain a wide range of material, such as handwritten notes, computerized records, correspondence between health professionals, lab reports, imaging records, photographs, video and other recordings and printouts from monitoring equipment. Poor record keeping is a major factor in litigation cases brought against healthcare professionals.


    Md. Nazmul Islam Prottoy1*, Md. Asad Ullah1, Bishajit Sarkar1, Sohana Hossain1, Aisha Siddiqua Boby1, Yusha Araf2
    1Dept. of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
    2Dept. of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh

    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder which affects the people of almost all ethnic groups around the world severely. The effect of this disease involves lifelong suffering and has no permanent cure till now. Although different medications are available in the market but they are not accessible to every person due to their high cost, requirement of frequent administration and inability to alleviate diabetes permanently.  Plant derived compounds are being commonly used by many people, specifically by those in rural areas of many countries as ayurvedic source of antidiabetic agents and these are more preferable to everyone due to their less toxicity and side effects. These compounds work by variety of mechanisms which involve different interactions between effective compounds and target proteins in the metabolic pathway. Molecular docking study helps in determining the interaction between specific ligands and receptors to specify the best lead that fits the target.  This study has been designed to investigate the interactions with the aid of computational simulation tool between medicinal plant derived antidiabetic agents (Aegeline, Gallic Acid, Mangiferin and Quercetin) and a glucose metabolism regulatory target enzyme involved in type II diabetes, Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Beta (GSK3B) to assist potential antidiabetic drug search from natural source.

    ADME/T test assists in determining various physicochemical and pharmacological properties of lead molecules like their extent of adsorption inside the cell, extent of metabolism, solubility, blood brain barrier permeability, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity   etc. which are the major prerequisites before marketing a drug. Quercetin performed well in overall experiment suggesting the best finding of the experiment.

    However, further in vitro/in vivo study is required to find out the best remedy of diabetes.


    Mohammad Sarowar Uddin*, Md. Arafat Jakir, Md. Shalahuddin Millat, Shafayet Ahmed Siddiqui
    Nokhali Science and Technology University
    Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh

    Atorvastatin calcium is a poorly water soluble compound marketed in Bangladesh under bio-waiver conditions. The present study aimed to develop formulation and drug excipients compatibility study of Atorvastatin calcium (50 mg) sustain release tablet and optimize the final formula. The tablet were formulated by direct compression method and the results obtained were extrapolated. Solid dispersion of Atorvastatin calcium was prepared by using Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, Methyl cellulose, Lactose, Guar gum, Xanthan gum & Magnesium Stearate. The in vitro equivalence test was carried out in three different media. Test results were subjected to statistical analysis to compare the dissolution profiles. Other general quality parameters of these tablets such as weight variation, friability, thickness, hardness and disintegration time were also determined according to established protocols. Final formulation of solid dispersed Atorvastatin calcium revealed that successfully improvement of solubility as well as dissolution of Atorvastatin calcium in long time. This study could be very much helpful for better bioavailability of poorly water soluble drug avoiding first pass metabolism. Finally, we can claim that prepared tablets are proved to be promising dosage form for sustained drug delivery of Atorvastatin calcium by reducing dosing frequency and increasing the patient compliance.


    Abdul Kader Mohiuddin, Assistant Professor
    Department of Pharmacy, World University of Bangladesh
    151/8, Green Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1205, Bangladesh

