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GPAT courses

  • Interview for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, MSc in QA, QC, Production, Microbiology at Aspiro Pharma

    M. Sc-Chemistry, B. Pharmacy, B. Sc-Chemistry. Having injectable experience of Shop floor Supervising Activities like Component Preparation, Aseptic Filling, Compounding Operations, BMR Review and QMS Exposure.
  • Walk in Drive for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, MSc in QC Department at Piramal Pharma
    B.Pharma, M.Pharma, M.Sc; Good knowledge of HPLC , GC, Dissolution, UV Spectrophotometer , KF , Autotitratoranalysis, Lab incidents, OOS , OOT etc.
  • Advertisement for BPharm or MSc as Project Staff at North East Institute of Science & Technology

    CSIR - North East Institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat, a constituent establishment of CSIR, is a multidisciplinary institute having research areas like Chemical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Materials Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Geological Sciences, Advanced Computation and Data Sciences etc. The institute is equipped with sophisticated state-of-art analytical and other equipment to carry out research activities in frontier areas of science &technology.

  • NABI requires M.Pharm and MSc candidates for JRF, Project Associate, Research Associate posts
    M.Pharma, ME,M.Tech with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed journal. Understanding pesticides-induced toxicity in gut microbiota; Biomaterial from fungal source for industrial application
  • Walk in Drive for B.Pharm, MSc, MTech in Quality Control at Zydus Lifesciences
    B.Sc, B.Pharm, M.Sc. with 2 to 6 years of hands-on experience on HPLC, GC, Dissolution apparatus and UV –Visible Spectrometer. Should also have knowledge of weight analysis, stability studies, for Injectable dosage forms. Also require candidate with experience of Bio Assay QMS and analytical data Review.
  • Opportunity for M.Pharm, MSc, MTech to Join Manipal Academy of Higher Education as Research Assistant
    Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal invites applications for the position of Research Assistant for the Industry funded project titled Processing tilapia fish skin as a scaffold for burn wound healing at the Manipal Centre for Biotherapeutics Research , MAHE, Manipal.
  • Multiple Job openings at National Botanical Research Institute
    B.Pharm, M.Sc in Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry / Biochemistry; CSIR-NBRI undertakes basic and applied research in important areas of plant sciences.
  • Applications are invited for post of Scientist at NIIH, Salary Rs. 69440 pm

    ICMR-National Institute of Immunohaematology was established in the year 1957 with an aim to conduct multidisciplinary research related to Immunohaematology offer diagnostic services and provide training to medical and non medical professionals in the field of haematology, Immunology, genetics and conduct awareness programmes on haematological disorders.

    Post : Scientist B (Non Medical)

  • Fresher job in Pharma Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Microbiology at Baxter - BPharm / MSc
    Require freshers for Baxters Apprenticeship Program with the vision of building the talent for the future. Role, Pharma Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Microbiology and Engineering
  • Research Scientist job at JIPMER - salary Rs.66,080 month
    Ph.D. degree in Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Veterinary Sciences subject from a recognized University with one year R&D/Teaching experience in the relevant subject. Plan, design, and conduct an EQA program. Tasks include preparation of a sample bank, characterization of EQA samples, preparation and validation of the EQA panel, distribution of the panel, data collection, result analysis, and report and manuscript writing. Additionally, training subordinates etc
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