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Clinical research courses

  • Communication for Development Specialist in UNICEF

    UNICEF has been working in India since 1949. The largest UN organisation in the country, UNICEF is fully committed to working with the Government of India to ensure that each child born in this vast and complex country gets the best start in life, thrives and develops to his or her full potential.
    The challenge is enormous but UNICEF is well placed to meet it. The organisation uses quality research and data to understand issues, implements new and innovative interventions that address the situation of children, and works with partners to bring those innovations to fruitition.

    Post: Development Specialist

  • Hindustan Antibiotics Limited requires Deputy General Manager (Manufacturing) | Govt. of India

  • Worlds poor to get pneumonia vaccines at affordable cost

    In a novel agreement, two global pharma majors have planned to make available their top-selling pneumonia vaccines at one-eighth of the market rates to save lives of poor children in developing countries.

    Every day, 4,384 people, mostly children below the age of five, die due to preventable pneumococcal diseases, primarily pneumonia and meningitis. Most of these deaths, 1.6 million in a year, occur in some of the world’s poorest countries.

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