    Skin is the barrier that segregates the body from the outer environment. Besides protecting the body from water loss and microorganism infection, it has an important cosmetic role. Young and beautiful appearance may have a positive influence on people’s social behavior and reproductive status. Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen is said to have indulged in daily donkey-milk baths, a practice which apparently required over 700 donkeys to accomplish. The alpha hydroxy acids in the milk is believed to be anti-aging and skin-softening agents. Tang-dynasty ruler and sole female emperor of China, Wu Zetian, maintained a lifelong interest in skincare formulas. She mixed her “fairy powder” (made of carefully harvested and prepared Chinese motherwort) with cold water in order to wash her face each morning. The empress was a famed beauty well into her old age. The most hair-raising entrant in this list, 16th century Hungarian countess Elizabeth Báthory is infamous for being one of the world’s first documented female serial killers. Most of her life is shrouded in mystery and legend—the most famous story being that she would regularly bathe in the blood of her female victims. Mary, Queen of Scots, the ill-fated and attractive adversary of Elizabeth I, spent her sixteenth-century happier days on her estate in Edinburgh, Scotland, where her beauty regimen was said to include white-wine baths. In addition to wine’s antiseptic alcohol content, it was also was thought to improve complexion in general. Crème Céleste, a favorite product of empress Elisabeth (Sisi) of Austria, was a concoction of spermaceti (a wax found in the head of sperm whales), sweet almond oil, and rosewater. She would apply this daily and at night, she was known to coat her face in raw veal and crushed strawberries, kept in place with a custom-made leather mask. The skin folds are indicative of an aged personality, but not youthfulness. So, everyone wants to look younger for whole of the life, which lead to the discovery of many surgical and non-surgical treatment modalities to improve the youthfulness. Since the introduction of Botox in 2002 after FDA approval more aesthetic procedures using Botox were performed by aestheticisms involving plastic surgeons and dermatologists. However, many scientists are now starting to view physical aging as a disease process. The cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in aging reveal an intricate series of signals, markers, and pathways, all of which are programmed to monitor and control the lifespan of a cell as it ages. By studying these molecular events and pathways, the field of anti-aging will be furthered by the use of more and more cosmetics.

    As the most voluminous organ of the body that is exposed to the outer environment, the skin suffers from both intrinsic and extrinsic aging factors. Skin aging is characterized by features such as wrinkling, loss of elasticity, laxity, and rough-textured appearance. This aging process is accompanied with phenotypic changes in cutaneous cells as well as structural and functional changes in extracellular matrix components such as collagens and elastin. With intrinsic aging, structural changes occur in the skin as a natural consequence of the biological changes over time and produce a certain number of histological, physiological, and biochemical modifications. Intrinsic aging is determined genetically (influence of gender and ethnic group), variable in function of skin site, and also influenced by hormonal changes. Visually it is characterized by fine wrinkles. By comparison, “photoaging” is the term used to describe the changes occurring in the skin, resulting from repetitive exposure to sunlight. The histological, physiological, and biochemical changes in the different layers of the skin are much more drastic. From a mechanical point of view, human skin appears as a layered composite containing the stiff thin cover layer presented by the stratum corneum, below which are the more compliant layers of viable epidermis and dermis and further below the much more compliant adjacent layer of subcutaneous white adipose tissue. Upon exposure to a strain, such a multi-layer system demonstrates structural instabilities in its stiffer layers, which in its simplest form is the wrinkling. These instabilities appear hierarchically when the mechanical strain in the skin exceeds some critical values. Their appearance is mainly dependent on the mismatch in mechanical properties between adjacent skin layers or between the skin and subcutaneous white adipose tissue, on the adhesive strength and thickness ratios between the layers, on their bending and tensile stiffness as well as on the value of the stress existing in single layers. Gradual reduction of elastic fibers in aging significantly reduces the skin’s ability to bend, prompting an up to 4-fold reduction of its stability against wrinkling, thereby explaining the role of these fibers in skin aging. Anti-aging medicine is practiced by physicians, scientists, and researchers dedicated to the belief that the process of physical aging in humans can be slowed, stopped, or even reversed through existing medical and scientific interventions. This specialty of medicine is based on the very early detection and prevention of age-related diseases. Physicians practicing anti-aging medicine seek to enhance the quality of life as well as its length, limiting the period of illness and disability toward the end of one’s life. Anti-aging medicine encompasses lifestyle changes (diet and exercise); hormone replacement therapies, as needed, determined by a physician through blood testing (DHEA, melatonin, thyroid, human growth hormone, estrogen, testosterone); antioxidants and vitamin supplements; and testing protocols that can measure not only hormone levels and blood chemistry but every metabolic factor right down to the cellular level.



