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Vacancy for Pharmacist at District Health Society Porbandar

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Vacancy for Pharmacist at District Health Society Porbandar

Under National Health Mission under different programs under different cadres in Porbandar district the below mentioned staff posts are advertised to be filled on a purely temporary basis for 11 months contract basis and to create a waiting list. Validly qualified candidates dt. 26/12/2022 to By 04/01/2023 online applications have to be done on the given link

Following are the details clarifying the requirement qualification, age wise high monthly salary and experience required for the above post.

Post : Pharmacist (UPHC Level)

No.of vacant post : 01
Programme Name : NUHM

Educational Qualification : Posses a degree in Pharmacy or a diploma in Pharmacy of a recognized university, or an equivalent educational qualification and must have registered his/her name with the Gujarat Pharmacy council. A candidate possessing knowledge of Computer in a additional qualification.
Experience:- Provided that preference shall be given to a candidate having experience in dispensing the mecicine in Hospital or dispensaries.

Age limit : 58 Years
Monthly Fix Honorarium : Rs.13000/-

Important Note on Online Form Filling :
1. Only the application received by the candidate online at will be accepted. Reg. AD/Courier/ordinary post or personal post will not be accepted or considered valid.
2. A photocopy of the original document in a legible and legible manner must be uploaded in the software. If clear, illegible documents are uploaded, such application will be rejected.
3. Applications with incomplete details will not be considered.
4. A candidate cannot apply more than once.
5. The age limit will be calculated on the last date for receipt of applications mentioned in the advertisement for age limit i.e. the last date for receipt of applications mentioned in the advertisement for age limit in case of all candidates. The status of 04/01/23 will be considered.

Last Date : 04/01/2023 (11:59 PM)

Advertise No. NHM/2021-2022/11

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