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Communication for Development Specialist in UNICEF

Clinical research courses

UNICEF has been working in India since 1949. The largest UN organisation in the country, UNICEF is fully committed to working with the Government of India to ensure that each child born in this vast and complex country gets the best start in life, thrives and develops to his or her full potential.
The challenge is enormous but UNICEF is well placed to meet it. The organisation uses quality research and data to understand issues, implements new and innovative interventions that address the situation of children, and works with partners to bring those innovations to fruitition.

Post: Development Specialist

Purpose of the Position
Under the general guidance of the Chief, Programme Communication, and in close coordination with the Chiefs of Health, Nutrition, WASH and Advocacy & Partnerships Sections, the incumbent is responsible for the design, management, execution, monitoring and evaluation of social and  behaviour change communication strategies in support of Maternal, Neonatal, Child health with particular attention to routine immunization. This post is part of an intersectoral team and contributes to the behaviour change component of the overall Integrated Early Childhood Development approach, which includes the Health, Child/Nutrition and Child Environment programmes.

Key Expected Results
1.  Based on formative studies/review of secondary data and stakeholder consultations, coordinates the development and implementation of national and subnational levels SBCC strategies for RI and other behaviors related to RMNCH+A.
2. Monitor and evaluate activities on the basis of applied communication research and undertake frequent visits to project sites to monitor implementation.  Disseminate communication research findings, ensure exchange of experience and new methods to government officials, programme staff and other UNICEF partners. Dissemination of research includes publications in peer review journals.
3. Provide on-site technical guidance to State POs and government counterparts in the development and appropriate use of communication for social development aimed at both individual behaviour change and collective action to accelerate project implementation focusing on WASH and nutrition related practices.
4.  In collaboration with partners, organize/manage formative research to develop C4D models, methods and validate media innovations using standard parameters for adoption and/or scale up.
5. Develop national level partnerships with religious groups, traditional leaders, teachers, artists and other organized groups in the community, as well as civil society organizations, to orient them on country programme goals and to solicit their involvement in mobilising for . Provide back-up assistance to state Project Officers in planning and implementation of C4D interventions around WASH, Nutrition and Health related behaviors  at state and district level.
6.  Organise and facilitate meetings, training sessions and workshops on behavioural communication, social marketing and other techniques that aim at changing mindsets, individual behaviour and collective action.  Support programme sustainability by developing training materials and activities to build capacity in participatory  &  behaviour communication among government counterparts, at all levels, UNICEF as well as other partners and NGOs involved in UNICEF-assisted health, WASH and nutrition projects.
7. Assist Section Chief in resource mobilisation and donor partnership development/maintenance, as well as advocacy efforts to promote lifesaving behaviors and social norms that contribute to child survival and development. Participate in health sector and inter-sectoral meetings and provide technical guidance on behaviour development, especially as it relates to young people and adolescents. Contribute to health donor reports and project proposals as needed, especially related to RMNCH+A.
8. Provide assistance to government and other key stakeholders to stimulate demand for services and promote practices regarding child survival, growth and development especially the most deprived.

Qualifications of Successful Candidate
Advanced university degree in the social/behavioural sciences (Communication, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Health Education) with emphasis on participatory communication, communication planning, social mobilization, participatory research, training and impact evaluation of communication interventions.

Eight years progressively responsible relevant work experience in the planning and management of social development programmes, including four years in developing countries, with practical experience in the adaptation and application of communication planning processes to specific programmes, especially public health.

Experience in life skills education and peer-to-peer approaches preferred.

Fluency in English and another UN language.  Knowledge of the local working language of the duty station would be an asset.

Competencies of Successful Candidate
- Has highest-level communication skills, including engaging and informative formal public speaking.
- Able to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment.
- Sets high standards for quality of work and consistently achieves project goals.
- Has good leadership and supervisory skills; co-ordinates group activities, ensuring that roles within the team are clear.
- Quickly builds rapport with individuals and groups; maintains an effective network of  individuals across organizational departments.
- Demonstrates and shares detailed technical knowledge and expertise.
- Translates strategic direction into plans and objectives.
- Negotiates effectively by exploring a range of possibilities.
- Seeks and proposes opportunities for advancing UNICEF's mission.

Additional Information:
Experience: 3-5 years
Location: Delhi
Industry Type: Pharma/ Biotech/Clinical Research
Job Level: P-4
Position#: 00040125
End Date: 13th October, 2014

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