    AK Mohiuddin
    Department of Pharmacy, World University of Bangladesh,
    Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh

    In the business world, customer relationship management is utilized to hold customer reliability so as to expand income. Healthcare associations can fabricate a similar sort of relationship with patients, and it can likewise offer progressively unmistakable advantages. The principal advantage is by utilizing a similar hospital a patient's treatment history ought to be moderately outstanding by the association. Intermittently, extraordinary hospitals utilize distinctive patient data frameworks which are not constantly perfect with one another. On the off chance that a patient continues changing the hospital, his or her medical record can be dissipated around different destinations. In a perfect world, if the patient is treated by a similar doctor in each visit, that doctor will get progressively comfortable with the patient, which could enhance treatment. The most unmistakable advantage, be that as it may, is time. In the event that the patient goes to a similar doctor inevitably, there is no requirement for long registration toward the start of each visit. In spite of the fact that a developing collection of proof backings the utilization of cell phone short message service (SMS) for increasing physical movement, sustenance, and smoking suspension, past investigations were constrained by an attention on center to upper pay populaces, and have not focused on transcendently country networks outside the healthcare conveyance framework. Hospital websites are considered as a fitting framework for trading data and building up correspondence between patients, hospitals, and medical staff. Website character, website contact intelligence, shopping accommodation, just as consideration and service are the variables to the extent the patient relationship management is concerned. In healthcare situations, patients are considered as the primary customers; in this way, the term Patient Relationship Management (PRM) is utilized in these unique situations. PRM permits healthcare focuses to have a superior understanding into the requirements of patients while giving them better consideration. Thusly, PRM gives a chance to utilize information and data to comprehend customers and to make an incentive with them. The requirement for PRM developed when associations comprehended that it was less exorbitant to keep their present customers, while pulling in another customer would be more-expensive for an association than keeping their present customers.



    AK Mohiuddin
    Department of Pharmacy,
    World University of Bangladesh,
    Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh

    The term “Home-based care” or simply home care may be defined as a wide array of different types of care provided in the home by a wide range of parties. The continuum of different types of home-based care delivered in the home varies in terms of different dimensions, including acuity, type of care provided, and degree of physician involvement. Home-based care includes both formal and informal personal care services, Medicare skilled home health, physician house calls, and even “hospital-at-home” services. Medication-related issues are basic among home care patients who take numerous medications and have complex medical chronicles and medical issues. The objectives of home social insurance administrations are to assist people with improving capacity and live with more prominent freedom; to advance the customer's ideal dimension of prosperity; and to help the patient to stay at home, maintaining a strategic distance from hospitalization or admission to long-term care foundations. Home care is an arrangement of care given by talented experts to patients in their homes under the bearing of a doctor. Home medicinal services administrations incorporate nursing care; physical, word related, and discourse language treatment; and medical social administrations. Doctors may allude patients for home medicinal services administrations, or the administrations might be asked for by relatives or patients. The scope of home human services benefits a patient can get at home is boundless. Contingent upon the individual patient's circumstance, care can extend from nursing care to specific medical administrations, for example, laboratory workups. Basic analyses among home medicinal services patients incorporate circulatory disease, coronary illness, damage and harming, musculoskeletal and connective tissue disease and respiratory disease.



    Faculty of Pharmacy, World University of Bangladesh
    Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Pharmacoeconomics has been characterized as the depiction and examination of the cost of medication treatment to healthcare frameworks and society. All the more explicitly, pharmacoeconomic look into is the way toward recognizing, estimating, and contrasting the costs, dangers, and advantages of programs, services, or treatments and figuring out which elective delivers the best wellbeing result for the asset contributed. This data can help clinical chiefs in picking the most cost-effective treatment alternatives. Pharmacoeconomics is a division of results examine that can be utilized to measure the estimation of pharmaceutical care items and services. Pharmaceutical care has been characterized as the mindful arrangement of medication treatment for the reasons for accomplishing unequivocal results.

