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pharma courses



  • Admission open for MBA Pharmaceutical Management at IIHMR University

    32.17 lakh per annum – highest salary offered to MBA Pharmaceutical Student

    Thats an awesome WoW – IIHMR University School of Pharmaceutical Management
    IIHMR University is a power brand in the Recruitment Space


    If you are a final year Law, Science, Engineering and Pharmacy students/graduates? You have an excellent opportunity to enhance your career and job prospects by clearing the Patent or Trademark Agent Exam 2025.

    To help you in the preparation of these exams, we are thrilled to invite you for a FREE WEBINAR on 25th July hosted by the Academy of Patents on “HOW and WHY to Clear the Patent Agent and Trademark Agent Exam #2025”.

  • Hiring Area Manager, Zonal Manager, Regional Manager at Alembic Pharma

    Legacy of Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited (APL) dates back to over 100 years. Established in 1907 with an objective to develop and revolutionize the Pharmaceutical and Drug industry in the Indian subcontinent, Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited today is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in India.

    Post : Area Manager, Zonal Manager, Regional Manager

  • Lupin are looking for Marketing Executive, Marketing Trainee

    Lupin Limited is one of India's largest manufacturers of bulk actives and formulations. The principal bulk actives manufactured by it include Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol (anti-TB), Cephalosporins (anti-infectives) and cardiovasculars. The company also possesses competencies in phytomedicines, in which medicines are made out of plant and herbal resources supported by the discipline of modern medicine.

    Lupin are looking for the right talent to join Field Force, Marketing Executive / Marketing Trainee.

  • Pharma Ascent 2023 - Top 10 All India Rank

    Pharma Ascent 2023 was held on 2nd April, 2023. Students from different colleges and universities were participated in pre GPAT Exam.

  • Job for Medical Representative at Lupin Pharma

    Lupin Limited is one of India's largest manufacturers of bulk actives and formulations. The principal bulk actives manufactured by it include Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol (anti-TB), Cephalosporins (anti-infectives) and cardiovasculars. The company also possesses competencies in phytomedicines, in which medicines are made out of plant and herbal resources supported by the discipline of modern medicine.

    Post : Medical Representative

  • Recruitment for Regional Sales Managers at Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited

    Legacy of Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited (APL) dates back to over 100 years. Established in 1907 with an objective to develop and revolutionize the Pharmaceutical and Drug industry in the Indian subcontinent, Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited today is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in India.

    Post : Regional Sales Managers

  • Recruitment for Pharmacist at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Skin Disorders

    This Institute intends to engage services of the following posts on contract & Co-terminus basis for the projects of Reproductive Child Health (RCH) and Tribal Health Care Research Project (TSP) initially for a period of six months which may be extended at the discretion of the competent authority.

    Post : Pharmacist

  • LINGAYA’S GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS Invites applications for the post of Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors

    Lingaya's group is a gamut of academic Institutions established in 1998 by "Lingayas University Society " in the memory of great freedom fighter Late Shri Gadde Lingaya who sacrificed his life at the alter of the freedom of his motherland. Since Lingaya's Group very foundations are based on the dreams of a noble visionary son of India,its singular objective and mission is to facilitate and to promote studies, research and extension work with a focus on professional education in the emerging areas of higher education in the desciplanes of engineering technology,management,computer application and various academic programmes, and also to achive excellence in these and related fields. Thereby to equip the students to become effective professionals with career prospects to meet the emerging global and industrial need of the society and nation in the 21st century. Lingaya's Group is very much dedicated to engender differant experts through various forms of education.With the efforts and achivements, Lingaya's Group is spreading to every nook of the world.

    Post: Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors

  • 7th National Symposium on Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research on “Improving Health Outcomes Through Evidence Based Practices” organized by ISPOR

    International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR) Founded in 1995, ISPOR is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public organization for educational and scientific purposes, as defined by the US IRS, and a non-profit research organization under the European Commission 7 the Framework Programme. The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) promotes the science of Pharmacoeconomics (health economics) and outcomes research (the scientific discipline that evaluates the effect of health care interventions on patient well-being including clinical, economic, and patient-centered outcomes) and facilitates the translation of this research into useful information for health care decision makers to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and fairness of health care to improve health. ISPOR has over 7300 members from 105 countries. In addition, the 69 ISPOR Regional Chapters have more than 6000 members, extending ISPOR’s outreach to over 13,300 members worldwide.

    International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR) - India Andhra Pradesh Regional Chapter.
    The ISPOR India - Andhra Pradesh Chapter was approved in June 14, 2012, established under the leadership of Dr. Y. Padmanabha Reddy (President – ISPOR India AP Chapter) comprising of 274 members. The Chapter focuses on developing a new approach of Pharmacy practice education from a regular curriculum wise teaching to an actual healthcare orientation /health outcome based training to maintain and improve patients quality of life and adhere to rationality use of medications. The chapter has organized one international conference and six national conferences within a span of 4 years which is well appreciated by all professional bodies of Pharmacy profession and ISPOR. The branch adages constant and novel contribution towards the evidence based learning, teaching, practice and research in pharmacy profession with global standards.

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