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Clinical research courses

  • Career Opportunity at AIDS Healthcare Foundation as Prevention Program Assistant

    Founded in 1987, AIDS Healthcare Foundation is the largest specialized provider of HIV/AIDS medical care in the nation. Our mission is to provide cutting edge medicine and advocacy, regardless of ability to pay. Through our healthcare centers, pharmacies, health plan, research and other activities, AHF provides access to the latest HIV treatments for all who need them.

    Post : Prevention Program Assistant (South)- India

  • Walk in interview for Pharmacist under State AIDS Control Society - Govt. Job | B.Pharm, D.Pharm

    Applications are hereby invited for a Walk-in-Interview for filling up the following vacant posts under Assam State AIDS Control Society, Khanapara, Guwahati - 22 to be appointed in the ART Centre Jorhat Medical College Hospital. Jorhat, Assam on contract basis initially for a period of one year which may be renewed based on performance appraisal and co-terminus with the project. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof.

    Post : Pharmacist

  • Using gene editing technology, researchers at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University have, for the first time, successfully excised a segment of HIV-1 DNA - the virus responsible for AIDS - from the genomes of living animals. The breakthrough, described online this month in the journal Gene Therapy, is a critical step in the development of a potentially curative strategy for HIV infection.



    Dr. (Mrs.) Anita Singh

    Department of Home Science,
    Kr. R.C.M. P.G College Mainpuri, U.P, India

    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lent virus (slowly-replicating retrovirus) that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDs). Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells. HIV enters macrophages and CD4+ T cells by the adsorption of glycoproteins on its surface to receptors on the target cell followed by fusion of the viral envelope with the cell membrane and the release of the HIV capsid into the cell. There is no cure for HIV/AIDS, but a variety of drugs can be used in combination to control the virus.

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  • Openings for Degree in Pharmacy candidate at AIDS Control Committee
  • Low levels of vitamin D may limit immune recovery in HIV-positive adults undergoing treatment, says a new study. Those infected with HIV often struggle with declining health because their immune systems can not effectively respond to common pathogens.

  • Mosquitoes cannot transmit AIDS, why ???

    You might be read in media stating that mosquitoes transmitted HIV infections and many people still feel that mosquitoes may be responsible for transmission of HIV infection from one to another individual.

    There are three theoretical mechanisms which would allow blood-sucking insects such as mosquitoes to transmit HIV.

  • Pharmapedia: Top 10 incurable diseases

    We always talked much about growth of science and progress of treatments and combat of diseases. But still there are several questions which are not answerable. There are many diseases or syndromes which are still not curable. We try to highlight such top 10 diseases which occur most often.

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