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Vacancy for Pharmacist at District Health & Family Welfare Society

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Vacancy for Pharmacist at District Health & Family Welfare Society

District Health & Family Welfare Society, District Panipat invites applications on the prescribed format from the eligible candidate for filling up of the following vacant posts through prescribed selection criteria at the Civil Surgeon Office, Panipat of Haryana under National Health Mission, Haryana purely on contract basis initially upto 31.03.2023 with detail as mentioned below.

Post : Pharmacist

No. of Post & Program Name : 2 (1 - RBSK/MHTeam, 1 Ex Serviceman (SC) - NUHM for UPHC Samalkha)
Eligibility :

ESSENTIAL (i) 10+2 with Science (Physics & Chemistry). Diploma in Pharmacy from Recognized Institute.
(ii)  Registered as Pharmacist with Haryana Pharmacy Council under section 31 (a) or 31 (c) or 32 (a) of the Pharmacy act, 1948 as applicable to Haryana State.
DESIRABLE (i) Computer proficiency with familiarity of Data management and commonly used packages like MS word, Power Point and Excel etc. (ii) Knowledge of Hindi up to Matric standard

Entry Level Pay (in Rs.) : 12500/-

Important Instructions :
• No TA/DA will be paid for coming for Written Test/Interview.
• full particulars in clear legible handwriting with Contact No., E-mail ID, Postal Address with Pin code, passport sized photo, self attested copies of Educational Qualification, Experience and residence proof should be attached with the application form.  
• An application fees Rs. 200/- should be submitted in form of demand draft in the favour of “District Health & Family Welfare, Society Panipat''  payable at Panipat. This fee is not refundable. No application will be entertained without proper fee. The DD issued between date of advertisement and closing date only will be accepted.
• The posts are approved vide letter no. NHM/DFA/ROP/2022-23/4308 dated 05.08.2022. Please carefully read selection criteria before filling the application form vide letter no. letter No. NHM/Admin/HRC-1/2021 -22/7591 -7620 dated 20.09.2021. (copy attached)
• Completed Application forms will be accepted in Office of Civil Surgeon, Panipat on all the working days as per schedule from 9.00AM till 4:00 PM. The by hand application will be accepted only in working days till 4.00PM only. (The office will remain closed on Saturday, Sunday and Gazetted Holiday).
• Department will not be responsible for any postal delay, so last date of submission shall be strictly adhered to.
• Unfilled, unsigned and incomplete application forms will be considered as rejected.
• If a candidate has passed his/her Education from Private/Deemed University then he/she has to submit UGC approved certificate for university and Course for the period of concerned year of passing.
• No documents will be accepted alter submission of application form.
• Any sort of canvassing or influencing the officer related to selection and recruitment process would result m immediate disqualification of the candidate.
• One application will be considered for one post only.

• Service Bye Laws of NMM-2018 will be applicable for all the posts as given on website of NHM Haryana.
• District Authorities (Document Verification Committee) has right to reject any application if found improper or having misleading information.
• The authorities has right to cancel any of the post/interview at any time without specifying any reason.
• There may be change in number of posts and place of posting as per directions from office of Mission Director, National Health Mission Haryana
• Original document in support of academic qualifications and work experience shall be required to be produced at the time of interview.
• For claiming local area residential weightage any three of the following documents must be submitted along with application form; (i) Passport (ii) Election Card ID Card (iii) Ration Card with address (iv) Bank Passbook/Post office Pass Book (v) Caste and Domicile
• Certificate with address and the photo issued by State Govt, (vi) Parivar Pehchan Patra (vii) Electricity Bill (not older than last three months). No weightage will be given in absence of minimum three residential proofs (any of the above mentioned three documents).
• No person shall be appointed to the post in the service by direct recruitment who is less than 18 years or more than 42 years of age except for age relaxation as directed by Mission Director, National Health Mission Haryana.
• Number of posts can be increased or decreased by the NHM. These posts may be discontinued at any time depending upon the work load, requirement or validity of the project.
• Post of reserved category will be filled up as per Haryana Government Policy.
• A declaration has to be submitted along with application form by the applicant stating that there is no FIR or conviction/ acquittal/ arrest or pendency of a Criminal case against him or her.
• All the posts are non transferable and selected candidate will remain posted at the place of appointment.
• Any additional work/placement under NHM can be assigned by appointing authority.
• No separate call letter should be issued for Written Test/Interview. Candidates to check website of NHM Haryana for further update.

Instructions :
1. It is clarified that, no contractual staff under NHM , approved in RoP, should be recruited without proper advertisement and screening test.
2. The Screening test/Proficiency test is to check IQ, General Knowledge and information of the candidate about the concerned subject.
3. For every post, advertised, atleast 4-5 times the number of eligible Candidates should be shortlisted through screening/ proficiency test. If the total number of applicants are less than 2-3 times, the number of eligible candidates should be shortlisted through Screening/proficiency test only. Those candidates who are unable to get 40% in screening/proficiency test should not be shortlisted for further process of recruitment.
4. Please ensure that, a copy of the reference to Public Relation Department for advertisement should be endorsed to Private Secretary to Hon’ble Health Minister, Haryana.

Last date of submission of application forms complete in all aspects is upto 26.12.2022 till 04:00 PM Sharp.

Application Form & More Info

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