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Clinical research courses

  • Job for Pharmacists at District Health Society, Porbandar | 6 posts

    Posses a degree in Pharmacy or a diploma in Pharmacy of a recognized university, or an equivalent educational qualification and must have registered his, her name with the Gujarat Pharmacy council. A candidate possessing knowledge of Computer in a additional qualification.
  • Vacancy for Pharmacist at District Health Society Porbandar

    Under National Health Mission under different programs under different cadres in Porbandar district the below mentioned staff posts are advertised to be filled on a purely temporary basis for 11 months contract basis and to create a waiting list. Validly qualified candidates dt. 26/12/2022 to By 04/01/2023 online applications have to be done on the given link

    Following are the details clarifying the requirement qualification, age wise high monthly salary and experience required for the above post.

  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry Job as Analyst at BECIL

    Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013 and ISO/IEC 20000:2012 certified, Mini Ratna, Central Public Sector Enterprise of Government of India was established on 24th March 1995. BECIL provides project consultancy services and turnkey solutions encompassing the entire gamut of radio and television broadcast engineering viz; content production facilities, terrestrial transmission facilities, satellite and cable broadcasting facilities in India and abroad.

  • Job Openings for Pharmacists (254 posts) under Service Selection Board

    Health and Family Welfare Department has created wide network of health and medical care facilities in the state to provide primary, secondary and tertiary health care at the door step of every citizen of Gujarat with prime focus on BPL families and weaker sections in rural/urban slum areas. Department also takes appropriate actions to create adequate educational facilities for medical and paramedical manpower in the state of Gujarat.

    Post : Junior Pharmacist

  • Opportunity as Analyst at BECIL - Govt of India Enterprise | 05 posts

    Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013 and ISO/IEC 20000:2012 certified, Mini Ratna, Central Public Sector Enterprise of Government of India was established on 24th March 1995. BECIL provides project consultancy services and turnkey solutions encompassing the entire gamut of radio and television broadcast engineering viz; content production facilities, terrestrial transmission facilities, satellite and cable broadcasting facilities in India and abroad.

  • Job for Pharmacists (08 posts) under NHM Porbandar

    N.H.M. in Porbandar district Under the program, the following contract based posts are filled on a temporary basis for a period of 11 months.

    Post : Pharmacist (RBSK)

  • Vacancy for Pharmacist under NUHM program

    NUHM program in Porbandar district, the following contract based posts have to be filled for 11 months with fixed salary.

    Post : Pharmacist (UPHC)

  • Indian Army Sepoy Pharma Recruitment

    The Indian Army promises both professional and personal growth at every stage of the career. Opportunities to excel through various courses are abundant including opportunities to enhance your educational qualification by availing two years paid study leave. The inherent adventure and extra-curricular activities in the Army ensure an all round development essential in today's world. Art of War-Engineering-Medicine-Administration-Human Resource Development and Management; the army teaches you all.

  • Walk in interview for Pharmacist in GSACS - Civil Hospital

    Gujarat state is one of the highly industrially developed states in the country. Being an industrialized state, migration of laborers from various parts of India is very high. Mobility and migration of people make them more vulnerable, as a result of separation from spouse and release of social sanctions, leading to high-risk sexual practices and consequently they may contract HIV, which in turn is carried to their spouses and to their children. On the one hand, with an increase in urbanization most of the societies are in transition and the young population is under less social restraint. On the other hand, lower literacy level of rural women, especially in the state and local customs & traditions make women more vulnerable to the infection. Large numbers of women suffer from reproductive tract infections (RTIs), which are mainly due to poor sexual hygiene especially during menstruation and sexually transmitted infections from their spouses.

    Post: Pharmacist

  • Vacancies for Pharmacists in Department of Health & Family Welfare, NRHM - 992 posts

    Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat has created wide network of health and medical care facilities in the state to provides primary, secondary and tertiary health care atthe door step of every citizen of Gujarat with prime focus on BPL families, marginalized population and weaker sections in rural and urban slum areas. Department also takes appropriate actions to create adequate educational facilities for medical and paramedical manpower in the state of Gujarat.

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