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GPAT courses

  • Job opening as Program Manager under BioNEST at Panjab University

    One of the oldest Universities in India, the Panjab University (PU) initiated at Lahore in 1882, has a long tradition of pursuing excellence in teaching and research in science and technology, humanities, social sciences, performing arts and sports. The University supports excellence and innovation in academic programmes, promotes excellence in research, scholarship and teaching. The University is committed to attract and support the best students and faculty, who excel at teaching and research. In independent India, Panjab University with its Campus at Chandigarh and nearly two hundred colleges in Punjab state and Chandigarh U.T., has served various societal needs with distinction.

    Post : Program Manager

  • Job Openings in Multiple department at Biocon Limited | walk in jobs

    Biocon is a research-driven, global healthcare company with a strong matrix of capabilities along the biopharmaceutical value chain. Focusing on unmet medical needs in cancer, diabetes and inflammatory diseases, it offers novel therapies on a platform of affordable innovation. Biocon together with group companies employs more than 2500 employees with approxmimately Rs 1,000 crore turnover and is expected to grow further during the current financial year.

  • Vacancy for B.Pharm in Longitudinal study at National Chemical Laboratory

    National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune, established in 1950, is a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). CSIR-NCL is a science and knowledge based research, development and consulting organization. It is internationally known for its excellence in scientific research in chemistry and chemical engineering as well as for its outstanding track record of industrial research involving partnerships with industry from concept to commercialization.

    Post : Yoga Instructor

  • Vacancy for Assistant R&D Manager at Unilever

    Unilever is a British-Dutch transnational consumer goods company co-headquartered in London, United Kingdom and Rotterdam, Netherlands. Its products include food and beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. It is the world's largest consumer goods company measured by 2012 revenue.

    Post : Assistant R&D Manager

  • Recruitment for M.Pharm, B.Pharm in QA, Production, Store & Purchase at IDPL | Govt. of India Undertaking

    Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited (IDPL) is a Central Public Sector Undertaking wholly owned by the Government of India engaged in manufacture of pharmaceuticals with plants at Rishikesh, Gurgaon & Hyderabad and two Subsidiary Units at Chennai and Muzaffarpur. IDPL was established with main objective of creating self-sufficiency in respect of essential life saving medicines, to free the country from dependence on imports and to provide medicines to the millions at affordable prices and not to make millions from the medicines.

  • Walk in interview for M.Pharm, M.Sc, B.Pharm in research at IITG

    Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, the sixth member of the IIT fraternity, was established in 1994. The academic programme of IIT Guwahati commenced in 1995. At present the Institute has eleven departments and three inter-disciplinary academic centres covering all the major engineering, science and humanities disciplines, offering BTech, BDes, MA, MDes, MTech, MSc and PhD programmes.

    Post : JRF (GATE)

  • Applications are invited for Assistant Professor at R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research

    R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Formerly known as R.C. Patel College of Pharmacy established in June 1992 with the aim to enhance the quality education in the field of Pharmacy and empower the quality pharmacist so that they serve the society to develop lifesaving drugs. Right from its establishment the institute has maintained the quality with assurance in terms of Accreditation from National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi (NBA) twice on 2005 and 2009 for the B. Pharm course. Institute also accredited by NAAC, Bangalore for the period of 5 years.

    Applications are invited for the vacant posts in  Shirpur Education Society’s No Grant basis Pharmacy College.

  • Job Openings for for Junior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Project Assistant at NIPER

    National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) is the first national level institute in pharmaceutical sciences with a proclaimed objective of becoming a centre of excellence for advanced studies and research in pharmaceutical sciences. The Government of India has declared NIPER as an 'Institute of National Importance'. It is an autonomous body set up under the aegis of Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India. The Institute is conceived to provide leadership in pharmaceutical sciences and related areas not only within the country, but also to the countries in South East Asia, South Asia and Africa. NIPER is a member of Association of Indian Universities and Association of Commonwealth Universities.

  • Walk in interview for Junior Research Fellow at IITG | B.Pharm, M.Sc

    Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, the sixth member of the IIT fraternity, was established in 1994. The academic programme of IIT Guwahati commenced in 1995. At present the Institute has eleven departments and three inter-disciplinary academic centres covering all the major engineering, science and humanities disciplines, offering BTech, BDes, MA, MDes, MTech, MSc and PhD programmes.

    Applications are invited for a Walk in interview for the following post(s) in the project entitled, "Chemical Biology Approaches to exploit FIKK kinase(s) from plasmodium falciparum to develop potent Anti-malarials." at the department of Biosciences & Bioengineering, IIT Guwahati.

  • Applications are invited for Research Associate, JRF, Project Assistant at CSRTI

    Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute (CSRTI), Mysore, the pioneer research institution in the field of tropical sericulture, was established at Chennapattna in 1961 under the administrative control of Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India for the over all development of silk industry in the country. During the course of development the Institute was shifted to Mysore the princely city in the year 1963. Over the years the Institute has grown in to a full pledged centre of excellence and provided commendable support to enhance silk productivity and quality ensuring generation of higher income for the farmers.

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