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    Mobile technology is defined as a term which includes all types of communications performed by mobile. These days mobile health or mHealth is an emerging field which uses mobile technology to deliver better healthcare services and also useful in health researches which helps to meet the global health challenges of today.

  • Corporate Environmental Responsibility of Indian Pharma Companies

    The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry today is in the front rank of India’s science-based industries with wide ranging capabilities in the complex field of drug manufacture and technology. It ranks very high in the third world, in terms of technology, quality and range of medicines manufactured. From simple headache pills to sophisticated antibiotics and complex cardiac compounds, almost every type of medicine is now made indigenously.

  • Naming of Drug Molecules and Pharmaceutical Brands

    About Authors:
    Dr. Amit Gangwal,
    Smriti College of Pharmaceutical Education,

    For running any business or organization their products or services should be of utmost quality keeping other things aside. These products or services are known in commerce by their names. These names are called brand names and these are assigned by the owner or innovator or researcher or sponsor of that product or service depending on the type of produce and various parameters. Though company introduces the brand in commerce but after its (brand’s) establishment, brand becomes the identity of company. Brand names are most important attribute of a product after its quality and packing from end user’s (customer) point of view. Successful brand names never escape from the memory of consumer. Few such brand names are Bislery, Maggi, Vicks, Surf Excel, Coca-Cola, Google etc. Few reputed and well known pharmaceutical brands are Corex, Lipitor, Gleevac, Viagra etc. In present article various process to name a drug and a pharmaceutical formulations’ name (brand name) have been described. Article throws light on generic, chemical and brand names of a drug or formulations besides few case studies and guidelines.


    About Authors:
    Dr. BJ Mahendra kumar*1, Jagadish babu D2, Jyothi K2,
    *1Professor, Department of Clinical pharmacy,

    Sri Adichunchanagiri College of pharmacy, Mandya, Karnataka, India.
    2Scholars, Department of Clinical pharmacy,

    Sri Adichunchanagiri College of pharmacy, Karnataka,
    Mandya, India.

    Antibiotics are among the most widely prescribed therapeutic agents among paediatrics patients.1 As we all know, the advantage of therapy with a cephalosporin not only lies in its rather broad spectrum but also in its low toxicity and the drug can be used safely in pregnant women and children. Such therapy can reduce the duration of hospitalization if the susceptible bacterial pathogens have been almost eradicated by a parental cephalosporin and patient’s condition has been brought under control.2 Despite their widespread use in paediatrics, few antibiotics have been studied adequately to be considered safe and effective for use in children. Oral third-generation cephalosporins used commonly in paediatrics include cefixime, cefpodoxime, ceftibuten, and cefdinir.3

  • Community survey on Rural women health

    About Authors:
    M.sandhya sree*, Sowmya**
    *Assistant Professor ,
    Department of pharmacology,
    BA&KR pharmacy college,
    JNTUK, Andhra Pradesh.
    Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.

    The study was conducted in two villages of Guntur district (Andra Pradesh) to determine the nature and extent of health problems of rural women. The data were collected from one hundred randomly selected rural ladies by interviewing them with the help of an interview schedule developed for  the  purpose.
    The identified health problems were classified. The findings of the study indicated the prevalence of a number of health problems among rural women and a need was felt for their education on health aspects. A sizeable number of them were found to have suffered from bronchitis, coryza, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea , conjunctivitis, dandruff, tartar deposits on teeth, skin diseases, gynecological diseases and some other diseases like rheumatism, arthritis, etc.
    The existence of a government hospital in village had no association of significant level with the health problems of rural women. Majority of the respondents perceived the treatment given in government hospital to be not effective and several other constraints in availing of the treatment facilities.

  • Role of Trademark in Minimizing Medication Errors

    About Authors:
    Pradeep Arora, Ashish Chauhan
    M.Pharm Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
    Lovely Professional University,
    Phagwara, Punjab.

    Present article enlights the true meaning of trademark and its role in reducing the chances of error in case of self medication due to look alike and sound alike drugs. History and origin of trademark and how the trademark helps the consumers and traders have been discussed in this article. This review article also helps in understanding various products and services for which a trademark can be used.

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  • Need for Professional And Social Change In Pharmaceutical Education

    About Authors:
    Gedam V.K., Chikhle R.V.
    University Department of Pharmacutical Sciences,
    Rashtrasanta Tukdoji Maharaj
    Nagpur University,
    Amravati road, Nagpur-440033,

    The natual sciences simply do not provide adequate tools or perspective.They need to be supplemented with knowledge from disciplines that deals with people and system. The social development has always been closely interlinked with healthcare achievements. Therefore Pharmacy education and practice has significant impact on health improvement of nation.The pharmacist represent the third largest professional group in the world which works in community a member of  healthcare team and have special responsibilities for safe use of medicines.
    In India, profession of Pharmacy is yet to boom to its fullest extent. Here Pharmacist performs job of mere drug seller only and does not practice Pharmacy independently.In developed countries in addition to traditional dispensing Pharmacist monitor the health and progress of patient and provide patient care outcomes and accordingly their education curriculum is designed.
    This paper seeks a need for professional and social change in pharmaceutical education system for achieving the  desired status of pharmacist in our country. The standard of education must be evaluated for strengthening of education and profession.

  • An overview on Intellectual Property Rights and How these useful for Pharma students and researchers

    About Author:
    Eswara murali S,
    M.S PHARM.,
    National Institute Of Pharmaceutical Education and Reseach (NIPER)
    , India

    Intellectual Property Rights(IPRs) are becomming an essential knowlede for the all types of subjects espicially for the pharma students and researchers. If want to run with the compition in the world one should get the knowledge and utilise these IPRs, if you want to get benifit from these IPRS, you not need to be an IPR expert, at least having a basic knowledge is sufficient to enjoy the benifits of IPRs, espicially PATENTS for pharma students.


    About Authors:
    Jomy Joy, Dr. Anantha Nagappa
    Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
    Manipal University,
    Karnataka, India

    In the age of information, the applications of business have become not only simple but also of high impact. The impact of internet on society can be felt by popularity of social media like Facebook, twitter, orkut etc. The application of internet to access drugs and diagnostics which begin early in advent of infoage has matured into portals or virtual drugs stores popularly known as internet pharmacy. The advent of internet pharmacy and access of drugs and diagnostics is gaining popularity due to cost effectiveness, high speed delivery to door step of patients. The patient can order medicines from their own home in privacy.


    About Authors:
    Pushpendra Kumar Patel*,  Narendra Prajapati , Jyoti Sahu
    M. Pharma, T.I.T. College of Pharmacy,
    M.P. India

    It is a very well accepted fact that food, cloth and shelter are essential stuff for human beings, but the real fact behind these are only to achieve  good health , so that one can survive and enjoy the charm of god gifted life. As the health is prime importance than any of others, so it’s novel responsibility of that person to keep the world healthy, and that person is proudly called as health care professional, Dr. and pharmacist both comes under it, but the pharmacist is the base of health care profession. A person who is directly and actively involved in the life cycle of medicine. It concludes study from new entity to its elimination. Simply the person deals with biochemical mechanism of action of drug, drugs therapeutic role, side effect, potential interaction, and monitoring parameter.

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