    Graphical Extract

    Figure 1. Graphical Extract

    Materials and Methods:
    Research conducted a year-round comprehensive literature search, which included technical newsletters, newspapers journals, and many other sources. The present study was started from the beginning of 2018. PubMed, ALTAVISTA, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Central Register of was thoroughly searched. The keywords were used to search for different publishers’ journals like Elsevier, Springer, Willey Online Library, Wolters Kluwer were extensively followed. Medicine and technical experts, pharma company representatives, hospital nurses and chemists were given their valuable suggestions. Projections were based on estimates of drug and therapy related cost, cost of being ill and hospitalization and cost of well-being. Pharmacists role in allied areas of cost calculation and minimizing through ADR management, prevent disease and hospitalization and drug selection were given the highest priority.



    Faculty of Pharmacy, World University of Bangladesh
    Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Medication errors are basic all in all training and in healing facilities. The two errors in the demonstration of writing (prescription/administering/administration errors) and endorsing deficiencies because of imperfect medicinal choices can result in mischief to patients. Any progression in the endorsing procedure can ignite errors. Slips, passes, or missteps are wellsprings of errors, as in unintended oversights in the account of medications. Blames in portion determination, discarded transcription, and poor handwriting are normal. Lacking mindfulness or ability and deficient data about clinical qualities and past treatment of individual patients can bring about endorsing issues, including the utilization of possibly mistaken medications. A perilous workplace, intricate or indistinct techniques, and deficient correspondence among human services staff, especially among specialists and medical attendants, have been distinguished as huge basic factors that add to prescription errors and endorsing issues. Dynamic intercessions went for diminishing prescription and endorsing issues are emphatically prescribed. This ought to be committed on the instruction and preparing of prescribers and the utilization of on-line helps. The unpredictability of the endorsing methodology ought to be decreased by presenting mechanized frameworks or uniform recommending diagrams, so as to abstain from account and exclusion errors. Input control frameworks and quick audit of prescriptions, which can be performed with the help of a healing center drug specialist, are additionally useful. Reviews ought to be performed occasionally.



    Faculty of Pharmacy, World University of Bangladesh
    Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh

    The word ‘compliance’ comes from the Latin word complire, meaning to fill up and hence to complete an action, transaction, or process and to fulfil a promise. In the Oxford English Dictionary, the relevant definition is ‘The acting in accordance with, or the yielding to a desire, request, condition, direction, etc.; a consenting to act in conformity with; an acceding to; practical assent”. Compliance with therapy is simply patients understanding of medication, motivation toward having this medication is a prescribed manner with the belief that the prescriber and prescribed medicine will be beneficial for his well-being. Although this is often the case, in a number of situations, the physician and pharmacist have not provided the patient with adequate instructions or have not presented the instructions in such a manner that the patient understands them. Nothing should be taken for granted regarding the patient’s understanding of how to use medication, and appropriate steps must be taken to provide patients with the information and counseling necessary to use their medications as effectively and as safely as possible. 20% to 30% of new prescriptions are never filled at the pharmacy. Medication is not taken as prescribed 50% of the time. For patients prescribed medications for chronic diseases, after six months, the majority take less medication than prescribed or stop the medication altogether. There are both federal and state laws that make using or sharing prescription drugs illegal. If someone take a pill that was prescribed to someone else or give that pill to another person, not only is it against the law, it's extremely dangerous.



    Faculty of Pharmacy, World University of Bangladesh
    Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Food adulteration and contamination are as old as the civilization itself. It is the consequence of the development of civilization, over utilization of nature, industrialization and in a price for the progression. It is highly prominent in Urban areas of Bangladesh. It is the consequence of commercialism of business people who are doing this knowingly to maximize profit. Higher degree of awareness shown by the people with higher educational background. Government regulatory agencies are less confident regarding food standard testing, as reported in the study. Educated people show higher degree of awareness of how the quality of food should be maintained. Regulatory authority is found to be in confidant in testing the food standard which also reflects their negligence. Safe food means, in general, there will be no danger from harmful elements that are deliberately added to food products in the country. The economic development of this country rarely reveals the basic literacy and consciousness of mass people. Necessary steps are to be taken to protect the environment for our own existence.

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