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Vacancy for Pharmacists in Municipal Corporation Nagpur, 04 vacancies

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Vacancy for Pharmacists in Municipal Corporation Nagpur

Applications are invited for filling up the posts of Staff Nurse and Drug Maker on contractual basis under the Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society, Municipal Corporation Nagpur National Urban Health Mission under the control of Health Department, Municipal Corporation Nagpur. Interested candidates should fill the online Google form from the link given below.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 4 (ST-1, VJ-1, NT-C-1, EWS-1)

Qualification : Diploma in Pharmacy (Registration with Pharmacy Council is mandatory) (Preference will be given to those with higher educational qualifications)

Age Limit : Maximum age limit for Backward Classes is 43 years and for Open Category is 38 years (Age condition is not applicable for candidates working in NHM)

Interested candidates should attach a Direct Debit (DD) of Rs. 100/- for Backward Classes and Rs. 150/- for Open Classes (non-refundable) from a nationalized bank payable in the name of "Corporation Integrated Health & Family Wellfare Society, Nagpur, payable at Nagpur (A/C No. 60401911738, IFSC CODE MAHB0001195)" along with the application. The candidate should write his/her name behind the direct debit.

Terms and Conditions
1) In terms of experience, both private and government experience will be considered. (The experience certificate should properly mention the duration of experience, date, signature, stamp, entry-exit number, etc. Experience points will be given only after verifying the experience certificate.)
2) The applicant should be physically and mentally fit for the relevant post, and no criminal case should have been registered against the applicant.
3) The candidate should be a resident of the state of Maharashtra.
4) No personal interview will be conducted for the said post. Candidates will be selected on merit. The said posts will be purely contractual under the National Urban Health Mission. They will not have any connection with the establishment of Nagpur Municipal Corporation. The salary for the posts is a combined honorarium.
5) Since all the above posts are filled on a contractual basis, the Civil Service Rules will not apply to them.
6) There may be a change in the total number of posts or reservation.
7) The above posts are to be filled on a purely contractual basis for the duration of the project only and the posts will automatically terminate on the closure of the project.

8) The candidate should attach attested copies of the following documents along with the application.
• Recent passport size photo-1 and own e-mail and telephone number
• Certificate that the applicant is a resident of the state of Maharashtra
• Caste certificate if the application is made in the category
• Date of birth certificate (school/college leaving certificate/birth certificate)
• Identity card-Aadhaar card/Voter card/Driving license
• Final year mark sheet of the basic educational qualification required for the post and registration certificate obtained from the government as per the post and renewal
• Postgraduate degree (PG Degree) and Postgraduate diploma certificate obtained in addition to the basic educational qualification required for the post
• Attested experience certificate

9) Preference will be given to candidates with higher educational qualifications and experience.
10) Age, experience, educational qualifications and records of the candidates will be considered till the date of publication of the advertisement.
11) The Selection Committee reserves the right to cancel the recruitment or selection process at any time and no objections/requests can be raised against it.
12) The right to accept/reject the application form, to make timely changes in the selection process and to take the final decision in this regard is reserved with the Chairman Selection Committee and Commissioner M.N.P. Nagpur.
13) If any political pressure is brought by the candidate, he/she will be disqualified for interview and appointment.
14) The selected candidate will have to sign an agreement on a bond paper of Rs. 100/- in the prescribed format at the time of joining. (It will be mandatory to strictly follow the terms of the agreement during the service.)
15) If, after the recruitment advertisement is issued for the posts for which the reserved category is as per the point list, the required reserved category candidates are not available in sufficient quantity through the following process, keeping in mind the need for recruitment of vacant posts and keeping in mind that the National Urban Health Mission is a mission to be implemented within the time limit, temporary appointment will be given to the eligible candidates from the open category selected in the waiting list for a period of 11 months.
16) Detailed advertisement, list of eligible/ineligible candidates, selection/waiting list and all information/notices regarding the recruitment process will be published from time to time on the website No separate correspondence will be sent to the applicant in this regard.

Interested candidates should submit their application along with a photocopy of their certificates to the office within the stipulated time. Applications received after the stipulated time will not be considered for the recruitment process. Also, applications received through e-mail will not be considered. Applications should be submitted in person to the office. Applications sent by registered post/courier within the scheduled time will be considered if received in the office by 17/03/2025, it should be noted.
Application Acceptance Place:-
Nagpur Municipal Corporation, Health Department, Fifth Floor.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj New Administrative Building, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440001

Application Form & More Info

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