In February 2013, Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK), a Child Health Screening and Early Intervention Services Programme to provide comprehensive care to all the children (from birth to 18 years of age) in the community. The objective of this ambitious programme is to improve the overall quality of life of children through early detection and management of birth Defects, Diseases, Deficiencies, Developmental Delays including Disability (4Ds) and provision of universal health care to children from birth to 18 years of age.All the children identified with any of the 4Ds will be given medical as well a s surgical treatment free of cost. The program has huge potential to alleviate future suffering of these children in the state, in general and those from rural areas, in particular, as equitable child health care. Moreover it will also reduce the out of pocket expenditure of the poor families spent on the treatment of health conditions in childhood. Haryana becomes the second state after Maharashtra to roll out this program in India.
Post : Pharmacist